Sep 23, 2022
Tracking all kinds of items seemed great at the time. Until, of course, her first nab. Apparently dragging a fish into the den to copy Fernpaw's collection was "selfish" and "stupid", especially because prey was beginning to dwindle already. Plus, it just made the entire apprentices' quarters stink of the freshkill pile. Gloompaw had resigned to letting her denmate handle all of the cool collecting, but she still wanted in on part of it!

The loss of her tooth had initially struck her with grief. It was probably one of her first teeth ever, and one that'd bitten many a clanmate back when it had been... somewhat acceptable to do so. Because of the time it'd spent with her, and the work it'd done, she decided it was worth exchanging.

Fluffy tail swishing the tiny tooth forwards on the floor, Gloompaw beamed at Fernpaw, announcing loudly, "This is what I got you! It's a limited edition tooth!" There would never be another one like it!


He hadn't expected such a prize, something so unique! Fernpaw had much pride in his collection merely for the size of it- it dwarfed other hoards, standing tall above them with many glittering prizes, and many interesting rocks. That was what Gloompaw would be fetched; she had just the right pelt for it, ashen tossed and white flecked- so picked from the tower or trinkets came a pebble, near-exact in tone match to her pelt. Along the surface ran a vein of white, as if the stone had been broken once and welded back together. Tiny flickers of snow were scattered about- it was as if Gloompaw herself had a twin, and that twin had been transformed into a stone!

"Wow!" he chimed, sincerity shining from him in sunbeams. It really was limited edition, Gloompaw told no lie! "Thanks, Gloompaw! I don't have anything like this." That, too, was no untruth; Fernpaw had plenty an interesting item, but hardly any were unique in their very form! Pawing the pebble toward his trade-partner, the tiny tabby's unsightly features were dressed with a bright grin. "This- it, it looks like you! Hum, colour wise, anyways..."

Her face was not rock-like- he hoped she wouldn't find that offensive.
( penned by pin )