camp BLOOD WATER // patrols :)

Skyclaw stretches his legs as he stands on the high rock. He has been designating patrols in Flamewhisker's place since his takeover, as clearly he cannot trust the she-cat to do so on her own with her bias. Sure, he has his own biases too, but that's far beyond the point. He is helping ThunderClan whilst keeping everyone in line, while she... is not. She had her chance while Howlingstar was still leading, he thinks. If she truly treasured leadership and the Clan then she should've stepped in sooner.

"ThunderClan," he calls, tail lashing, "Join me for patrols. Be quick and listen well, I don't like repeating myself!" Skyclaw waits a few moments to have pairs of attentive eyes on him before moving along.

"The WindClan border patrol will be lead by Sleekserpent. He will be joined by... Thundergleam, Campionsong, Basilpaw, Snailberry, and Stagsnarl," Simple, easy. Sleekserpent seems to have a complicated relationship with someone else in the Clan, so keeping the pale tabby and the tortoiseshell apart is crucial, he thinks. No use in ruffling more feathers. "The patrol to RiverClan's border will have Briarsong at it's head, with Raccoonstripe, Deerpaw, Wildheart, and Wrathpaw joining her." Raccoonstripe is too tough of a nut to crack, but hopefully having Wrathpaw to tail him will keep him from messing everything up.

"Yewflame will take a patrol towards SkyClan," he grimaces and doesn't hide it. "Doepath, Bluestride, Dwindlingpaw, Houndshade, and... Tybalt," again, he frowns, "will be joining him. Don't worry about being kind. They don't need kindness right now," or ever. He shifts his weight as he tries to think of what's left. WindClan? No, he already sent someone that way... Oh! "ShadowClan's border... Smokefur, take Antlerbreeze, Glowingpaw, Badgerstripe, and Scarletpaw with you that way." The tom scared Flamewhisker herself into submission, so Skyclaw has no fear in gifting him Howlingstar's former pupil alongside a few others.

"We need to keep our fresh kill pile full. Fallowbite, take Flamewhisker, Braveheart, Lovelight, and Lightflower with you - and each of their apprentices, if they're up for it," his tail lashes, and he doesn't hide his glower, "Don't lose track of them, alright? Every piece of prey lost to the woods is one less mouth fed. Even each of you couldn't stomach a kitten going hungry," and to put the very she-cat - Flamewhisker - in charge of feeding the Clan? She wouldn't abandon that duty.

"Foxfang," he trills out the tom's name, "I think some of our apprentices need shaping up. Find Addersnap and Shroudedpaw... Falconheart and Bugpaw, and Rowanthorn and Wolfpaw. Take them out to the Sandy Hollow," Skyclaw tries this time to not make a face with Falconheart's name, but he does, and it does not pass quickly. "And Poppyfoot - Gentlestorm needs herbs, I'm sure, so go accompany him. Take Sproutpaw, Coalpaw, and..." He frowns, "Palefire, with Meadowpaw, along with you."

Skyclaw recounts his patrols - poorly, unfortunately - but he's glad with what he's managed. "Go on, now. You're burning sunlight staring at me like that," he dismisses them with ease.

[ these patrols are designed with prompts to help with the illusion that thunderclan is helpless while under siege! as a reminder, thunderclan should not be sharing with other clans the state they are in. these threads can be made in other boards if wanted but it is not needed <3 ]
[ villains are made as patrol leads but if the villain cannot make the thread, the next warrior in the list is encouraged too! and finally i pulled from the census and subbed in any apprentices/mentors that would be there with the given characters rolled :) this is my first time doing patrols be so nice to me i will cry ]
"windclan patrol" - WindClan's moorlands seem to be finally growing back, for better or for worse. The pollen has come back full force and the breeze carries it straight into ThunderClan territory, creating a thick haze of yellow long before the border can be found. Does the patrol proceed despite it?
LEAD: @Sleekserpent.

"riverclan patrol" - The water alongside Sunningrocks is usually low, however today as the patrol passes it, it seems to have swelled. High tide, as RiverClan may call it. A nuisance, as anyone not inclined to swim may call it. It holds the patrol back, as they cannot mark the border without getting their paws wet. What do they do?

"skyclan patrol" - The patrol seems to be fairing fine - that is until stomping can be felt through the ground. Young twolegs break from the pine forest ahead and race through the oak trees instead. They seem harmless, but does the patrol abandon their border in favor of staying hidden? Who knows if these littlelings have their parents right behind them.
LEAD: @Yewflame!
@doepath ࿔
@BLUESTRIDE > @Dwindlingpaw
@Tybalt [Stagstrike]

"shadowclan patrol" - On the way to the thunderpath, the patrol smells smoke. Long before they reach the ShadowClan border, they find a beached monster crashed against a tree. Several twolegs are nearby with flashing lights, gesturing to other monsters that can be barely seen in the distance. What does the patrol do?
LEAD: @Smokefur
@badgerstripe > @Scarletpaw

"hunting patrol" - secret prompt :)
@Flamewhisker > @MERLINPAW
@braveheart : ̗̀➛
@lovelight > @HOPEPAW
@Lightflower > @SQUIRRELPAW

"training patrol" - Skyclaw has made it clear that he is upset with the progress of some apprentices. This patrol is to take their apprentices, and Shroudedpaw, to the sandy hollow and teach them some offensive moves. While the lesson goes on, the apprentices begin to lose focus - do the warriors pressure them to keep at it, or entertain their childishness and let the lesson fall to the wayside?
@FALCONHEART > @Bugpaw !
@Rowanthorn > @WOLFPAW

