Bloom || Yewberry

Sep 15, 2022

The blizzard had subsided, leaving the world in a soft blanket of fresh snow. He had never seen it snow like this before. It was..... Incredible, really. He wondered how other creatures were handling it.

He strode on, following no set trail. He was alone. All by himself, his own fault.

Yet.... He didn't feel the need to panic. Was he numb, or unafraid?

He was free, is what he was.

Free from anxiety. Free from the stress it brought. He was reborn, almost.

He could go anywhere he wanted. Yet, he would still hang near the Windclan territory. Not too close, but close enough to check each day for Dandelionwish and other exiles.

But he swore.

He swore by the stars themselves, if those braindead dogs touched a hair on Echolight, his kits, and Dandelionwish's body......

He would kill them. He would rend the last rancid breath from Lynxtooth's body. Stare into Juniperfrost's cold eyes as he watched the life fade from them. Bite into Sootstar's jugular while Weaselclaw watched.

He could go on. His murderous thoughts were endless, unrelenting. They saw him a sniveling coward. Weak.

Well, that wasn't who he was anymore.

He was going to live up to his namesake, the death berries he was named for.

But he had work to do. He had to hone his skills. Sharpen his claws, so when the day came for vengeance he could fully enjoy the sensation.

He knew just where to go, who to practice on.

The twolegplace had plenty of nasty rogues, after all. He wouldn't even have to look for a fight.....

He really was losing it, wasn't he?