pafp BLEEDING OUT ♡ Spar

Tensions were rising between Windclan and the other four clans. Petalnose had stood guard during the gathering, however, she was told well of the situation clouding. Heavily, she was surprised they even showed up to the gathering to state their claim. Even more so, she was surprised that a large battle hadn't commenced. Prepared the molly always wanted to be. Prepared and strong. The rouge catastrophe allowed her frame to thin and weaken, but now were muscles beginning to form once more.

Spars were best to be prepared for the next hit to their clan, so the feline spoke for a volunteer to head for the Beech Copse. Once she had found her partner in training, @Bounceheart , she had begun strong and steady. "Come on... Show me what you got!" Petalnose urged within strong tone, hoping to boost more energy out of the other to foment challenge.

Quickly she had circled her comrade and aimed to suddenly knock her over with a shove of her shoulder as she progressed past. Eyes locked on Bounceheart's frame, looking for a weakening opening to strike once more. Would she fall? Would she dodge or balance? The thrill she had missed so desperately had begun to course through her once more. For once she had felt in touch with her youthful spirit again, as the moons of torment had felt aging.

//Please wait for Bounceheart before posting! :3

bounceheart ✧ she/her ✧ riverclan warrior (=˃ᆺ˂=)

Petalnose's call for a spar had popped the fog bubble crowding her head. "I would love to!" would be her eager response. So off the two went, tails swishing to different beats on their way. The beating in her chest was both from anxiety and a weird mix of excitement. Bounceheart, too, was experiencing that familiar rush.

As the other began to circle her, she would begin to shift her weight between her paws as though she was dancing. Petalnose's shove caused her to stumble backwards. "Oh, you're a bit strong!" They had not had the pleasure of sparring before. Now feeling a bit riled up, her tail slashed the air and a grin had found her maw.

Coming back at the other warrior, Bounce aimed a couple swipes at her paws to throw the lead warrior off balance. Her style was more cat-fighty; quick on her paws, trying to take her opponent by surprise. What she lacked in strength could be made up with wits and speed, if she reacted quickly enough that is.

LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
While hunting was a priority in Bristlepaws training at the moment, Lakemoon could not deny the new oncoming risk that had grown this leaf-fall, Sootstar and her soldiers that dwelled just across the border.
Not long after the gathering had the warrior began to incorporate combat training into her and Bristlepaws lessons, demonstrating basic moves and having him mimic her to prepare him for his own spars to partake in, both with her and his peers.
The duo would have just arrived to the Beech Copse when the circling forms of Petalnose and Bounceheart would catch her attention.
Both experienced warriors, and Petalnose a formidable opponent from what Lakemoon had been able to see, she’d touch her tail to her apprentices shoulder as a signal to stop, and gesture to the sparring duo.
"Lets watch for a moment." She hums lowly, eyes flickering to and fro as she watches Petalnose dart forward and knock into Bounceheart, how the other returned the favor by swiping at the lead warriors paws.
So far, it seemed to be a game of cat-and-mouse, light strikes and evading.
Yet, games do not last forever.
"Watch their fighting styles, notice how they are relying on speed and accuracy rather than head-on force, why do you think that is?" Lakemoon thrums, giving her apprentice something to mull over.
Lakemoon herself found that her talents rested with brute force, her long legs giving her a better reach, and bold attacks giving her opponents little time to counter.
Yet, every warrior was different, and Lakemoon figured that was something useful to learn.

/ apprentice tag — @BRISTLEPAW

The tabby smirked at the compliment as Bounceheart slashed at her paws, backing up upon each throw acting as if she were going to stumble and then she suddenly lurched forward. Petalnose aimed to shove the other to the ground with her front paws, combining brute force with speed and attempted mental manipulation hoping to be successful. Mind tricks were a game she had enjoyed to throw, throwing intelligence into the physical exercise of the spar. An art she was talented, knowing well mentality played a role in battle.

Ears twitched as she heard company, Lakemoon observing and teaching her apprentice upon their speed inclusive skills. Eyes kept locked upon Bounceheart whether she had pinned her or not, refusing to grow distracted. "Your turn." She hummed, an expectant smirk playing into her features. "Unless I've intimidated you already." A tease to rile her up further, wondering if her opponent would keep biting. Surely she would, they had just started.

"Don't be afraid to give your all." A challenge and invitation, but in a way it was a playful tease. Exciting it was to know their skills would be fresh after the rouge invasion. Petalnose was looking for a challenge. Besides, who knew if Winclan would strike their clan again.


FIGHT SO DIRTY BUT YOU LOVE SO SWEET — Her eyes are focused on both warriors watching how most of their attacks relied on speed, wits, and Petalnose trying to get the upper paw on Bounceheart. She notices that Lakemoon and her own apprentice are present both of her ears angled forward to pay attention to the sparring warriors in front of her bust idly listening to the conversation between mentor and apprentice, she casts her own a quick glance. Each cat had their own fighting styles is what she realized from the spars she has seen and had partakes in her own, she feels her style is mostly brute force or whatever she can muster that similar to it considering how she was still rather young and had a lot more to learn. She thinks about what Sablemist taught her and then her own father, Smokestar, taught her... She remembers how predatory Cicadapaw was during a "kit game" of his once and recalls what her other parent had told her how his training would help him against predators. And her mind wanders to the memory of when she had been sparring with Moonpaw, she had drawn her claws out against her friend. Her feathery tail wraps itself around her paws subconsciously as she continues to watch the spar between lead warrior and warrior not daring to utter a word.

Instead she let's herself think about the Windclanners and how they were progressively becoming bolder, a soft sigh leaving her jaws and wonders if the clans would work together to get rid of Windclan just like they had with the rogues.

/ mentor tag @SMOKESTAR

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and mismatched eyes
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ 5 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ sexuality unknown/too young
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ currently being mentored by smokestar
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ peaceful powerplay allowed