"herb patrol" - Before leaving, an apprentice excitedly told Gentlestorm about a patch of flowers they saw while they were out training. The apprentice could not give clear instructions on where the flowers may be, and now the patrol is turned around and lost. How do they resolve this?
@PALEFIRE > @Meadowpaw
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〕Slit eyes watch as Howlingstar's murderer stands in her spot to assign patrols. As predicted, he assigns his fellow snake-hearts to lead each of the patrols. Her tail flicks irritatedly as she waits to hear if she is allowed to leave the camp today, and to her surprise, her name is called for a hunting patrol. She lifts her chin challengingly, but doesn't say anything in response. At least she was allowed to help feed her clanmates...and Fallowbite was less likely to disrupt her hunts than the others were. Skyclaw would be lucky if she didn't stuff whatever she caught with death berries, like his followers had done to the kits. Without saying a word, she padded over to find Fallowbite.

Braveheart, Lovelight, and Lightflower...hmm.

  • ooc.
  • FLAMEWHISKER —— deputy of thunderclan , mentoring none . storm x lily . littermate to nala, smokey, and nemo ✦ penned by icey !
    afab / she/her / 35 moons & ages every 20ᵗʰ
    widowed / heterosexual / closed to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— difficult in battle

    speech”, 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    tags — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 74170852_bklpiIOmSWVpAVE.png

    a longhaired red tabby with low white and green eyes. flamewhisker's fur is a vibrant hue of red, riddled with thick classic tabby markings. her fur is medium in length, and she has a large, feathery tail. her chest, belly, tail tip, and her paws are dipped white. flamewhisker's eyes are a dark, deep shade of green. her shoulder has a large scar on it from a fight with a dog. she also has a shredded ear from a disagreement with a loner during her time alone before joining thunderclan. on particularly cold days, or sometimes before a major weather change, she will walk with a slight limp from her shoulder injury.
  • Like
Reactions: Lightflower
Of all that Foxfang had yearned for, he had not expected — this. Now that it has run its course, he can see why he had followed Skyclaw. (Now that his sister lies in his nest, as charmingly outspoken as ever.) With that tether sickeningly snapped, the warrior is unmoored and listless. He watches with narrowed eyes, wordless, though his attention is far off in the distance. Every time the warrior becomes aware of his own drifting he doubles down with violence like a sled dog straining against its load. Eyes on Skyclaw, the ice snaps and frees the runners. His mind tunes in and he digs his paws. The weight begins to shift. As he locks away the unease, Foxfang really begins to move. He was to be training some of the apprentices, then — good. Skyclaw was right that they needed it.

Amber eyes scan the gathered cats in search of anyone already named. He catches a few of them from his looming vantage point. "Head out now. I'll get the others and meet you." Narrowed eyes promise retribution if they're not swift about it.

  • OOC.
  • 𝐅𝐎𝐗𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐆. HE - HIM - HIS. YOUNG WARRIOR OF THUNDERCLAN. —————— the child of marsh colony cats, foxfang has grown into a fine young warrior. . . by some standards. he is bold and brave and very opposed to kittypets within the forest. both impressionable and easily impressed, he seeks closeness with those who seem important and is easily molded to their perspective.    PENNED BY REVELATIONS

    a long-limbed black tabby and chocolate chimera with large swathes of white. his fur is overall short, aside from a thicker "mane" around his throat and an odd tuft on his nose. his eyes are an intense amber-orange.
𓍊𓋼 He doesn’t join a murderer to listen to poorly-assigned patrols. He doesn’t care what that adder has to say. The only time that Falconheart’s ears flick with recognition is when that slimy, slithering voice speaks his name, and even then he doesn’t bother to give his former friend the respect of looking at him. He’s been training Bugpaw every day—he doesn’t need anyone watching over him, or otherwise ensuring that he’s doing things right. He’s waited ages to be assigned an apprentice, and he wouldn’t dare leave her without proper training now that Bugpaw’s apprenticeship has been entrusted to him.

The assigned head of their training session barks orders, and Falconheart disregards them. Finding Bugpaw won’t be difficult, and neither will convincing her to go to the sandy hollow with him—they’ve practically been living there for the past few days—but he pokes his head into the apprentices’ den to search for her and calls out. "Buggy, come on. We’re doing more battle training today."

  • ooc:
  • 82611636_I7otEt4vDdutjcB.png
  • FALCONHEART ❯❯ he/him, thunderclan warrior
    shorter than average cream tabby with white spotting. seems gloomy and has few friends, but is a hard worker and never neglects his duties.
    son of flamewhisker and flycatcher ; brother to stormfeather, scorchedpaw, bugpaw, sunpaw, squirrelpaw, sparrowpaw
    mentoring bugpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore
Tybalt's ears pinned back as his name was spoken. It was an incredibly rare thing to hear his loner name spoken in place of his clan one, and in any other circumstance he might've been pleased at the gesture. But to hear it spoken from Skyclaw's lips, along with the traitorous warrior's grimace, made his pelt prickle. The SkyClan border. He might as well take the journey as a refresher. He might need to pass that way in the coming days, and he could take the chance to plot a route without being seen. He said nothing as Skyclaw finished speaking, acknowledging the words with only a small nod.

(retro to his dip out past SkyClan, obviously)