pafp BLINDING LIGHT ⭃ eagle attack


Mar 14, 2024

-ˋˏ ༻ ❆༺ ˎˊ- Today was especially sunny, and bright. Littlekit had seen many sunny days in her young life, but they always had a nip in the air- not today, though. Today was perfect.
Normally, her mother liked to keep her close to the nursery’s entrance, where the queen could watch from a comfortable distance. Yet, Roeflame wasn’t at her usual spot, most likely tending to one of her littermates or something in the nursery.
There were plenty of other kits to play with, but Littlekit rather liked the quiet moments to herself. Recently, the child had taken up the hobby of crafting, asking her father or other kin to bring back flowers and twigs from their patrols.
She cannot remember who gave her the baby blue petals she picks at now, but they are lovely- their icey hue making her think to give whatever she creates to Aunt Moonwhisper.
A gift the kitten recalls with a half-minded hum.
Her focus is wrapped up within her very important work, so much so that she doesn’t notice the sudden shadow that cut an angular hole in the suns light.
EAGLE! Someone cries from afar, and Littlekit looks up, round features scrunched quizzically.
The atmosphere shifts, and everyone around her is running.
”Wh-whats going on?” Littlekit tries to cry to the nearest rushing warrior, springing to her paws.
Chocolate ears twitch as they hear her mother scream her name from somewhere in the uproar.
There’s a bone-chilling squawk from above, and finally Littlekit see’s it.
Something enormous, a bird from her greatest nightmare is heading straight for her.
Features once squinted in confusion melt to terror, tears already spilling down her cheeks.
”Mommy!” The child screeches, ears pinned back. Her limbs are ice, and she cannot move.

  • PAFP — please wait for @HOWLINGSTAR !

  • 79191959_Y0P.png
  • LITTLEKIT she/her, kit of thunderclan, 2 moons.
    Amber-eyed, dense-furred chocolate smoked she-kit with black ribboning stretching across her face, foreleg, and tail.
    daughter of Roeflame && Burnstorm ࿏ sister to Beetlekit && Dovekit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Howlingstar lies snoozing at the base of the Highrock, her chin resting on her crossed paws. It's a good day, she can't help but think. The sun is shining, there's a perfectly cool breeze that whisks through the camp, and the fresh-kill pile is plump with meals to feed the clan. With no need for the usual evening hunting patrols, more cats than usual are lounging around camp, sharing tongues and laughing among themselves. A good day, indeed. Her eyes fall shut, and she dares to nap.


The screech snaps her gaze back open. She's not sure who screamed, but all she can see now is all of ThunderClan running for shelter. "Get to your dens!" She commands, pushing herself to her paws as quickly as her healing wounds will allow. She's about to bound into her own den - she's so close to it, after all - but she hears her. Mommy! "No-" She breathes, whipping around with wide eyes to see her great granddaughter pressed against the earth, staring up in terror as the winged beast descends on her.

For a moment, she no longer sees Littlekit, but instead her namesake. It's Little Wolf crouched there, ebony pelt replacing the chocolate, and Howlingstar's paws are already moving before her mind can be made up. Her daughter met a fate such as this. She will not let the same happen to Little Wolf's grandchild. Ignoring the searing pain in her shoulders, she pushes herself forward and lunges with a snarl, her body slamming into the eagle with a thud. She turns rapidly, round eyes finding the small she-kit. "Run, Littlekit!" She yowls, but in that heartbeat of taking her attention off the assailant, it takes advantage. Talons sink into her side and before she can even give a fight she is hoisted into the air.

Screeches and yowls escape her as she struggles, paws swiping at anything they can reach, but the eagle has its prey. All she can do is look down helplessly at the camp as it, along with every friend and loved one within it, grows farther and farther away. She disappears over the trees, an echoiing yowl the last her clan will hear from her.
જ➶ The days have been calm, the tension of danger attempting to melt away and she is heavily glad for that. Now freely she can joke a little and work on her training. The fear of the wolves almost a distant memory as she presses against the small mouse that she has taken as her own little meal for the day. Her tail sways back and forth as she chatters happily with a denmate only for the sudden yowl to lift the air. It shocks her, jolts her body to a sudden start up and she looks around wildly. Eagle? Eagle! Her eyes widen as she looks to the sky and she turns to bolt, looking for any den she can reach when the sudden small voice lights her ears. Turning she sees who it is and the dark shadow that is descending. "LITTLEKIT!" Yet she, herself, is stuck in her fear. What can she do? She is too far away to have even the vaguest hope of getting to the kit in time. Yet there is no need for a larger feline is already there. Throwing themselves on the large bird and trying to knock them aside. Howlingstar.

