sensitive topics BLOODIED HANDS FEED THE FLAMES ♡ prompt/taking out frustrations

// ST for mild gore!

Windclan had always been a constant frustration. Never had they been tolerable, even during the drive out of camps. Out of their minds they were, atleast to the loyalist that followed blindly to Sootstar's every command. They took a sacred place, one that must be neutral. One used by the medicine cats and leaders. In result, they had battered their new leader, causing him to crawl back home alone. It was perplexing how they would do such a thing. Was it truly for prey? Or had it been a attempt of control? An attempt for more power? Petalnose had believed it, taking the stance in the council to stop the ambitious clan. Atleast, in a safe way. At the same time she approached it with logic and reasoning, she did not want to drag her own clan down with them. It was an awful season to do so, patience was required, she knew that. She knew that well. However, the habit of her impatience would soon take upon something more appropriate.

A rabbit had sat cleaning itself in the slow wake of the drowsy sun. Gold and pink touching the outlines of fur, a beautiful sight but it had filled Petalnose with rage. It had been near symbolic to her.

The unjust victory the clan had won seemed to be taunting her. In their own territory.

Claws unsheathed and Petalnose sprung from her hiding place, landing onto the squirming rabbit and ripping her claws down it's belly and sinking her teeth into it's neck. Hardly it had time to squeak or process the pain. It had been a silent kill. But a rather violent one for the patrol to witness if eyes had laid upon it.

Bloodied jaws opened once more around the neck to pick it up and harshly drop it in her growing pile. Gentle she had been with the other kills but it had been prevelent to witnesses something had gone through her mind. But what just had gotten on her nerves if nothing was said or done?

bounceheart ✧ she/her ✧ riverclan warrior (=˃ᆺ˂=)

WindClan's unfortunate condition of being two sides of the same coin had been the result of their leaders' selfishness. Either side was doomed in the face of another (unified) clan. Yet, it was too messy a situation for any to get involved. At border patrols, they would be mocked for an apparent weight loss in the winter; most RiverClanners let the remarks roll off their shoulders. Truth be, the majority of them could catch land-dwelling prey. Enough to catch a rabbit or a bird.. the concept was interchangeable.
Sneak, steady yourself, catch, she thought. But Petalnose took an extra, violent step. Either she hated rabbits, or she had become upset. No need to ruin a kill.. "Petalnose-" she sighs, but decides not to question her, "that's gonna get colder now, so you better hurry along.." They had not seen the rabbit before, only having caught a flash of alabaster and brown through the air and the attack. ​
The kill is impressively violent and entirely silent. Pricklepaw hadn't been aware that such a thing was allowed. He had thought—incorrectly?—that one was only supposed to hurt their prey for the amount required to kill it, and nothing beyond that. He fights the urge to cheer up until Petalnose is done with the thing, and then Pricklepaw is bouncing in place, completely unaware of Bounceheart's disapproval.

"You should kill more things like that!" He whoops, "That was so cool! And the rabbit didn't even know what hit it! Stupid rabbit!" Stupid rabbit indeed. It probably did something to deserve being taken out in such a way—made dirt on the best tasting grass. All the other rabbits probably hated it for doing that, "I'm going to be such a cool hunter like that too—there will be twice as much blood, and friend, there will be even a little guts involved."​
  • Haha
Reactions: Petalnose
She held no love nor care for Windclan and it's situation. They had harmed her clan in the most unforgivable way. So she set her mind away and focused on the present. Working hard to help keep the clan afloat in a time of cold temperatures and hungry bellies. Eagerly, she had joined along at the call for a hunt.

Now sporting her own catch of a small rodent her eyes widened at the sight of Petalnose's violent catch. Grimacing the youth decidedly steered clear of the other. No one just casually ripped food apart unless something was on their mind and she did not intend to be the cause of their inevitable explosion.

Mindfully, she placed her vole next to her earlier one. Ears half cast as nerves bundled in her stomach.

// @ROOKFANG mentor ping
Eelcackle had his own frustrations about everything but he kept them inside most of the time, letting them fester and rot until something worse came along or he forgot what he was mad about in the first place. He was incredibly pessimistic and the best way to cope, in his experience.....Was to claw things. It was good for the claws too! In fact, he's made it his personal goal to scratch every tree in the territory. Just because.

Petalnose on the other hand... Seems to have a more gruesome method of venting. He won't judge, though. Sometimes you just really want to rip and maim and there's not a Windclanner in sight to scratch the itch.

He blinks at the scene and stifles the cackle that bubbles up inside. "Man, that thing sure is dead." He says. "Looks good, though! Nice catch."

Personally, he's never caught a rabbit. He likes to fish. He's fished here since he was but a wee kit, harassing minnows and bullying crabs with sticks. He remembers his mother telling him to always be thankful for what the river provides, to respect your prey, as it too once had a life. He finds Petalnose's mauling to be offensive to that, but he won't say so. He doesn't want to end up like the rabbit.​