blood in my hair | intro, rabbit hunting


Aug 26, 2023
It's days like these where Moon finds herself to be grateful that she stayed in Shadowclan when the Clans split, too hot to truly function. The marshes provide a cool place to rest and yet she does not feel sorry for any other clans as she raises her head from where her prey tail had come to an end, staring off in to the sun dipping in to the horizon line. Come night, the marshes would be a nice place to roam, fireflies would dance around and make it feel a little less lonely. Icicle eyes slowly move to the pinks and oranges blooming in to a navy blue, she should really get going back to camp. Hunting had been slow anyways... A sour look crosses her face as she turns.

Theres a rustle in the bushes, causing her ears to swivel to, pupils constricting in to needle thin slits. She drops to a crouch, finding herself downwind. The scent is oddly enough a rabbit, something they don't get much in the marshes. What was it even doing here, anyway? She doesn't complain, if she caught this thing then she would not return empty-pawed. Newfound determination kicks her paws in to a sprint and soon enough she was after it, zigzagging around trees until she spots a clanmate just up ahead of her. "Behind you, rabbit! I'm going right!" her tone comes out like a bark instead of what she had rehearsed in her head but she has no time to fix it now as she pushes herself to go faster, bringing up the rabbits right. With luck, her clanmate would cut off its escape route and kill it.

  • feel free to catch it teehee
  • 67689245_bhAhZljUtXWvgpU.png
    -> oleander, moonspire
    -> cis female ,, she/her ,, 32 months
    -> warrior of shadowclan ,, former marsh grouper
    -> tall, regal black & lilac chimera with piercing blue eyes
    -> “speech, A2D8F4
    -> bisexual ,, single
    -> smells like pine needles & pressed flowers
    -> image by @ darlings (toyhouse)
  • Like

He'd been born in the marshes so staying had truly been the only logical thing he could think of. Skunktail, then Skunk, had dutifully followed his mother as ShadowClan was established and the idea of following any other leader had not once crossed his mind regardless of the colony. The Pine Colony cats were not even on his radar, he could care less for the soft and pampered kittypets that Rain had ruined their forest with but even more respectable cats like Distant Cicada and Howling Wind were not enough to pull him from Briar's side; the only thing that had been able to do so was a rattling, metallic beast roaring with thunder and the smell of turmac.
Those are the kind of thoughts he tried to keep at bay though, the black and white warrior had no real aspirations in life outside simply getting by and doing what he could for ShadowClan; attempting to live his life to the fullest no matter the circumstances. Which would be very difficult if he didn't bring in any prey for the freshkill pile, a sigh escaping him as he trudged along through the algae covered waters in search of anything substantial.
It was then he hears the sound of paws, rapid and frantic, moments later a voice has him spinning about in alarm - despite his almost lazy demeanor and slacker attitude, Skunktail reacted with a swiftness to the suddenly barked warning and he pivoted around to dash off to the left ahead where he could circle back the moment the rabbit got within range. Moonspire gives it plenty of encouragement to keep going, twisting its body to lurch to the side in a last ditch effort to evade her claws and he seizes the opening to lunge forward; teeth clamping around a throat, a crack and shrill scream and the chase ends as quickly as it had begun.
Skunktail stands, turns to drop the rabbit now to the side out of the murky waters of the loamy swamp soil and shoots the other cat a wide, bloodstained grin, "A good find! If only I were half as lucky as you when it came to hunting today."

their ears swiveled back and forth as they watched a lizard scurry across the ground. with a huff, they leaped and pounced, crushing it effectively in one move, standing up as it dangled from their mouth. it was barely enough for a full warrior, but kittens surely would enjoy it better than they. they dropped it, holding it with a paw as they look over at the two who just caught a rabbit. more catches like that and famine would not be a worry this leaf fall, and leaf bare.

"nice catch, indeed. i will agree with you, skunktail, i did not have the greatest of luck, but the kit'll enjoy something different."
He’s there to see the marsh hare streak past, and for a moment, he’s frozen. He forgets about the prey already held in his mouth – a toad, not a scrawny one either, at the very least not by ShadowClan’s standards. The sight of rabbit makes his senses flare with unresolved tension. As if they’ve personally wronged him, rather than the truth which is… he’s wronged himself, as stupid as that sounds.

But for the weight on his tongue does he not spring into action at once. The fur lifted along his spine will probably be mistaken for his usual messiness, that’s all. Nothing’s wrong. Aside from everything being wrong by nature of him being a fifteen - moon - old apprentice. If you place his catch in front of him, can you really even tell?

His face is a blank one, when Skunktail and Moonspire result in their catch. He is struggling to keep up with what he should look like and what he should say, especially when Chilledstar slips from the darkness. Was the judgement in their stare their normal bored look, or were they eyeing him in disgust, knowing his lack of… well, anything. They weren’t anything. They weren’t anything at all. Her eyes flicker to the forest.

" Yeah, " she blurts, and she hopes it doesn’t sound as strange as she thinks it did. Were there weird ways to say yeah? Absolutely, there were. " I haven’t seen a hare here since… " Another look away, and the matter fur along her spine rises just a bit higher. He's talking too much, and gradually, his voice grows softer. " In… In awhile. "

  • SHARPPAW: brother to Rookpaw. Mentored by Smogmaw
    —— he / she , no pref , icked by they prns ; fine with gendered terms ( tom, molly, etc... )
    —— currently 13 moons old. warrior ceremony delayed due to lackluster progress.

    anxious, antisocial, paranoid. Sharppaw is a creature living in constant fear. Most thoughts are irrational, but consistent in that they are borne from pessimism and generalized anxieties.
    In an era of assessing what has set him back and figuring out what he wants.
She zones in, theres another black and white body- turns out she was shouting at Skunktail. She has no qualms with Briarstars son, she just hope he is fast enough to jerk in to motion. Her chest burns and adrenaline flows through her bones, she knows she will not have the reaction time to turn and not smack in to a tree if Skunktail misses. But he does not, hes a frenzy, blaze of black and white and all of the sudden it lies dead. She breathes a quick sigh of relief, catching her breath as she dips her head. First catch of the day... And then he speaks up, something that has her wrinkling her nose.

"Luck?" her tone is one of disgruntled amusement, slowly shaking her head. "I wouldn't have gotten anything if you weren't here. The marsh feels barren today." her voice is dry, but theres a note of slight thankfulness held for Skunk, and him only. She feels a bit ashamed to say so, but she knows she wouldn't have caught the thing by herself. Chilledstar comes holding a lizard and Sharppaw holds nothing, but she doesn't blame her. Shes acutely aware of how... uncanny it feels, all of them being some form of the same pelt, she tilts her head. Right. Hares are rare, borderline nonexistent in the swampy marshes they call their home- Sharppaw is right, and Moonspire almost misses the last part. "I can only assume an unlucky Windclanner let it get away. But it didn't smell like the moors." she shrugs, not knowing the answer herself.

  • 67689245_bhAhZljUtXWvgpU.png
    -> oleander, moonspire
    -> cis female ,, she/her ,, 32 months
    -> warrior of shadowclan ,, former marsh grouper
    -> tall, regal black & lilac chimera with piercing blue eyes
    -> “speech, A2D8F4
    -> bisexual ,, single
    -> smells like pine needles & pressed flowers
    -> image by @ darlings (toyhouse)