BLOODSHED, CRIMSON CLOVER [ temporary camp ]

( ) exhaustion clouds the river-rock gaze of the lead warrior as she pushes through reeds and snow. behind her, the river swirls and froths, a familiar thing now monstrous, pushing her family from their home. the clan moves on dampened paws, pelts soaked to the bone. faintly, she can hear kittens mewling in protest, their scruffs clamped in the jaws of drowned looking warriors. in her own jaws, one of her kittens hangs, an exhausted scrap of fur. willow only hopes she's able to get the children to sleep tonight. for their very first venture outside of camp, this is not a cheerful one. the formal mentor system forgotten, apprentices crowd around their parents and siblings. riverclan is orphaned, alone on their island of rushes and stone. ahead the temporary camp awaits, partially set up by buckgait. as the shivering group crowds into their new home, willowroot looks around with apprehension.

they are situated close enough to the gorge that anxiety chews in her stomach, but she trusts buck, knows the woman has found somewhere relatively safe. half made dens rest a good ways away from the edge, and the beginnings of a safety wall stretch around the barren clearing. riverclan begins to settle in, and willowroot scans the crowd for her family.

// temporary camp is here! feel free to post your characters' reactions to the area! buckgait has set up some dens.
willowroot is searching for poppy and her kits, as well as ashpaw.


Wet and bedraggled as the rest of them, shivering in leaf-bare wind, Ashpaw climbs the path to higher ground. Trekking alongside Willowroot, Ash has clutched Antlerkit by the scruff, holding them up out of freezing black water. Other cats have got their paws full with kits as well, or herbs, or... a particularly precious pebble. "Almost there," she mumbles around clenched teeth. She doesn't know how true it is, but it feels like they've been walking (and swimming) for ages. Wading through the cold has sapped more of her strength than she can afford to lose.

When they do arrive, Ashpaw sets Antlerkit down beside their mother... with a little less grace than she'd had scooping them up. Exhaustion clings like water to her pelt. "The... the gorge?" she asks, voice cracking. "But it's..."

The only option, the scenery finishes for her. Buckgait obviously made a smart decision: it's the highest ground, safest from the flood. Ashpaw swallows, chest tight. No more friendly shallow waters surrounding a warm, well-built nursery.

She leans down to lick at Antlerkit's fur; the flood is so pervasive, it's been almost impossible to keep the kits totally dry. She has to make sure they're warm — she has to help make sure nothing bad happens to them. Like death. That's not allowed.

"Come on," she whispers to them and any other kittens nearby, taking a few steps forward, tilting her head in an invitation to follow. "Let's get you to a — a warm place. A nest." She turns to Willowtoot, a question on the tip of her tongue — did the scouting patrol make nests yet? Ashpaw can help make a nest. But then her vision goes — wonky, for a second. Her front knees buckle. The little tabby trips forward, hitting the mud with a small oomph.

"Ow, shit— I — I'm fine," she says between heavy breaths, forcing herself back up onto four paws. It's so cold. And she's so tired.

Don't cry, Ashpaw tells herself firmly. "Sorry. Whe—where are we laying down?" She desperately, desperately, desperately wants to lay down.

—— " i found gold in the wreckage "

  • ooc text goes here

  • - 7 month old orange tabby with green eyes
    - apprenticed to lead warrior willowroot
    - crushing hard on iciclepaw
    - happy-go-lucky, mischievous, hardworking
    - very friendly, but defensive of riverclan!
    - "speech"
  • - disclosed being abused by spiderfall, who was exiled & who then killed her best friend pumpkinpaw

    - temporarily apprenticed to npc pebbleskip due to willowroot moving into the nursery

    - benched for a few weeks at smokethroat's request after a training incident; mainly stays in camp and helps with the kits or does chores

He is a swift shadow, moving forward without pause of break and his fur cracks and clatters from water freezing and crumbling from his movements. The dark tom could feel the ice built up between his paws, cloaking him like a wintery cowl and sweeping down his back to his tail in a cold sheet; moving kept his blood pumping, kept the heat from dispersing from him, so he kept moving even as he entered their impromptu camp. Smokethroat lifted his head up, surveyed the area and debated what would most keep his attention and focus so the chill could not settle so heavily. Organizing.
"Queens and kits will take the makeshift dens further inward away from the gorge, warriors and apprentices will be nearer to the edge." They were not to risk the younger more foolish members clambering over sleeping bodies to tumble into an abyss. So long as several cats blocked the path, they wouldn't need to worry over a kitten taking a dive. He spots Willowroot anxiously waiting for her kits to arrive, carried by various members of the clan and Poppysplash herself most likely; that lone orange eye blinks slowly, understanding. He won't ask her to do anything that would distract from her watchfulness and she could count heads as they came in to make things easier for them all.
Smokethroat turns, gestures for a warrior carrying a mouthful of plants to lay them out to dry on a smooth and snowless area before spotting Ashpaw stumble in with Antlerkit, that was a few of the younger cats accounted for.
"Ashpaw go sit in the apprentice den and Beesong will check you later. Antlerkit, go to your mother." Beesong. The healer was suredly in fits over his stock at risk and the white-spotted tom considers going back to help gather more but there were enough cats wading through the waters that he found himself forcing his limbs stiff to remain here; shaking his head to move around and see which warriors were available for an immediate hunting patrol.
"...has....where is..." Cicadastar. He'd lingered behind as the dark tom shouldered clanmates forward and he had lost him in the chaos of trying to get cats out. Idiot better show up soon..