A wide and relief filled smile pulls across her maw and then it turns. Flips upside down into horror as the eagle grabs the leader and hoists her into the air. No, no! Her paws kick forward as if she will give chase but she is too slow. The bird so fast amongst the sky. "No! It's taking Howlingstar!" Away, away and beyond the trees. The apprentice moves to be near Littlekit but her eyes follow what she saw, what she hears melting away within the forest.

After the wolves had attacked and subsequently been driven off, he had expected some peace, at least for a short amount of time. There had been a brief reprieve, time for a sigh of relief between then and now, and nothing more. He hears the shouting before he sees anything, and he gets up from his place in the warrior's den, tearing through the entrance out into the clearing just in time to see the eagle descending upon Littlekit, then Howlingstar, its claws digging into her pelt already broken up by still-healing wounds from the last terrible thing Thunderclan had faced. Amber eyes widen in horror, nearly tripping over himself as he rushes towards the Thunderclan leader and the eagle, shouting after her helplessly, trapped on the ground as she is pulled further and further away. "Howlingstar!

It wasn't possible. Softpaw wanted to believe that it just wasn't possible - first the deer, then the wolves, now an eagle? Would ThunderClan ever know peace again, or were they to forever be plagued by threats and predators? Softpaw knew she was small, more than a perfect treat for something as large as an eagle, and at the first sign of trouble from the skies Softpaw was quick to hide herself from the eagle's eye.

She only considered showing herself when she heard Littlekit's cry out across the clearing, but stopped just short of leaving her den as Howlingstar jumped into the fray, distracting the bird from Littlekit to herself instead. Softpaw thought that Howlingstar would be fine, in the end - a few more scratches, an extended stay in her den to rest after everything, but Softpaw's eyes widened in horror at the eagle took the leader in its grasp and began to beat its large wings.

"Howlingstar!" Softpaw cried out, possibly the loudest her voice had ever risen in her time being alive. Surely there was something someone could do - surely a battalion of warriors could take down the bird, if it just- if it just landed-

But it didn't. The eagle kept flying away, with Howlingstar in its talons. "Howlingstar!" She gasped, looking around helplessly.​
Tabby fur emerged sloppily from the warriors' den as Cormorantswoop entered the clearing with wide, alarm-filled eyes. Catching sight of the eagle dragging Howlingstar further and further away, the warrior unsheathed her claws and bunched her muscles. Racing forward, Cormorantswoop's muscles rippling beneath her fur, the ThunderClanner lashed out with her forepaws. Claws caught flesh beneath feathers and the eagle screeched out at the gray-black tabby. That should show Copperfang just where Cormorantswoop's loyalties lie.

Cormorantswoop let out a snarl as the eagle beat its wings, flying into the air. ''No...NO!'' Racing out of camp, the gray-black she-cat called back to Softpaw. ''Get Flamewhisker! NOW!'' Flamewhisker was ThunderClan's Deputy. She had to know about Howlingstar above everyone else. Feeling as if she was running on water, Cormorantswoop picked up her pace, swerving between trees as she desperately tried to reach the eagle as it carried away ThunderClan's Leader. The warrior slowed after realizing she wouldn't be able to catch up, green eyes glistening with grief. She let out a loud, ear-piercing yowl. ''HOWLINGSTAR!''

The warrior's massive form slunk back into the ThunderClan camp, her plumed, feathery tail dragging against the ground. She lifted her head, facing her Clanmates with a grief-stricken expression on her face. The warrior's voice choked with a sob as she began to speak. ''I-I tried to catch the eagle. I-It was going way too fast...'' She whispered, swaying on her paws before collapsing onto her belly. ''I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry..''

