Pinkshine awoke today to a shining sun, to chirping birds, and to the scent of rain soon to come... Leaf-bare has been pretty kind to WindClan this time around... She wasn't super hungry or anything. Her and Featherspine's nest hasn't withered to an ugly, crackling heap just yet. The worst of Leaf-bare has been the cold, and it seems even that as come to end. The sun's rays warm her back. Gone is the achingly frozen ground that made her paws sting as she walked. She feels like she can smell the flowers blooming.

But honestly, she's not happy about it! Like, at all! She had just gotten used to the cold— became a proper snowcat— and now its just warm again? How was that any fair? Why could the sun just do that? It's not like it grew in Newleaf and shrank in Leaf-fall. It'd be pretty cool if if did, in her opinion! If you're going to look the exact same all the time, the least you can do is act it, too. She's just trying to sit and mind her business and stuff, but the burning sand is literally melting her paws off. Pinkshine sinks to the ground in defeat, her voice pitched high in a grating whine. "It is sooo hooooot! I'm gonna die!"

Maybe she could be more appreciative if she just imagined it was like... Sunstar playing a prank on them. But it actually just makes her even more upset. How was he gonna up and die, and then just leave them with terrible weather? And then she remembers that he didn't even die, he just ditched them! How mean is that? He was completely the worst Leader ever. Besides like, Sootstar or whatever. Setting her chin in the burning scorching hot sand completely melting her fur and skin and flesh and bones off, she huffs. "WindClan's over..."

notably: it isn't actually that hot! <3


Newleaf is here, in all its glory; Bluefrost drinks it in with her first breath, lets the sun warm her whiskers and the breeze snarl in her fur. She had spent the worst of the year curled into a nest around kittens, and she is pleased that right as it is time for her to resume her warrior duties, there will be prey emerging from their burrows and flowers blossoming to life on the moor. She exits the nursery with a near-smile on her muzzle, enjoying the tepid bathwater morning. If she strains, she thinks she can even hear birdsong—

The gentle song of newleaf's arrival is halted by a petulant whining. Bluefrost turns with palpable surprise as Pinkshine flings herself onto the ground and cries that she is gonna die because it's hot! The smoke-furred queen's near-smile turns into an immediate frown. "You are behaving more ridiculously than any one of the kits in the nursery," she chides.

But more importantly than Pinkshine's notorious lack of decorum is the root of her behavior. Bluefrost feels the sun on her pelt, sure, but hot? There's still a bit of a nip to the air when the wind finds its footing. It's temperate at best. The smoke-furred queen twitches an ear, uncomfortable. "You are not getting sick, are you? Or is this all for show?"

Bluefrost is a WindClan queen. She is small, apprentice-sized, with a thick and fluffy gray-smoked pelt. The fur lining her cheeks meets her chest and creates the appearance of a silvery-white mane. Her face is decorated in sparkle-like ivory markings. She has narrow, elegant emerald eyes and dark blue-gray "stockings" that end in white forepaws.

Sootstar x Weaselclaw / sibling to Shriketalon, Sootspot, Moorblossom, Addervenom, Harrierstripe, Cottonsprig / mate to Thriftfeather / mother to Rimekit, Comfreykit, Foalkit, Sootkit, Asterkit
mentored by Sootstar / previously mentored Brackenscar / mentoring none
25 moons old as of 01/14/2025
penned by Marquette

  • Angry
Reactions: PINKSHINE

Yes! Sedgepounce has been tallying off the days until Newleaf. It's the Goldilocks of seasons. The days aren't too long or too short, the weathers neither too cold or too warm. The rainstorms are a miss for him, but at the very least they bring about all the springblooms around the meadow. He loves Newleaf, and he's so thrilled about experiencing the first, actually warm day all Leafbare that not even Bluefrost's notorious grouching can bring him down. In fact, he's halfway inclined to agree with some of her sentiment, kinda maybe.

