
Colosseum blood will dry in the sun
May 11, 2024

It's hard to not notice Duckshimmer, her very presence is demanding. She is a woman of short sentences and carried a rather grand attitude, while he supposes there are other cats in ShadowClan carry a certain whimsy to them she carries elegance. It was weird, Shriketalon had decided long ago that she was weird as a result. She had been hanging around Ripplestream for a while, before her sights seemed to settle elsewhere. That act is frustrating to them, benefit of the doubt says that there's just a desire to be warm for the cold weather. He's unsure of that though in the end, quite content for that to be something to lay down for a later issue. The moon hangs high the next time they see her again, a rat taken from the rather scarce prey pile. While it sounds impressive the rat itself is rather scrawny, truthfully they'd feel bad if it was just them eating it. Seeing Duckshimmer is a decidedly a blessing, they can't feel guilty if they share it with another warrior right?

"Not too busy to share this?" They ask with a twitch of their whiskers, speaking in a joking tone since it seems like she's alone in this moment. They take the time to glance at her before setting the rat down, just assuming that she won't mind their company too much. Even if they never really spoke surely he hasn't done anything to irritate her, though they have to admit that they would take great pride in that fact if so. As the pair share this space, scrawny rat glistening in the moonlight, growing colder in the snow. They reach a paw out to brush the rat closer to her, figuring it would be polite if she took the first bite right? The colder weather brings their rogue instincts to ahead, the urge to growl and keep food to themself. He's used to scarce prey, as most of ShadowClan is, so they try to ignore that gnawing emotion growling in the back of their mind.

Instead they distract themself by watching the she-cat next to him, speaking of which- oh wait. "Did you know you have some matted fur on the back of your neck?" It must be annoying to have light fur like that, would make every stain and matt obvious. Shriketalon's own fur is at ends, reeds and mud stuck in places that he can't be bothered cleaning just yet. They made plans to do it later but they figured they should pay attention to someone else's issues. "I can fix that, if you wouldn't mind?" They're still a little awkward at sharing tongues, a fact that they wouldn't plan on admitting out loud.

  • @Duckshimmer
  • awUjXif.png
    They/them, Warrior of ShadowClan, 35 moons

    A long haired black feline with low white spotting and hazel eyes. A small tear marks their right ear.

    Mentored by Nectarsong | Mentoring Buzzardpaw.

    penned by Juice.

*+:。.。 As quickly as her nest had become full, it was empty again. Truthfully, she didn't lack guilt for the ease with which she pushed Ripplestream away, but it wasn't enough to invite him back. Merciful was she to cut him loose before they could grow comfortable in that falsehood of warmth they shared. After all, waking up every morning with a different name on her lips wasn't kind to poor Ripplestream. Thus, she dismissed the tom without fanfare. But no sooner had she done so did the promiscuous woman realize her mistake...the proceeding nights to come were fated to be colder with only herself as company. The days weren't much better.

For that reason alone, she would meet Shriketalon's invitation with a reluctant, but silky smile. It felt awkward to accept their invitation after rejecting their sibling...But she appreciated their mirthful demeanor, easing the frost in the air into more of a sprinkling snowfall. "Darling for you, I'll happily make time" she purrs, regarding the other with an increasingly genuine smile. Perhaps it was about time Duckshimmer got to know more of her clanmates, regardless of their connections to her little...entanglements.

Shriketalon was quite unlike the rest of their siblings. Where Ripplestream was quiet and thoughtful and Chilledstar had been all shadows behind and under the eyes Shriketalon had been quite adamant, it seemed, to stand out amongst Shadowclan's more melancholic ranks. Perhaps this might be quite an entertaining encounter.

They nudge the prey towards her and she's quick to appreciate their graciousness with a, "My, chivalry isn't dead" flashing them a beautiful smile. She can feel their olive eyes on her as she lowers herself gracefully onto her belly. Duckshimmer soaks the attention, making a casual show of sweeping her feathery tail around delicate paws slowly tucked beneath soft, glittering, well-groomed chest fur. Proper flowers know their cure to bloom.

As the woman is about to take a bite, Shriketalon speaks once more - and it's not an expected compliment. Snapping her ears up, she cranes her neck to look for the blemish. Although gaining a mat in the hardest spot for her to reach was inevitable, the woman feels a dig nonetheless in her pride. Luckily for her, Shriketalon offers a solution almost right away. "Oh my, how sweet of you! " she chirps, using her fluster to lighten her eyes into something more desirable. Perhaps not the outcome she'd been hoping for...but not unwelcome. She shifts closer to Shriketalon, lowering her head to better bare the back of her neck to the feline. "I'm so sorry to trouble you, but I appreciate you very much, Shriketalon my dear" she meows, a song in her voice that doesn't quite match eyes masked by an unseeable angle.
Flicking through her phrase book, she tries not to think about how much she'd prefer to just eat and continue her duties. Instead, she plucks a common line from her book of spells and frees a shiver at the right time when their tongue laps close to her skin. "Careful love, that tickles" she meows teasingly, wondering if she'd used that line on Ripplestream before. It'd be quite embarrassing to reuse material on siblings. Waiting for Shriketalon's response - preferably something flustered or a casual sweep away of her attempts, she thinks absently how a line like that might've affected Chilledstar.

    DFAB— She/Her — Bisexual
    33 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mother to Singepaw, Swallowpaw and Sneezepaw
    Shadowclan — Warrior

    Physically medium | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #ffa98f
    injuries: None currently