pafp BLOODLETTER // hunting tails

A week or so ago, she was hunting snowflakes excitedly - in addition to making faces in slush puddles and consuming her namesake for fun. But today is different, for she is oh-so many days older, and oh-so much more ready to become an apprentice! There was something bad, she garnered, about being born just before leafbare. Snow makes prey hide, or something. But if Chilledstar makes her an apprentice now, then they won't have to worry about prey hiding, because she'll find it all! She just has to... prove it... ah!

Snowykit is prowling around the edges of the camp, keeping to the shadows as best she can. The flick of a wayward tail catches her attention, and in truth she spends no time trying to perfect a hunting crouch or ready her claws. She leaps just as soon as she can, and with all of the skill of a kitten, she attempts to chomp down on the tip of Pipit's tail, squealing some sort of victory.

[ pls wait for @pipit !! ]​

Its hard to stay jolly and kind and chipper all the time when he had been an abysmal failure for his family recently- Starlingheart's bloodied, sleeping body could no more than just survive at present and every day that she had not improved it had felt like a personal slight against him. Whoever had hurt her... had isolated her and cornered her and left her like that... Pipit would chase them to the ends of the earth if he had to. This illusory borders would not stop him like it stopped the rest of ShadowClan.

There was no honor in beating a she-cat like that to near death... to leave her in the snow for dead.

So riled up by his own recollection of that event, he tail moves in huge sweeping motions back and forth behind him and he is none the wiser to kitten-coy antics. A dark girl made of silky shadow and powder soft fur sneaks and creeps until at last, with a gleeful, shrill cry, razor sharp teeth sink in- "EEEEYAAA!" He practically leaps out of his skin to pull away from the sudden attack, sunshine eyes snapping to look at his assailant wildly.

It is one of those tiny ones... the fur along his spine stands on end to display his surprise and dismay, only barely restrained enough to politely yank his tail from her mouth with a small scowl. "What was that for," he exclaims in confusion. "My tail's not a mouse, you little rascal!" Gently, very gently, he swats his paws at her ears with a small huff.

"Sneaky, tiny thing aren't you..."
Willowburn had been crossing the camp's expanse with little goal in mind. Quite honestly he had been about to seek a fresh duty to keep his mind busy, but something caught his eye. Or rather a shriek filled his ears first. The tom fluffed up as he feared that something foul was going down, but as he snapped his gaze round towards the source he was greeted by the sight of a proud hunter successfully pouncing an unsuspecting target. A snorted laugh broke from the warrior as he calmed himself down and took in the humorous nature of the situation. "If it were a mouse I think it would be very dead. That was a most excellent catch, little Snowykit."
- ⋆ -
Pipit has fallen victim to a vicious attack, just as he had... He was so young, too..... Frostbite smiles at Snowykit as he approaches. Thankfully Pipit took it well and didn't retaliate. He knows some cats are more restrained than others when it comes to being bit on the tail by little kitten teeth. Ferndance's kits are certainly little rascals, she figures they get it from their mother. He himself has been victim to their terror, he is lucky to be alive today. But he's glad the kits are having fun with their clanmates.

"You're right, Willowburn, if I were prey, I'd be terrified to know such a ferocious hunter was prowling around." He says. "Poor Pipit never stood a chance..." He adds with a little drama, putting a paw on his chest.​

[ ༻❄༺ ] "Prey better watch out for when Snowykit becomes an apprentice, they dont stand a chance" mused Snowpaw as she came to view, poor Pipit's tail attacked by the ferocious Snowykit, and witnessing these events made her even more glad that she had hardly a tail because the kits would have a much more difficult time trying to bite it than that of the others around them. She hummed her amusements slightly. These kits will hopefully know nothing but happiness yet, apprenticeship can change that instantly as much was possible, especially during leaf-bare.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 5 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


"I don't think Pipit's tail would like to end up in our prey pile." Lilacfur mused as her nephews yowl of shock and pain was still echoing in her ears. Snowykit was far from the first or last kit to make victim of an unsuspecting warriors tail, it must be some sort of rite as kit. To find the perfect moment, the best unsuspecting cat and most prized tail to latch teeth onto. And what kind of cold-hearted cat could fault a kit for wanting to play? Maybe some of her Clanmates, actually, but luckily none that were here.

"So you're gonna catch all the prey we need in greenleaf, right Snowykit?" The molly added with a smile as she settled next to Pipit, gently pawing at his tail to sooth any stings.
[ i need the clouds to cover me ]