It was hard to believe that eight moons had passed already. She could remember the day that Acornpaw and her littermate were found out in the territory, both of their names being dogbait...nothing more than two, terrified scraps of fur. The molly that stood before her now was warrior sized, strong, and much more confident. She was a sharp huntress, and could hold her own in battle. Emotions began to swell in her throat, but she tried to swallow them down. This really was the most satisfying part about mentoring the youth. Acornpaw had always been a sharp learner, and a kind apprentice. She would miss their training sessions together dearly, but just like Cloudyfur, it was time for her to earn her full name.

She had no disbeliefs that Acornpaw wouldn't pass, the younger she-cat had been ready for awhile now. Having a warrior assessment in the middle of Leaf-bare was definitely more of a challenge, and she wished the weather would be kind today, but Acornpaw needed to be able to hunt in all weather, just like every other warrior.

As the pair padded outside the camp, Flamewhisker let out a sneeze as a snowflake landed on the tip of her nose. Of all the days it chooses to snow.. she cursed internally. The lead warrior paused, turning to face her apprentice. "It is time. Don't feel nervous, I know you will do great. Just remember everything you've learned, and this will be a breeze." she offered her a warm smile before continuing. "Your task today is to catch as much as you can before now and sun down. You won't see me, but I will be watching from a distance. Unless you have any questions, you may begin now."
  • IMG_1727.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Lead Warrior of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormfeather & Falconheart
    — 29 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse


ACORNPAW — how could I fear any hurricane?
There’s a strange feeling underfoot as the chimera follows her mentor eagerly through the forest.
The young mollys excitement was palpable, the snow the dwindled from thick clouds brushed off with a confident grin.
Soon, she would be a full warrior of Thunderclan, a place she had merely stumbled upon as a child, tumbling down the ravine as a terrified scrap of fur.
Now, her mama watched her from the stars, and her brother shared a meal with her every sunset. Her deputized mentor turned to look at her with a warm gaze.
Instantaneously, Acornpaw perks, verdant eyes wide as she drinks in every word.
"I’m not." The apprentice insists gleefully. How could she be worried? She was taught by the best.
Chestnut ears flick in response to the buzz in Acornpaws brain as Flamewhisker gives her instructions.
"Got it. Do I get extra points if I catch your favorite?" She quips in response- a newly mastered skill of humor.
Whatever the response, Acorn would set off with a ghost of a giggle.
The air feels almost suffocatingly silent around her, pillowed by fluffy snow.
exhale. inhale.
After what feels like far too long, there is a weak chirp somewhere to the young she-cats left, and her path veers in that direction, stride long and light to keep the crunch under paw to a minimum.
When the straggling bird is in her sights, her muscles tense.
It hears her.
She pounces, making her presence brazen. The bird makes a sound akin to a squeal as needle-like claws pierce its writing flesh, frantic to get away. Ducking her face away from flailing talons, Acornpaw uses all the strength in her forepaws to wrestle it to the ground, diving for its twitching neck the first moment she got.
The bird is dead, and it is onto the next.