
I SEE A SONG OF PAST ROMANCE — With snow clinging onto his coat and his paws beginning to ache, Hailstorm holds the precious bundle in his jaws making sure that his teeth doesn't stab into the leaf itself not wanting to damage the catmint that had been given to them by Skyclan. He silently thanks Starclan for the safe trip to and from their kittypet neighbors, his ears pricked forward as he casts a quick glance to @SHININGSUN and @leafhusk grateful for the pair of warriors that had helped him and made sure that the quick trip had been safe from any dangers the forest could've thrown at them. He trots along knowing that camp was only a short distance away, he sees a few warriors going out with their apprentices for either patrols or training, and he walks through the entrance not bothering to stop for anyone. He makes a direct beeline for the medicine den already feeling a lot better than when he had left his friend to rest in the den, he had achieved what had been asked of him but pride was shortlived as he places down the bundle carefully with a small smile pulling at the sides of his mouth "Berryheart... I've come back. Dawnglare was kind enough to give me some catmint for you,"

With his giant paw does he carefully unfurl the oak leaf to reveal its contents, two doses of catmint and Hailstorm looks to his mentor waiting to see his response or reaction to him obtaining the cure for his ailment...

/ talking to @BERRYHEART

    ✦✦✦✦✦ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✦✦✦✧✧ INFECTIONS
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ACHES & PAINS
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ILLNESS
    ✧✧✧✧✧ BROKEN BONES
    ✧✧✧✧✧ KITTING
    ✧✧✧✧✧ POISONS
  • dge7u2t-148923d9-4a3f-4c3f-b8e7-4e97c3a4cb2b.png
    longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    51 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    bisexual demiromantic; mates with little wolf
    currently being mentored by berryheart
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    semi-difficult in combat; relies on strength, his large size, and wits
    peaceful powerplay allowed

His mothers new mate. Their medicine cat. Hailstorm was a cat that he wasn’t exactly certain on how to talk to so often he just didn’t. It was awkward when they had run ins, the small talk stunted and words fumbled. But when he had heard that Hailstorm was going to SkyClan to speak to Dawnglare, his interest has piqued. He wants to ask how his brother and sister are, wants to ask about his nieces and nephews who had been supposedly injured in an attack. Another generation in his family that has spurned a code into action. Would fate ever allow his blood line a break?

He does none of that when Hailstorm enters the camp though. His uncle was sick, now was not the time to be prying about the lives of cats from another clan. Instead, he stops at the entrance of the den, worry clearly visible in his eyes quickly followed by relief when he sees the catmint. "It looks like your mission was successful" he observes, feeling awkward and lame the second the words come out his mouth. He isn’t sure what else to say though, too much and he would reveal the fear that rolls over him in waves. what if Berryheart didn’t get better? it would mean another piece of his family gone, further fragmented with the loss. He feels so powerless in this moment.


Home at last, and a step closer to getting the aid that Berryheart needed to him. Shiningsun allowed his pace to slow after entering the camp and he let Hailstorm cut ahead so he could tend to the matter. Though he found himself still gravitating towards the medicine den, driven by curiosity. The large tom was soon lingering by the medicine den entrance with his ears straining forward in order to catch any of the conversation within. His sights drifted to that of Burnstorm and he attempted to offer the tom a brave smile despite his own concerns over the matter. "Indeed it was, SkyClan were very sympathetic."
skyclan’s territory, from little she could see, looked uncomfortable. the pine trees thinned out into a clearing of open area, a vulnerability leafhusk wasn’t suited for. on the way back, she didn’t realize how grateful she was of the thick underbrush keeping them covered. her tail waves to hailstorm as he wanders off, and she soon slips through the camp entrance.

she gently shakes snow off her fur, keeping an eye on the medicine den to double check everything was okay. leafhusk rubs a paw across her face, smoothing the fur. “yes, yes… we were practically in and out. you could’ve mistaken our trip for a quick walk.” she responds with a small chuff.

  • base: StarlingaleBases​
  • LEAFHUSK 」warrior of thunderclan・36 ・she/her
    lh molly fawn point sepia w/ green eyes. lanky & agile frame. soft & neatly groomed fur.
    ‣ backwritten ex-kittypet, joined during emberstar's reign. detailed info
    ‣ loyal to thunderclan・mentor to no one
    ‣ please attack in underline and tag
    permission to powerplay:
    - peaceful actions: healing, touching etc​
    - harmful actions: shoving, minor scrapes etc​

    all opinions ic
    ——— written by maxine
  • ‣ please attack in underline and tag
    easy difficulty・leafhusk skills are mainly in stealth & tracking she backs away if she knows an opponent will overpower her
    will start verbal fights・won't end fights・refuses to kill


The return of his apprentice and his patrol was swifter than Berryheart had anticipated, and far less complicated. He knew Peepers to be an interesting tom, one who spoke indirectly and directly, who was whimsical and emotional and yet clever in a way that had aided Berryheart very much. In truth, he had already been indebted to SkyClan's medicine cat for the knowledge that he gave- and though his discovery of lungwort's ultimate purpose was hopefully somewhat repayment, he tumbled into a pit of owing once again.