He wonders if it's a miracle that he's even here.

If the stars saved him from his demise again, as Clearsight had managed to find him in time, had managed to pull him out of the rubble of the collapsed apprentice den - the weight of reeds and wet moss pinning him down in rising waters. Gillpaw is alive, out of the danger that is the rising waters.

Gillpaw is alive, despite the pain that sits in his ribs as he walks. Alive, despite his collection - his life's work - of rocks washed away, diminished to the single rock he carries in his jaws. Dark and shiny, one of his favorites - part of the foundation to his first collection, now the foundation to the second. He'd been able to pull it out of the rubble after he'd been freed, its hiding place an easy discovery within the reeds.

Gillpaw wonders if it's lucky, as he carries it to drier lands. To safety away from the flooding river, to the gorge instead. Perhaps not the safest place in RiverClan's territory, when it isn't flooded, but the safest now that everything has been washed away.

As he sets down the rock, his sunflower gaze flickers over to the dens closer to the edge of the gorge - the warrior den, the apprentice den, Smokethroat designates them. Where he's meant to be sleeping in this temporary camp, though dread rises in him. Dread of another roof caving in on him, of ink-black water holding him in his grasp once more, despite the lack of flood to cause it.

"I-I'll go with y-you," he says to Ashpaw, after Smokethroat gives the orange apprentice orders to sit within the apprentice den's grasp. To wait for Beesong in new sleeping quarters. Gillpaw doesn't want to go in there alone, but he'll go with Ashpaw, make sure she's okay as she waits for the medicine cat to treat her. "You... Y-You should probably rest. Th-They'll be okay."
the deputy would soon come into view, the woman having gone ahead to work more on dens and nests with @STORMPAW !, entrusting him to learn the ground and know where to step. when the sight of a smoke-furred mother comes into view, buck abandons her project of the warriors' nests. her eyes rove over her old friend, watching as ashpaw sets down antlerkit, and she has to ignore the twist in her heart. the kits, an extension of the family that buck had made, and yet she knows little to nothing of them. she hopes that caraway can ignore the guilt that pools in her eyes, the slight avoidance of their young.

"caraway, the nursery is ready." buck wants to tell them that it was made first, that she had spent so long searching for the best materials for their nest. but she can't let it slip past her tongue, so she only cocks her head in the direction of the weaved haven. she doesn't know if there'd be much room for ashpaw to follow willowroot in there, the gorge does not hold many materials. especially not enough to lead to comforts. for now, they are surviving. and that means that ashpaw will have to have the responsibility that the other apprentices and warriors have, keeping kits away from loose ground. she does not mention it to the golden-furred apprentice, but it would be apparent if the aforementioned girl were to try and worm her way in.

the earthen molly watches the steady stream pour in, pointedly ignoring smokethroat and his common rambling of cicada. it seems to be all he talks about or thinks about. a scoff, cleverly disguised as a heavy breath, leaves the molly. gillpaw offers his company to ashpaw, which means she can keep her attention on her kin. eyes switching from kit to queen. she'll stay by their side as they await the arrival of the rest of the kits, as long as it doesn't take too long. she needs to finish insulating the warrior's den, and finish rounding up nests for cats to sleep on. they'll be tired after the journey, but soon they won't have to deal with the catching waters.

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Gloompaw carries as much as she can, but it will never be enough. There's a constant growl in the back of her throat, ready to let rip at anything that will push her heart over the edge it teeters on. Damp fur fills the space of their makeshift camp, and the air is laden with stress-scent. Busy paws at work, carving out a temporary residence. A home that wasn't quite home.

"Ah shee ya later," comes the half-muffled call, her eyes fixed on Ashpaw and Gillpaw. There was lesser threat of flooding here. They would not be swallowed by the river. So why does it feel like it will chase her -- chase them all? Will they wake up to find the whole world submerged?

A twinge of pain plays the strings of her arm muscles, and she relaxes her grip on the ground. She'd not realized her limbs are shaking, more with this dread than exhaustion. The gorge is so close, too, basically a border for their camp. Gloompaw pointedly turns her head, eyelids squeezing shut as she blocks out ideas of the plummet.