[ ooc: Cormorantswoop has told @Softpaw to fetch @Flamewhisker ]
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Bigfang’s entire pelt is bristling as he rushes out into the clearing. By the time his green gaze is casted to the sky Howlingstar is a speck hanging from the talons of eagles. Cormorantswoop, who had ran after the eagle but swiftly gave up pursuit staggers back into camp wailing of her failure before falling onto her belly.

”Get up!” Bigfang hisses through bared teeth, ”What kind of warrior are you to give up so easily?” He scolds sternly, angered by how easily the large she-cat succumbed to defeat. Howlingstar deserved better, he’d not stop until every fox-length of the forest was searched. He’d ask Flamewhisker to instruct SkyClanner’s to search the treetops if he had to!

”We need to get back out and look for her!” But he was no deputy, no lead warrior. Regardless of how much Bigfang liked to bark orders and commands he seldomly did much more than talk without instruction from the council.
  • » HankBigfang
    » ThunderClan Warrior
    » Former Kittypet
    » He/him
    » A large, beaten-up ginger tabby tom with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A heavy-hitting foe who makes his hits count
    » Excels in heavy, powerful move.
    » Fights to protect and maintain honor
    » Though strong, he is a slow mover. A fleet-footed cat would both easily frustrate and land hits on him.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — The screech of an eagle is deafening, making the fur on his body prickle, and he feels his body become cold as his breath hitches. Gentlestorm slips out from his den seeing Littlekit frozen with fear, a shaky breath rattles his body, and before he can act Howlingstar had already launched herself at the predator. His eyes widen watching as the massive bird sinks its talons into his leader and he kept seeing flashes of Little Wolf, the sound of his heart hammering loudly in his ears, and he manages to snap out of it when he hears the last yowl from the tabbied leader. His dark gaze tries to focus on everyone present but he feels dizzy and his breathing feels heavy, ears lat flat against his skull, and he swallows feeling how dry his mouth had become. Cormorantsweep returns to camp wailing about her failure and Bigfang begins to scold her, Gentlestorm does not stop him too busy trying to anchor himself, and listens to the russet tom says that they need to go out to search for her. He can feel his body trembling yet he takes a few wobbly steps forward in the direction of his clanmates, he approaches Littlekit to make sure that she's unharmed and nuzzles her forehead gently with a pink nose "You're safe... Go find your mother or dad." A part of him wants to keep the small she-kit close to ensure her safety but that's not his right... He isn't the kittens grandfather.

A few more stumbling steps and he manages to regulate his breathing so his head won't stop spinning, he glances to the warriors present and stops momentarily on the molly who had given up so easily. "A few warriors... Come with me," He says with his voice wavering lightly but he believes that the leader had not died... She couldn't. He refused to believe it.


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ✿✿✿❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • 2t95GvC.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentlestorm is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    54 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed mate of little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset ; peaceful powerplay allowed
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
''Do you seriously think I didn't try?!'' A sharp hiss escaped Cormorantswoop's maw as she looked up to glare at Bigfang through slitted green eyes. ''I was running as fast as I could, Bigfang. That eagle was flying, something that cats will never be able to do!'' The large gray-black tabby shook her head and got to her paws. ''Fine. We'll go back out, but I doubt we'll be able to find Howlingstar,'' The ThunderClanner mewed softly. ''Though, I do feel like we should wait on Softpaw to return with Flamewhisker and see what our Deputy wants to do. I've told the apprentice to fetch her.'' She sat back on her haunches and gave her chest fur a couple of contempt licks.

[ ooc note: I do have note from Blitz that Howlingstar is alive and will be returning, though based on the thread Blitz posted with Howlingstar, a cat has found her and is currently bringing her back. ]
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Screaming and concerned noises arose from outside the nursery, where he had been lazily resting. Green eyes peered out of camp- to massive body descending, feathers scattered through camp. Littlekit beneath outstretched talons, even though Beetlekit didn't know what those were called. Panic, fear, flooded his throat, but he ran out of the nursery regardless- blind faith in the warriors of the clan. "Littlekit!" He screamed.

Grandma slammed into the eagle, another warrior's claws battering the thick skin of the eagle without much success. But Grandma- she was stolen. Green eyes snapped towards her, and Beetlekit yowled out her name, for there wasn't anything else he could do. Black fur huddled over mottled, the larger boy's ears flattened against his head and breathing wild. Warriors and apprentices alike began to gather, looking after the eagle helplessly- but Beetlekit was on edge, flattening himself against Littlekit.

Gentlestorm approaches- one of the only figures that Beetlekit allows close, eyes searching those of the great Medicine Cat. And in the madness that settled afterwards, somecat was already arguing. Beetlekit's words are sharp, scathing, vision turning with bared tiny kitten fangs. "Stop ARGUING and go find her! What are warrior's good for you if you can't defend my Grandma?!" He shrieked. "I'd go do it myself if you're so scared to, but I have to look after my sister!" He hissed.

Vision turned back towards Littlekit, his nose leaning down to press to her head. "L-let's go see Momma, okay? She'll help. She can help." He whispered, helping his sister up.

—————---***I DON'T START FIGHTS BUT***————---

  • LH black smoke with green eyes. scruffy looking with a very solid build.
    2 moons old; ages the 16th every month
    tba orient. ; currently not looking
    child of BURNSTORM and ROEFLAME
    thunderclan ; loyal to FAMILY
    medium to befriend ; trusts family mostly, trusts little otherwise
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Burnstorm, like many others, Burnstorm has no idea what's happening until it's already in motion. One moment, he is sitting chatting with another warrior about how quickly his kits are growing and in the next a shadow passes overhead, a scream rips through the air but by the time he is on his paws it's too late. He watches the scene unfold in muted horror. The eagle with talons outstretched reaching for his daughter but sinking into his grandmother's flesh instead. It's over in an instant. Howlingstar is gone "No!" He screeches, rushing forward as if he could jump into the air and siddenly sprout wings, as if he could get her back through sheer force of will alone.

He stands there frozen for a long moment, head tilted up at the sky watching the eagle wing away with his grandmother clutched in his talons. She had saved her... She had saved Littlekit. Littlekit. He grits his teeth to stop the tears from coming. He couldn't cry, not now not here. Not in front of his kits, his clan. He had to be strong. For them. "Littlekit, are you hurt?" he says, rushing towards the chocolate and black coated molly and looking her over for injuries. When he finds none, he lets out a sigh of relief.

His son's outburst surprises him. Stop arguing and find her he says and while Burnstorm knows he should not be talking to warriors like that there is a pride that wells in his chest and prevents him from scolding the kit. The corners of his mouth twitch into a brief smile, despite the pain that weighs heavily in his heart in this moment. "Make sure she gets back to the nursery safely" he says, pressing his nose to the top of Littlekit's head in a comforting gesture before doing the same to Beetlekit. "This is not your fault okay? Everything will be alright" Roeflame would do a better job of comforting her, hes sure but right now...

He turns to Gentlestorm and nods his head. The healer would need to accompany them if they did somehow manage to find Howlingstar and she was injured. "Cormorantswoop, you stay here and let Flamewhisker know we've taken a patrol out to go track the eagle. Gentlestorm is right we need to go now, Bigfang, Dustpaw you three will come with us. We'll track it as far as we can." they had to set out immediately if they had any hope at all. He leaves no room to argue and on swift paws heads straight for the brambled camp entrance.

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably
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Bigfang barely flinches at the returning hiss Comorantswoop gives him. He’d love to argue more about this- but not now. Not until they had Howlingstar safe and secure in the walls of their camp again.

With a lightly wavering voice Gentlestorm calls for the aid of a few warriors. Burnstorm appears and commands Comorantswoop stays at camp and informs Flamewhisker of the patrols departure. The black Tom then calls for Bigfang and Dustpaw to join them, the tabby obeys without second thought. He thinks to beckon for Sproutpaw, but if they found the eagle and had to fight it he worries the apprentice would not be ready… StarClan knows they did not need another case similar to the owl incident.