With catmint though, he could live to see the debt repaid.

Silver eyes watched him, even in daylight. He could feel StarClan's gaze glitter upon the catmint as it was given to him, and Berryheart took in a gravelly breath, deep and long. Weak lungs laboured to trawl within him as much air as he could get.

"He is a true friend." Peepers and Pebbles both, friends in this profession. He only wished ShadowClan had catmint in their swamps, too- it might take the weight off Peepers, and extend a silver paw of contact to keep him and Pebbles as friendly as they always had been. No matter; he would see her soon. A week or two, logic said, he should be cured.

Mossy-green eyes lingered on Snowy's. "And you..." A cough interrupted him, rattling rocks. "You have saved my life. Remember..." Another cough. He muffled his crooked jaws into the moss of his nest. "Remember this lesson. And thank your patrol, for me..."

Fatigue fluttered uneven eyes closed. Rest would be best, now.
I’m glad those kittypets knew what was good for them,” Raccoonstripe mutters, his voice raw and frayed like exposed nerve endings. Watching his brother deteriorate has driven him to pacing, has changed the stern tone of his voice into something fanged and jagged, has gifted him nightmares he cannot shake even upon waking. The spark has begun to leave his littermate’s body—what had once been a quiet flame, unassuming but bright and hot, is now scattered into red embers that twinkle and die like stars in the wake of a rising sun.

He watches with bloodshot eyes as Hailstorm lays an unfurling leaf wrap before Berryheart. Recognition dawns in his brother’s eyes. Catmint, Hailstorm says. Raccoonstripe lifts his dark gaze to the medicine cat apprentice, then to Shiningsun and Leafhusk. “Thank you all,” he rasps. His brother will eat the catmint, and he will cure—and he will not have lost another littermate to the black, reaching claws of death that linger beyond this realm.

, ”

I SEE A SONG OF PAST ROMANCE — The sound of Burnstorm's voice is enough to make him lift his helm and glance to the dark tom's direction, his mate's son, his gaze gentle only to chuckle warmly at what he says though Hailstorm sounds a bit exhausted does he answer nonetheless "Yes... Yes it was. I can only thank Starclan for allowing us safe passage to Skyclan and back home. We were fortunate to not have run into any predators, we were swift as Leopardclan." He can only imagine how awkward it must be for the lead warrior to interact with him but the snowy giant would do his best in trying to keep conversation but now wasn't the time, perhaps on a later note, when the two of them weren't preoccupied. A soft hum leaves him at the thought as he lets both Shiningsun and Leafhusk speak with his mate's son while his attention focused onto his mentor once more watching his breathing with attentive ears pricked forward, he didn't like seeing Berryheart in such a weakened state and he doesn't know how bad his condition could be but the rattling breaths are enough to make him feel unease.

It isn't long until the mottled tom's speaking and it soothes his heart even for the slightest second, he finds a faint smile on his maw. "You have saved my life." His friend utters between coughs and Hailstorm nods feeling an ache in his chest but says quietly "I will... Rest well, friend." He rises slowly noticing that Raccoonstripe's eyes are bloodshot but he's thanked by the lead warrior, Hailstorm offers in a quiet voice "Of course. Now... You should go rest as well," The tabby tom should take care of himself even if the medicine cat apprentice knows where his worry lays, he casts Berryheart a quick glance from his shoulder deciding that he would check up on him later but for now, he turns to both Shiningsun and Leafhusk with a dip of his helm "Thank you both." Hail smiles tiredly at the two before resting near the entrance of the med den so he could lay down and rest even for a heartbeat.

    ✦✦✦✦✦ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✦✦✦✧✧ INFECTIONS
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ACHES & PAINS
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ILLNESS
    ✧✧✧✧✧ BROKEN BONES
    ✧✧✧✧✧ KITTING
    ✧✧✧✧✧ POISONS
  • dge7u2t-148923d9-4a3f-4c3f-b8e7-4e97c3a4cb2b.png
    longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    51 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    bisexual demiromantic; mates with little wolf
    currently being mentored by berryheart
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    semi-difficult in combat; relies on strength, his large size, and wits
    peaceful powerplay allowed

The bright furred tom felt a prickle of unease as his ears overheard Raccoonstripe's blatant insult of SkyClan's number. The warrior longed to offer some correction to the lead warrior's word choice, but he refrained on this occasion. Though the brief sternness to his gaze said it all, his displeasure towards the other. Though he forced his expression back to one of joy, a default for him by this stage. Ultimately today was about Hailstorm and Berryheart, and the swift delivery of herbs to a clanmate in need.

"You're welcome, and know that I will always help when called upon." It was just fortunate that nothing untoward happened during their rush to the neighbours and back. Now they would just have to wait for Berryheart's health to improve.