She deposits her luggage in front of what seems to be the medicine den, tucking it in the entrance. But she couldn't sit and wait for long. Hovering near the midst of camp, their own personal river envelops her, a mix of colours and fur, and she watches for specifics. A flash of mottled calico, or a glimpse of cinnamon.
Iciclepaw is exhausted. Her muscles scream for her to find a play to lie down, to lick her fur dry and restore some warmth to her numb limbs. The gorge is the last place she would have expected Buckgait to tell them to settle, but she doesn't care in the moment how dangerous it is. She lingers behind Willowroot and Smokethroat, tired eyes scraping over the group of Clanmates behind her. Ashpaw is safe, carrying one of Willowroot's kits by the scruff. Gillpaw and Gloompaw are nearby.

She listens to Smokethroat's decree. Apprentices and warriors are to take the half-made dens on the outside of their "camp." She nods half-heartedly, missing the concern in his voice when he asks where Cicadastar is. She's sure Cicadastar is fine... he's coming, she thinks.

She trudges beside Ashpaw, looking with exhaustion and concern as the ginger-pelted apprentice stumbles. "Are you okay?" She's not okay, she thinks, knowing it's a combination of the apprentice den collapsing, the water in her lungs, the journey away from their only home. She flicks her eyes toward the other cats, wondering where Mudpelt and Icesparkle are, wondering where her littermates are. She is not one to seek out her kin in times of turmoil, but right now, she doesn't know where else to draw comfort from.

// interacting with @ashpaw! looking for @ICESPARKLE @MUDPELT @Steeppaw @DARKPAW @FERNPAW

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Steeppaw had been unusually quiet, her still bloody muzzle laced shut. Hoof-ish paws walloped the snowy earth without care, loping strides that made every inch of her ache. Elders always told stories about events like these- grand stories, of heroes and bravery and overcoming the odds. But what they’d just lived through was miserable. They couldn’t do anything! Their nests had been snatched by the river and they couldn’t stop it, could barely stop themselves going with it.

Her limbs had been stiff, cementing her inability to do more than be lugged from the wreckage. She had helped her sister, sure, but she had wanted to help more. To be like her dad. Amber winked out as her chalk lids feathered shut, exhaustion reeling her chin to her chest. The materials in her maw chafed uncomfortably against her whiskers.

Well, you’ll just have to get better then! A twitch raced along Steeppaw’s spine, and then she was off. Faster, like she had just woken from her nest, like her ears weren’t so cold they felt like they were going to fall off. Pricked ears absorbed Smokethroat's announcements. She dropped off her package- with confidence- before linking up with the other apprentices.

"New camp, huh? Man am I gonna sleep tonight. That log beat me up better than any sparring partner." Her battered smile parted to exaggerate her minor wound (a spoil of war- really!). Quietly, the molly was glad to see the others largely uninjured. Unable to let the sentimentality fester, she whipped her sodden tail playfully towards whoever’s flank was closest before stumbling towards their makeshift den. "Let's pick nests, bet a gooood sleep will fix everything"

/ interacting with @ashpaw! , @GILLPAW and @iciclepaw

Ashpaw isn't expecting to be separated from her family so quickly, but she doesn't kick up a fuss at Smokethroat's order. She wanted a place to lay down and he gave her one. She flushes with embarrassment as she steps away from the kits — Smokethroat is right, Gillpaw is right, the kits'll be fine without her.

She presses her nose into Willowroot's fur in a quick "goodbye" before padding off alongside her peers, as instructed. She leans close to Gillpaw in a half-hearted hug. "I know," she murmurs to him. "I just — "

She what? Isn't used to being relegated to her own den? Ashpaw grimaces; it sounds selfish even in her own head. She'll sleep in the temporary apprentice den just like all the other apprentices and if she can't sleep tonight then, well, she can't sleep. There are worse things.

She's glad Gillpaw jumped to come with. She didn't want to be alone. Now she won't have to be. She offers her friend a kind smile, glad that he's beside her. "We should both rest," she says firmly. "You went through... a lot today."

She shudders.

The little tabby offers an affectionate purr to Gloompaw and a friendly little tail-brush as they pass — "see you," she responds, and stars, she does not envy Gloom's work still ahead.

And then Iciclepaw, Iciclepaw worryimg — Iciclepaw always worries. "I'm okay," Ashpaw insists. She's tired, sure, but — Iciclepaw almost died today. Ash doesn't know what to do with that. Fussing won't get her anywhere, right? She doesn't want Iciclepaw to feel worse. But she doesn't know how to act normal, how to not fret and worry. "I'm — I'm worried about you," she finally blurts. "Just... you almost — I mean, you nearly — I just mean you probably need a rest even more than I do. Let's — lay down together, okay? C'mon, we can get each other dry."