"It's, like, pretty mild out?" he murmurs in agreement, far more amused than the frigid queen at Pinkshine's hyperbole. Settling on the sunwarmed sands, Sedgepounce sticks out a paw to brush over Pinkshine's forehead. He huffs out a laugh. "You don't even feel that warm?"
  • Wow
Reactions: PINKSHINE
Bad things kinda happen a lot in WindClan. Especially lately, which sucks. But the good thing about those bad things is WindClan usually agreed they were bad! She felt the community! The comradery! And other "C" words as well! But something is going so terribly wrong today... Cause no one is fanning her poor face or even going, "so true, Pinkshine! You always speak the truth!" No... they're judging her!

There's no way Bluefrost could be calling her childish right now! She's far from a child! She's grown! And she would prove this with a very grown pout, and remarkably adult, "Nuh-uh!" What did Bluefrost even know about kits? Besides like, queen stuff or whatever.

"Meh meh, meh meh mehmehmeh?" her Sedgepounce impression is spot on, for sure. Her annoyed huff— filtered through a good-enough smile— shifts the sands in front of her. He's lucky she even lets a guy with that annoying of a voice touch her! She flattens her ears when she does, the mismatched points perking when he withdraws. Why does he get to say how she feels, huh? "Uh, yeah I do! You're not me!" She thought he was gonna comfort her, not just sit there and tell her she's wrong!

"I can tell when I'm siiiiiick!" She asserts. Again: grown! "Why are those the only two options? You rigged the test!" She was being completely and totally ganged up on right now, not just by her clanmates, but the literal sun too! Today might be... the worst ever, she's becoming pretty certain.
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  • Haha
Reactions: Marquette

Featherspine had been content to just stand nearby, attention briefly and vaguely captured by surrounding green-ness. Not idyllic or anything, but it was better certainly than it had been... and the heat, hardly a tick upwards, was not worth comment. At least... in his opinion. Though she and Pinkshine often disagreed on petty things, small clashes taken barely-seriously that kept their conversations exciting, he had't seen her quite this worked up in a while. Bluefrost earned a masterful retort, but it was Sedgepounce's flatly awful attempt at reassurance that took on the brunt of Pinkshine's... fury.

And Featherspine snorted. A sound behind his teeth, a shudder of the shoulders in her approach; yellow eyes befell the scene crescented slightly, rather than narrowed. Oh, it was brilliant... had there been less eyes around, she might have grinned.

"I don't think you're faking it," he told her, mostly-able to wipe the remnants of laughter from his voice. Owl-eyes gave her a once-over... there was nothing obviously wrong, nothing stuck to her pelt that might be making her feel stuffier than usual. "Buh- b-but it really isn't that hot. So..."

Featherspine's nose wrinkled. In play, mostly... though if she really was sick, there was a bit of truth to it. "You b-buh... b-buh-better not have given me anything." His assumption was made. "Should we find some shade?"
✦ penned by pin​
  • Wow
Reactions: PINKSHINE


Pinkshine's commotion is quick to gather others, as she soon joins the other four with a fictionally raised eyebrow. "Do you want me to get Cottonsprig, Pinkshine?" The cream sepia would inquire softly as she glances at the others as they attempt to rebunk the tortoiseshell's complaints about the battering warmth. With flowers starting to bloom, the snow finally melting, and wildlife returning to the moorlands, the weather had begun to warm daily. "Maybe it feels hot because Newleaf is coming..." Mallowtail would ponder as she looked at the others to see if they agreed with her or not. Featherspine is quick to his mate's side but also comes to the conclusion that it's hot but not as hot as she claims.

The moorrunner glances back at Pinkshine as she gives a gentle smile to the tunneler. "Some shade and a wet moss will help cool you off. It is a bit hot outside, but maybe it's because we got used to Leaf-bare's cold." She would murmur to see if Pinkshine would accept Featherspine and her's suggestions to get into a more relaxing position. The last thing they needed was Pinkshine actually being sick and them treating it lightly, then it contracting to others or getting worse. It would also be good for Sedgepounce and Bluefrost to assist in any way they wished while they were here or leave if the situation was handled with Pinkshine's consent.
i. ooc