bloody mary — batwing

to be reborn , you have to die first .
Spiderlily sighed through his nose, nuzzling through the prey pile in search of a decent meal, tail whisking in agitation, none so far appealing to the ghostly feline. He tsked, picking at random. Better than nothing. He thought, unhappy.

The weather had been spiteful, lacking in decent prey until it died down, something the male was thankful for. He no longer had to think of creaking branches threatening to give way under his weight, now able to hone in on his skills, distracting him from the mess within his head.

It certainly needed a good dusting, collecting the cobwebs of memories in need of throwing away.

His ghostly optics narrowed, sighting Batwing. He sighed through a mouthful of fur, easily carrying himself over, dumping it by Bat’s paws. “Eat.” He commanded, tail flickering, taking a sit beside the other, but keeping his distance, not the keenest of touching pelts. “You’re not dead yet.” He mused, staring at the other unblinking. You’re still alive.

A pity in its own right. He tsked, settling further into his haunches, unwavering gaze staring at the cats mingling about. “Can I keep the skull?” He gestured towards the prey item with a curious flicker of pinkish-red hues.
thought speech
Spiderlily. He had been around when Batwing made that stupid move with the boar, though his look of ire had gone over the warrior's head. Of course, Batwing was spacing out when the other was picking at the pile. As the other approached, his brow twitched and he dragged himself back into reality. His head turned, peering at Spiderlily. "Not yet." He repeated, amusement written in his voice. His vision shifted towards the meal, and he shrugged.

Batwing bit into it, tugging meat free as Spiderlily spoke again. His ears twitched, glancing up at the other. He shrugged quietly. "I guess. Not much point to keeping the skull, though. What makes this one special amongst all the rest?" He questioned, curiosity burning him. He finished digging into the piece and separated the head from the body, passing it towards Spiderlily to clean off. ​
to be reborn , you have to die first .
Not bothering to express his thanks, Spiderlily swiped the head from Bat’s awaiting paw, nose nuzzling around the mess, already determining the best way to scrape the insides. He briefly wondered if it’d be stained a recognizable ichor.

Ears twitched, staring blankly at Batwing’s question, brow twitched. Wouldn’t you like to know? He wanted to say, grumbling as he wedged the head between his paws, teeth tugging at anything useless.

Eerie red optics narrowed, grinning rather creepily with ichor staining the white around his muzzle. Death is a peculiar thing. “Do you always speak with your mouth full?”

His gaze flickered down to the half-cleaned skull resting lazily in his paws. Nothing particular, indeed. “I liked the shape.” He poked at the skull, watching it roll before settling down, humming, turning to raise a brow in challenge. “Rather useless, but it keeps fools out of my nest.” Who would dare go near something lined with the skulls of prey?

He stared rather critically at the other, maw tilted into an obvious frown. To say or not to say. He couldn't care less, he was only curious. How odd it was to care for someone. Spiderlily did not know Bat well enough, but he was … a beacon in Spider’s rather monochrome life. Of course, Whitelion had taken a bigger role, outshining everything dreary in his miserable, lonely life.

Someone is bound to die. He thought, head cocked, staring at Bat’s paws, eyes unseeing. “Are you … well?” He blinked, refocusing his gaze on the other, nose crinkling in annoyance.
thought speech
Batwing had settled down, digging into the rest of the piece of prey. His eyes shifted towards Spiderlily as he teased at Batwing, and a snort left the warrior, his tail swaying behind them. He continued to eat for a moment. Spiderlily was a bit strange, Bat reflected, but it wasn't like it was unheard of. Strange cats did strange things, but that didn't make them less worthy of being a friend. He finally responded- making sure his mouth was clear this time. "Listen, I'm not as bad as some others."

A pause, and Batwing straightened up, licking his lips. The blood bothered him a tiny bit, of course, but things could be worse. "The shape. Aren't they all shaped the same? And.. I'm not sure many people would want to steal their nest, especially if they have their own." Batwing didn't truly value his nest, of course. He was.. well, he didn't use it very often at all.

He could almost see the gears churning in Spider's head, and he sat up a little more, inquisitive and curious. He wasn't known for reaching out, and if he was, Batwing would meet him halfway. It was the least he could do, right? Batwing grinned at him. "I'm.. doing okay. How are you, besides being covered in prey blood?" He grinned a little bit, tilting his head.​
to be reborn , you have to die first .
He let out a shuddering snort, shaking his helm. “Suppose.” His nose wrinkled at the thought of some others. Disgusting. With that, Spiderlily flicked a paw against his stained maw, leaving pink mist in its wake. “The only dislike is the stain it leaves.” He muttered, rubbing it until it burned raw.

“Maybe.” He shrugged. “But I liked this one.” He patted it, peering over at Batwing. “Why? You want it?” His gaze narrowed, tucking it close to his ghostly fur. “Well. You can’t have it.” He spits out childishly, cheeks slightly puffed.

“You would be surprised.” He muttered. “Some don’t particularly care when they’re dead on their paws.” He flicked an unwanted piece, watching it land some lengths away. I need to visit the waters soon. Staring at the bloodied skull in his paws, claws idly tapping its sides.

Spiderlily huffed, brow raised at the statement. “You’re rarely seen sleeping, I doubt that’s considered ‘fine’ but—” The ghostly tom waved a paw. “I don’t care what you do.” He huffed.

“Me?” He pointed a blood-stained claw to his chest, brow raised. “Oh.” He shrugged, peering out into the camp. “Boring, unfeathered grief, mundane.” He responded, not bothering to expand. Nothing to cure my mind’s thoughts, at least. When had grief become so prevalent in his life? He grumbled, veering his attention back to the head nestled within his paws. “I need to wash this.” He positioned the skull for Batwing to see. “Do you want to join or continue to stuff your cheeks with prey like a chipmunk?”
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A snort, a chortle, and a laugh all left Batwing in the seconds following Spiderlily teasing him about the skull of the prey he just gave to him. The grin that split his muzzle was almost dazzling, his head tilting back after he finished laughing. "No, no, it's okay. I just gave it to you, why would I want it back?" He teased the other. But as Spiderlily mentioned his sleep, he shrugged.

He wasn't going to lie. Exhaustion was riddled in his bones. He wasn't sleeping well, and perhaps it would be time to resort to an herb now and again to refresh himself. Nightbird had even almost taken pity on him- that was a sign, he thought. "Ah, who needs sleep? I don't. Great at my job." He nodded his head, but as Spiderlily spoke on his own feelings, he lofted a brow.

A snort left him, and he pushed to his paws, flicking his tail. "The water sounds like a lovely detour, sure. Do you think I really look like a chipmunk, though?" Batwing started to follow Spiderlily if he led onwards, his eyes curiously pinned to the other. ​