pafp blooming shadows ღ olive branch

Whitepaw, despite being born in Windclan, actually knew very few cats personally. Sure, she could mostly attach a name to a face but if you asked her to share the likes of someone outside of her tiny circle, it'd be a very lacking answer. One such cat was in fact Vulturemask. She knew the bare minimum, a grouchy medicine cat who kept to himself, and Sunflowerpaw's half-brother. Oh! She also couldn't forget his surprising but very admirable skill at weaving flowers. Thus, her current actions for the day. Whitepaw had gathered some extra moss, as well as some orange flowers, after doing her chores for the day. Currently, she lingered outside of the medicine den, shifting from paw to paw every few heartbeats. Truthfully, her health had been decent so far, and with the exception of visiting Sunflowerpaw before her apprenticeship, Whitepaw had little reason to visit the medicine cat in his shaded den. However, she wanted to at bring the reclusive ebony feline a gift, a peace offering perhaps, and maybe politely ask for the chance to linger in his den on the harsher sunny days. Inhaling softly, careful not to sputter with her mouth full of fresh moss and blossoms, she let out a soft, albeit muffled, call for the medicine cat. "Vulturemask?" She called, shifting once more before slightly easing in to set down the gifts before inching back. No need to intrude on the older cat's personal space. "I brought you some moss... and flowers if that's okay..." She whispered, rosy gaze peering into the darkness of the den.

//pls wait for @VULTUREMASK <3

Vulturemask had just finished cleaning the shelf where all of his herbs rested so pleasantly to the eye when a voice called for him behind. What was it this time?. Never did it seem like the medicine cat would get used to all of this unwelcoming visitors that could show up at any time on the day...or night. LIke all the other times he was forced to turn himself around to meet the visitor who had decided to step into his den. Vulturemask stoic expression didnt change even when he saw who it was. Whitepaw. This was a first for her to step a paw into his den. Had she got hurt?. Didn't look like it. He said nothingjust waiting patiently to hear the apprentice out on why she was here and not out training to become a warrior.

There was a look of surprise upon the ebony toms face when the gifts got presented in front of his paws. Moss and orange flowers perfectly matching his eyes. Vulturemask stared for a long time in disbelief. Gifts was not often given to him, in fact he couldn't remember when someone last had beside Cottonpaw and that worthless weed she had given to him. But that wasn't possible the same like this. The moss could actually be put to use and the flowers... Lee i brought these flowers to you because it match your eyes![

It was rare for Vulturemask to smile, extremely rare to the point of it being extinct. But it was there, a small growing one barely noticable. But it didn't stay for long just sneaking itself up there as his lips lifted up when thinking back on the fond memory. But like that the short lived smile was gone like it never had existed at all leaving no traces of its existence. " Hmh yes...this is ..... fine by me. A nice add to my collection." he spoke oddly, awkwardly as he tried to play it cool.