She tries to walk the narrow line between gentle and ... too gentle. She doesn't know if she manages. She glances around for Icy's parents, too. If they want to be the ones fretting over their daughter and inviting her to share tongues, Ashpaw definitely won't stop them. She just wants Iciclepaw to get to rest. And be loved. However it happens.

When Steeppaw joins Ashpaw can't help a grin. Steeppaw, like her sister, just seems like nothing can get her down. Really incredible. "Hi Steeppaw," she says as they start walking toward the apprentices den. She laughs at the memory. "Yeah... how did that even happen? I've never seen a cat get into a fight with a log before."

She's teasing but still worried, her voice still wobbles. Ashpaw wasn't in the apprentices' den but they all were and they all almost died and she doesn't really know what to do with that. How to help.

...Steeppaw is right, picking nests is a good next step.

Or maybe, like... they combine all of the nests into one biiig mega-nest. And then cuddle pile and share tongues all night. Yeah. That's an option, right?

Ashpaw shakes her head. Focus, dummy!

—— " i found gold in the wreckage "

  • saying bye to @willowroot

    brief interaction with @GLOOMPAW

    interacting with @GILLPAW @Steeppaw @iciclepaw

  • - 7 month old orange tabby with green eyes
    - apprenticed to lead warrior willowroot
    - crushing hard on iciclepaw
    - happy-go-lucky, mischievous, hardworking
    - very friendly, but defensive of riverclan!
    - "speech"
  • - disclosed being abused by spiderfall, who was exiled & who then killed her best friend pumpkinpaw

    - temporarily apprenticed to npc pebbleskip due to willowroot moving into the nursery

    - benched for a few weeks at smokethroat's request after a training incident; mainly stays in camp and helps with the kits or does chores
Mudpelt takes up the rear of the group. He carries damp moss in his jaws; it was unfortunately the driest he could find. Worried amber eyes follow each of his five children the entire journey to the beech copse, keeping his paws moving just to try and keep himself from fretting. He'd almost lost his four youngest today...the thought sends uncomfortable shivers down his spine and makes him want to vomit up whatever bile was in his stomach.

When they finally arrive, he spreads his bundle across a nearby tree's roots in hopes the moss may dry before he stands to his full height to look over the group. Everyone is trying to settle in, and he immediately finds his two youngest daughters in the crowd talking with friends. Pursing his lips, the warrior weaves through his clanmates to get to them and when he does, he gives each of them an affectionate lick atop their heads. "Steep-paw's right," He mews with a smile, stubby tail twitching. "You all just need a warm nest and some sleep. Maybe in the morning we can go hunting, what do you think?"
chamomilepaw | 13 months | genderfluid | any pronouns | physically medium | mentally easy | attack in bold #ffff99
Chamomilepaw is more water than cat at this point - a sopping wet mass of matted down fur. Huffing and puffing under the weight of it, he lowers his towering form down so the kit in his care can tumble on off to do whatever it is kits do. Oddkit doesn't seem to mind the rough landing, simply toddling over to the nearest dry spot and watching with owlish gaze as the cats around him complete the new nursery.

A heavy shake of his pelt sends water flying, the dog like motion all he can do to ease the discomfort. He's no stranger to sleeping in strange places - he used to be a loner after all, and when he'd been separated from his siblings he'd wandered many a day in search of them before stumbling upon the clans - but the past few moons of clanlife have settled him into such a routine that the new setting leaves him feeling exposed. There is no familiar comfort here.

"Is there anything I can help with?' the almost warrior asks, plodding over to the nearest familiar face. Sitting idle doesn't do well with him, not this time at least - not with such dangers taking place.


Coming at the end of a long trek, running on fumes and little else, Snakeblink is more glad than he can verbalize to see their makeshift camp come into view. The end of the journey is a blur — he hasn’t slept a wink since the flooding, only closed his eyes for seconds at a time, or that’s how it feels like at least. He’s so tired, and stressed, and worn out by his own anxiety, that it’s all he could do by the end of the trip to look down at his paws and be very careful not to trip down the gorge. That would have been an embarrassing way to die.

As soon as they’ve reached their destination, he peels off from the main group, walks a few steps to the side, and falls heavily on his side with a sigh. He doesn’t even blink when Chamomilepaw’s shaking sprays him with water: it’s all he can do to stay awake as it is.

”If you’re bored, you may roll me towards the warrior’s den,” he says wearily when the apprentice asks if he can help with anything. ”Otherwise, you should go rest with the others. I’ll… make my way there on my own. Eventually.”
  • ooc: interacting with @Chamomilefur.
  • Snakeblink • he / him. 37 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo