BLUE LIGHT &. stargazing

His namesake strikes at his dreams tonight. Deadly it is, turning his peaceful slumber into a restless one, turning dreams into nightmares. Dreams of his family, complete again - taken from him as green washes over the forest, as it twists his family until it breaks into pieces. Until his mother is gone, once more.

Greeneyes jolts awake to the darkness of the warrior den, eyes wide and heart pounding as he gathers himself and takes in his surroundings.

A nightmare. He had a nightmare. Its inhabitance within his slumber is nothing new, rather something that's seemingly only gotten worse with each day that passes. Never-ending. A constant, as of late. With a quavering sigh, the young warrior tries to settle back into his nest and attempts to retreat back to his dreams. But, sleep fails to return to him, images of his namesake-destroyed dreams etched into his mind as he closes his eyes.

Greeneyes feels like has no choice but to give up on trying to sleep, and soon the tom quietly rises out of his nest. Trying to be careful to not wake anyone around him, orange and white paws slowly slip out from under the brambles that cover him, opting to sit outside instead. A crooked tail hooks around his paws as he settles, and his gaze lifts to the sky with a shaky breath. He finds himself searching the star-lit blanket above - scanning it, as if he'll be able to notice a change in the stars' patterns; as if he'll be lucky enough to be able to pick out a new star among the rest.

Are you really up there?

He can't help but wonder.
// retro to the weather change!​
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It was as if he had some sort of radar to know when something was wrong with his friend, the orange and white tom planting himself just outside of the warrior's den to watch the stars. Fireflypaw cannot see it, but he knows his friend is watching the stars above, he can smell him not too far off. Dawnglare is with his mate, slumbering loudly- every little snore taunts Fireflypaw. Reminds him that he is alone in this den. On this night, he cannot sleep. Mother haunts his dreams, reminds him of his failures to come- reminds him. He must be prepared, always on his feet so he may help those who need him most. His body lurches out of its nest, every paw step heavy as it presses into the grass.

His tail waves as he comes into view, Fireflypaw giving his friend a soft smile of greeting. He weaves around the Warrior's den with practiced ease, seating himself to the side of it so he may settle his tail on his friend's back. No words could explain the feelings that overwhelmed him in this moment. Pity gave way to sympathy, to understanding- when Morningpaw had died, he'd felt like he'd lost a part of himself. "She's watching over you," Fireflypaw meows softly, voice nearly a hush as to not wake up any of the Warriors residing inside their nests behind them. If he can speak for anything, it's the stars above- all of their ancestors are watching- Haku was proof of that. "When Morningpaw died, it felt like I couldn't go on without her. The world was cruel, taking Daisyflight from us. From you and your siblings." He mutters, leaning against his friend's side in an attempt to comfort him. It's moments like these where he wishes he could be a Warrior, so he may curl up beside his friend and make sure he rested easy. Sleepless nights are never much fun.

Fireflypaw cannot claim to know the pain of losing a parent, of losing the one who birthed you- the thought of losing Little Wolf terrifies him, shakes him to the bone. He does, however, know the pain of losing someone who meant the world to him. He's moved on from Morningpaw's death, forgiven the world from taking her from him and his family. Fireflypaw's paw reaches out then, attempting to place itself atop Greeneyes' own. A clumsy effort, from the way his paws slip once, then twice. "I'm here for you, Minty."

Chrysalispaw hadn't been around, not ever since the kidnappings had plagued Skyclan like deer-ticks to the unveiled flesh. It had bedeviled the clan's spirit to the core, shaken and drained it for all it was worth. Those clammy hands had reached Chrysalis too, it seemed. The fire, beleaguered by the wind, would submit to the tides of blusters. It was unclear what had cowed the usually-fiery apprentice - perhaps the notion of such a strong force that was out of his control. He was used to the helplessness found in thorny exteriors and cornered beasts, but not when it struck tragedy like this. The threats he knew were those he could put a face to. And yet, what face could be found in the impossibly-boxed jowls and soulless eyes of the Twolegs? Still, life went on. His presence, he was sure, was not sorely missed. He hadn't cared, not if it bought him the liberty of repose.

The feline crafted from gloom and grassfire emerged from the shadow, as though he had morphed from the shadows of the night, borne of the solstice's sorrow. He hesitated to join them initially, and lingered in the darkness for a moment. Well, here he was now. Heterochromatic eyes glowed though never matching the splendor of the moon, as if they had dulled somehow, and the gemstone glimmer had palled to make way for brighter things. He sat a distance from Fireflypaw and Greeneyes. The almost-warrior wasn't too fond of the both of them, but then again, he wasn't too fond of most cats. He remembered Morningpaw, though vaguely. They were in mourning, though he couldn't say he truly understood them. A serpentine tongue bayed itself for now.
.people say that ———


——— i am heartless.
———————— ————————
THE BLUE-EYED WARRIOR WATCHED WITH PRICKLING ANNOYANCE, SHAKING his helm as he sat further away, tucked beneath the shadows of the night, shrouding his muscular frame. Ears pickled forward, listening to Firefly, optics flashing knowingly at the mention of the deceased. Figures. Teeth grinding, willowy tail twitching from where it lay curled loosely around enormous paws.

He could understand it, even if he didn’t want to admit it. Sure. Losing people hurt like hell, but damn what was the point of mourning? He’s lost more cats than he can count, watching as they were ripped from his grasp by beasts and upwalkers. Yes. He mourned, blaming himself for not being quick enough to save them from death’s icy grips, but death had been a blessing. For them, at least. It was unenviable.

He doubted it was the same for his fellow clanmates. The more you loved them, the more it hurt, the more painful their memories became. It was up to the living to cherish their memories. To honor them by living, even if the world seemed bleak. He understood that all too hauntingly well. The sourness along his tongue brought a grimace upon his scarred maw.

A space in your chest that’ll never be filled, but with bitterness and doubt. He winced. Damn. One way to make a cat feel sentimental.

Smokefang rumbled but otherwise remained silent, watching them from afar, gaze flickering to watch his slumbering brother. He supposed he could share that sentiment. If he’d lost his littermate? Even if he made it seem Shadow was an annoying tick on his hide, he still cared. He cared a lot. More than he’d admit, but he’d travel to the stars to avenge him.

He sighed. The blue-eyed brute had never been good at comforting others, preferring to stay far away from anyone even close to crying. The sight alone made him cringe. Shadowfire got one thing right. I’ve got the emotions of a damn rock.

thoughts speech

Every night, the terrors pecked at his brain. Ever since kit hood they had been incessant, hauntings that swirled around in his mind relentlessly. An eerie shadow was often cast on his morning moods, a direct result of the horrors that his unconsciousness had decided to conjure while he was asleep. Since Quillstrike had stopped sleeping as close to him, since... the shock of all of that... it had gotten worse. Which was pathetic, and he knew it.

Therefore- when figures shuffled out of their dens, presumably to star-gaze in hopes of being lulled to sleep, Twitchbolt was already out there. When he heard the soft beat of paw steps upon the earth he had turned whip-quick, eyes as globular as though he had been struck with something infinitely more terrifying than the sight of a few Clanmates looking up at the sequins of spirits that streaked the sky. Tremoring fur lay relatively flat again, and he set his sights upon Greeneyes, offering the ginger-and-white tom a small, trembling smile before looking back up to the silver expanse above.

Pelts and pelts were shimmering up there- though he had a feeling that he and Greeneyes might be looking for the same one. Some nettle-green glint of her eye, or fiery flash of her patchwork pelt.
penned by pin ✧

He thought he'd been quiet enough to not interrupt anyone, but his isolation beneath the stars breaks before it can even begin - with Twitchbolt's presence already settled under the stars, wide eyes looking right at him.

"Sorry," he whispers, offering a small, apologetic smile to the brown and white warrior.

Is he looking for her too? Greeneyes can't help but wonder, what with Twitchbolt being his mother's apprentice, after all. Had he had better luck than him?

Another warrior stays hidden in the depths of the shadows - a rumbling form he can hardly see, but if he squints hard enough, he thinks he can see Smokefang. Had he woken him? Greeneyes hopes not.

And then, it's in the form of Firefly's presence, a dark tail of plumage brushed along his back. Greeneyes shifts to look over at his friend - a sad smile in greeting, one he momentarily forgets his friend can't see. Instead, he moves to press his head against his friend's in greeting, hushed words reaching his ear in the midst of the movement.

She's watching over you, the medicine apprentice assures him. Once more, Greeneyes' gaze lifts to the sky, scanning for something he can't see - something that Firefly must have learned to identify in his own training.

"Is she..?" he asks, his eyes focusing on the stars. His mother's beliefs had never fully aligned with the stars, but... Firefly wouldn't lie about that, would he? "Can you... Can you hear her, up there?"

While his friend hadn't lost a parent, he'd lost a sibling. While the young warrior hasn't lost a sibling to the stars - and hopes he won't, not for a long time, at least; just as he hopes Firefly won't have to lose a parent any time soon - he thinks he can understand now what grief had carried Firefly through leaf-bare's chill.

Another form emerges, this time from the depths of the apprentice den. Mismatched eyes upon patchworked fur give way to Chrysalispaw, who, in any other circumstance, Greeneyes would rather not be around. However, the older apprentice keeps his distance as he too gazes upon the stars, so the young warrior's apprehension is kept at bay. He doesn't think the sour-tempered apprentice is out here with the same intentions, but perhaps he needs to search the stars for someone too.

He doesn't pry, but a nod of his acknowledgment is sent towards Chrysalispaw before more words of comfort reach his ears, a charcoal-shaded paw placed against the paper-white of his own. I'm here for you, Minty.

"I know, Fi," he murmurs, another nudge against the side of his friend's head shared. "I'm here for you too." Maybe he's starting to feel a little better as he looks up at the stars once more. She's up there somewhere - she has to be.

// oops this is late, but i wanted to get a reply in​