On hurried paws he bounds after Burnstorm and disappears out of the bramble exit shortly after.
  • » HankBigfang
    » ThunderClan Warrior
    » Former Kittypet
    » He/him
    » A large, beaten-up ginger tabby tom with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A heavy-hitting foe who makes his hits count
    » Excels in heavy, powerful move.
    » Fights to protect and maintain honor
    » Though strong, he is a slow mover. A fleet-footed cat would both easily frustrate and land hits on him.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
જ➶ Everything is happening so fast and so quickly. She almost stands there like a lost kit herself. There are so many choices and decisions running through her mind but none she acts on. At least not till she realizes that Gentlestorm has come over to talk to Littlekit. Blinking slowly she looks at the medicine cat, nodding slowly at the call for a few warriors to come with him. They do need to track down that eagle. But before she can speak there is a sharp argument already sparking. When is there not one? Her eyes cut to Cormorantswoop and Bigfang only for a sense of relief to flood through her as soon as she sees Burnstorm. The lead warrior calls forth order and action and when she hears her name she snaps to it. "Right!" Focusing now her tawny figure bounds out after Bigfang.

Her only hope being that they can keep the bird in their sights and save their leader.
Cormorantswoop's ear twitched irritably, and she dug her claws into the soft earth beneath her out of exasperation. ''Copperfang!'' She called to the mottled brown Tom. ''Why don't you make sure our Clanmates are alright while I find Softpaw and Flamewhisker? While you're at it, search for any signs of anymore eagles. There may have been more than one.'' Green eyes blinked at the ThunderClanner sitting across the clearing. Softpaw should've returned with the ThunderClan Deputy by now. Bounding over to the nursery with grace, Cormorantswoop stuck in her head. ''Flamewhisker, Howlingstar was taken by an eagle. I chased after, but I couldn't catch up. Gentlestorm, Bigfang, Burnstorm, and Dustpaw are headed back out to find her.'' A flick of Cormorantswoop's ears showed the urgency of the situation. ''I know that things have been tough, especially with your kits on the way, but at the moment, ThunderClan needs you, Flamewhisker. They're scared. Frightened. They want to know what's going to happen next. Somebody needs to organize them, and you are that cat.''

[ ooc: @Flamewhisker - aaaaa don't have flame take cormorant's words the wrong way, please <3 poor girl's being bullied around enough /gen || @Softpaw ]
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⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Shrieks of terror pierce throughout the camp, echoing throughout the dens. Flashes of her clanmates raced past the opening to the den, like scattering bugs when a log was picked up. Her blood turned to ice as she heard the screech of the eagle. Her limbs grew stiff, and she was thrown back into the mountains all over again. An ebony figure was lifted into the sky, before being thrown back onto the ground. The crunch rung through her ears, and the sight of her dying friend filled her vision. She could hear voices, but it took her a couple minutes to regather herself. The queen grabbed Sparrowkit by the scruff, and pushed him towards Moonwhisper. "Do not leave this den. None of you." she ordered. She had no idea if the eagle was still flying over them or not, but she was in no shape to fight off another eagle. When her and Orangestar fought off one, she hadn't been heavy with kits. Her kits would be here any day now, she could feel it.

Suddenly, a figure burst into the nursery. Howlingstar was taken by an eagle! The words struck her like a blast of arctic air, but she hardly had time to react before the warrior continued to speak. The fur along her spine prickled, and she took a step towards the warrior. "Do not order me around." she roared angrily, before pushing her way out of the den.

Littlekit and Beetlekit were running back to the nursery, and Burnstorm had already left with a large search patrol. "Cormorantswoop, go to the Elder's den. Sit with them, make sure they stay inside. Raccoonstripe, Flycatcher, you two are in charge of keeping watch on the sky to make sure it doesn't come back. Lightstrike and Nightbird will switch you out here in a little bit. Stormywing, Freckleflame, Falconheart, and Leafhusk. You are the next search patrol to go out after Burnstorm gets back." She wanted to send another one right out, but they couldn't leave the camp too bare. There were already border patrols and hunting patrols out.

Please find her safe... She was too heavy with kits to travel to the moonstone. Surely Starclan couldn't be so cruel to take Howlingstar the same way they had taken her daughter.

mentioning @cormorantswoop @RACCOONSTRIPE @Flycatcher @LIGHTSTRIKE . @nightbird @STORMYWING @freckleflame @FALCONHEART @leafhusk

all warriors were selected by random wheelspin

  • [bimg]View attachment 1621[/bimg]
    FLAMEWHISKER she/her, deputy of thunderclan, 31 moons, ages on the 20th
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    currently mated to Flycatcher / / mother to: Falconheart and Stormfeather
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    link to toyhouse
    penned by Icey !@icefang65 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.