
Choices Have Consequences
Mar 30, 2024
Darkness falls once more upon the land of riverbeds and weeping willows, an air of calm and peace reverberating once more. The lowly prowl of a tom is silent, soft pads brushing against the reeds and imprinting into the soft silt of the riverbed, water droplets cascading down his chestnut fur from a nightly swim. Within his jaws lie a single fish, a chub, swiftly killed to end it's life to feed mewling kits or well respected elders. He moves with purpose, always on the run with his thoughts formulating deep in his mind. The quiet of twilight is near perfection, the song of cicadas light up his tinted ears and fireflies light his way. Alderblaze is a man at peace, within his own element like seasons past.
Beyond the smell of river water and fish, he detects another that draws his attention to subtle alertness. Eyes of rich cerulean travel towards a trail that marks the sky in a plume of light smoke, the familiar acrid stench causing his nose to twitch and a lowly grunt escapes him. Two-Legs. There was never a doubt they would return, as they always did when New-Leaf brings warmer nights and feeds the forest with life. A warm glow catches his attention, the dazzling color of fire loke a beacon in the distance. Something that looked so delicate from afar, yet the heat and damage it could cause was almost irreplaceable. It fascinated him that the Two-Legs could control such a beast, but even then, they couldn't stop it if they wanted to. He never understood the why, but would only hope to StarClan that their frivolous ways would keep it at a distance. A singular white paw stepped within the direction, curious to see but wise enough not to get too close and remain from sight. A subtle brush beside of him, a detection of a clanmate that hardly catches his eye. He would flick his tail in greeting to them, sparing a second glance their way before dropping his catch to speak. "Mm, Two-Legs on the bouts again, aye? Always here in the middle of our territory and never on their own perimeter." His grizzled voice rumbled low, giving a soft chortle to his own words. "Suppose you think they do, yeah? Why come here, and not shack up in their nests like normal?"