blue blue sky | butterfly

Flycatcher hummed a little to himself as he moved a messy bit of his old nest from the warrior's den. With his patrols sorted for the morning and having not much else to do until later in the afternoon, Flycatcher had taken the time to do a bit of tidying up. His nest wasn't particularly messy by any means but it was starting to look a bit frayed in places. Besides, it was better to get on top of these things whilst you had the chance before it was on the verge of total collapse.

After discarding the old bit of his next, Flycatcher grabbed some fresh twigs and leaves to work into his nest, as well as a few little flowers to make it look pretty for Flamewhisker when they shared the nest. He was about to head back inside when something caught his eye. It was a butterfly. Not an uncommon sight, especially during this season, but it was made more unusual by its colour being a shade of soft powdery blue. Flycatcher watches it as it flits through the air before eventually coming to land on a slightly crooked flower, opening and closing its wings in the sunlight. "Pretty," Flycatcher mumbled, voice partially blocked by the materials in his mouth. If he wasn't rebuilding his nest he could probably watch it all day.

/ flycatcher saw a common blue butterfly!
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
It just so happened that at that particular moment, Lightpaw wasn't busy either. Yet rather than work on one thing or another, the golden tom had elected to lay on his back, lazily gazing across the clearing from an upside-down perspective. It he had something pressing to do, someone would tell him.

It was the fluttering butterfly that caught his attention, rolling onto his belly and watching with newfound interest until it found its resting place. Flycatcher was watching too, he noted, clambering to his paws to move closer. The warrior mumbled something or other. "That one's neat," he commented once he was nearby. "Don't think I've seen one of those before."

Although part of him wanted to pounce on it, he remained in place. "Y'know, sometimes I still can't believe leaf-bare is over. It almost feels like I haven't known anything else." The trees were green, the sun was warm, the prey was plentiful, the insects even more so. Not to mention that soon, he would be of warrior age, with a warrior name of his own.

[penned by its_oliverr - ]
.you want a battle ———


——— i'll give you war.
———————— ————————
THE APPRENTICE HAD JUST RETURNED FROM TRAINING, MUSCLES straining with each paw step. He huffed, shaking his helm, staring at the ground with furrowed brows. If only he’d been able to perfect that move before they called it a day, but even then Dove would work into the late nights like he often did.

Owlish optics shifted, catching sight of Flycatcher and Lightpaw staring at a butterfly. Helm tilted at the sight, Dove padded over to the two, stopping a tail-lengths away from the two. “T, That’s s, super pretty!” He would add, grinning timidly at the two, optics flickering to watch the blue-colored butterfly. “I, I’ve seen o, one a c, couple of d, days ago!”

Blue optics flickered to the other apprentice, humming in agreement. “T, Time flies!”

thoughts speech

A late riser today, Berryheart had only recently emerged from his den for his breakfast. Had hhis name been called to accompany one of the patrols, he would certainly have heard by now... therefore, no fretful nagging writhed within him. Any worry let him be as he clamped crooked jaws around a squirrel, preparing to slink to a sun-kissed corner of camp to eat it. A lull over the camp was irresistible to his ceaseless curiosity, though... olivine eyes followed the deputy's eyeline, catching the blue-blurred wingbeat of the butterfly just as it came to a stop.

It was a gorgeous sight, but one well-acknowledged... Berryheart felt no need to contribute anything to the conversation, simply coming to a stop beside Blue and motioning with a white-toed paw to the supplies that he held in his maw. "Need help?" he asked, tilting his head slightly as he spoke between the furred flesh in his mouth. There was still... still a part of him that believed he owed something to Blue and Sunset both, for failing the two kits of theirs that had joined the stars. Extending aid whenever he could was not a replacement for a child, but... it was all he could think to do.
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sleekpaw | 04 months | genderfluid | he/she/they | physically easy | mentally hard | attack in bold mistyrose
Sometimes, when sleekpaw was a kit, he'd dream that he grew wings and flew away. Sometimes they were soft fluttery dove wings, and sometimes they were sparkly butterfly wings. But it was always the same - she was free, soaring through the blue sky, far, faraway from all of her responsibilities and the weight of her parents expectations. But sleekpaw isn't a kit anymore, and they know now dreams are just that - only dreams. But that doesn't stop them from appreciating the beauty before them. "Mhm.... beautiful," he murmurs, sounding rather breathless as baby blue eyes follow the insect as it flies away and out of sight. Berryheart says something about helping - but she doesn't pay much mind since really, she's only here for the butterfly. Instead they turn to glance at dovepaw, head tipping to the side. "What color was it?"


It seems he is not the only one to admire the unusually coloured butterfly. Both Lightpaw and Dovepaw comment on how pretty it is and Flycatcher smiles. "It's certainly something different," He says, watching as it flew around a little bit, before fluttering out of sight past Sleekpaw. It certainly made a change from the white and mottled brown butterflies that were more common at this time of year. "Time really does seem to have flown by," Flycatcher mewed, nodding in agreement to Lightpaw and Dovepaw's words. It felt as though leaf-bare went on forever, with no end in sight to the cold weather and stark landscape. Yet, with newleaf it seemed like only yesterday that the weather had begun to change. "Wait till you all see greenleaf," He said with a cheerful tone, eyes sweeping over Sleekpaw as he spoke, so as to include them in the discussion too. "The trees will be so lush and green, the birds will be singing, and the sun will shine nearly every day."

His thoughts linger on the delights of what greenleaf will bring before he swivels his head in response to Berryheart's query about whether he needed any help. Flycatcher had since dropped the supplies on the ground to speak with the cats gathered nearby. "I think I've got most of it finished now," Flycatcher answered. "If you have any nice smelling plants spare that I could weave into my nest I wouldn't say no though."
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
Time had flown by, and yet it almost felt as though it had lasted for a near eternity. Leaf-bare by far had been miserable. Flycatcher began describing Greenleaf to Sleekpaw, himself giving them a glance. "I remember Greenleaf," he said thoughtfully. "It's kinda vague, though. I was just a kit." Stars, was he really nearing a full year in age?

Berryheart had slipped over, offering the lead warrior his aid. Truthfully, he hadn't even noticed the tabby was doing anything, far more interested in the butterfly that had since disappeared. With no particular desire to get roped into tasks and chores, Lightpaw decided it would be better if he left sooner than later. "Can't say I do," he hummed despite the question not quite being directed his way. "Do dandelions smell good? Don't think I've ever stopped to smell one. Anyways, they're everywhere, so I'm sure there's a few to be found if you want those."

Dipping his head, the golden tom turned, tail flicking in departure. "Hope it turns out well for you, though!" With that, he walked away.

// outie 9000

[penned by its_oliverr - ]