BLIND SPOTS \ orangestar

Whenever he ended up talking with Blazestar, it had been a situation he'd tumbled into, breaking his legs in a pitfall of his own making. When thinking back to the kind eyes he'd always been met with, Twitchbolt was hit with a wave of embarrassment at the memory- and a fit of pondering had lead him to invite Orangestar to go climbing with him. It was some effort to be sociable, some effort to... know more about her. If he was to be her- her deputy, as much as the reality twisted his stomach to think about- then it'd probably be good for them to be on the same page, right?

Flying through the pines was more pleasant, now that the weather was beginning to warm. Snow didn't shake on them from above anymore, and the pines no longer had veins of ice. They were encroaching sickening heights, but Twitchbolt had never been afraid of the trees like everything else. Looking back at his leader, he gave her a wobbly smile that had a distinct essence of sincerity about it. "Y'know, I... come up here a lot to look over our territory," he murmured, perching on a sturdy branch. What he really wanted to do was to- to shake her, to scream in her face or something, to... to ask her what she could possibly be thinking. To insist that there had to be someone better... but you couldn't lead with that, could you? "It- it relaxes me..."

Oh, she should push him to the ground for that one...

\ @Orangestar !!
penned by pin ✧
Even though her bad leg is complaining with every step she takes, Orangestar has taken to the trees in pursuit of her deputy. There's no chase to be had, merely an expedition and a rare moment for the two of them to be on the same patrol. With their apprentices put on moss duty, too, it's just them. Oftentimes with Blazestar, these paired moments would be taken up by talk of politics or strategy. Twitchbolt is harder to read, and doesn't seem particularly forthcoming with his reasoning.

"Me too. It's nicer when the snow has melted." She agrees, looking between the pine branches for any sign of wings or the movement of another patrol. She regards him with a mix of thoughtfulness and suspicion, though the latter is significantly less hostile than it often seems from her. She crouches and springs onto another nearby branch, the bough swaying under her weight before it settles. Once it has, she queries, "Why the invitation?"

  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | nine lives
    " a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."

    — single ; mentoring springpaw
    — speech is in #E3B2A9
    tags | art by pin

It's nicer when the snow has melted. "Everything is," he claimed, holding no great love for Leafbare. The snow itself, the transluscent blizzard-sheets that so often streaked across his vision, those were fascinating... but knowing that the cold season was over and they wouldn't be struggling for prey any more did a lot to make everything in life seem that much brighter. Even if Twitchbolt himself wasn't very good at showing it on his face.

Her question was one he should have been ready for, and yet wasn't- Twitchbolt shuddered, nicked ear swatting to the side for a second. A wavering smile settled unsteadily onto his maw. "I- I just wanted to..." To what? To say, to ask, to shout? But how much of a pathetic, doubtful kit would he look if he begged her to tell him what she was thinking? It'd look like he wanted the ego inflation, probably, or that he thought she was an idiot. "I mean... I wanted to thank you, for one, because- 'cause it's an honour," obviously- where was he going with this?

"And- well I know I wasn't the obvious choice, or- or whatever, but- but I... I'm grateful, and I'm... I don't doubt you, even though... it probably seems like I do. But I... I meant it when I said there was no one better for it." Funnily enough none of that had been the why he'd so desperately wanted to cry out, but... but it felt so childish to say that the words never came out. It was this mess, instead...
penned by pin ✧