private BLUEBERRY TEA // otterpaw

Apr 21, 2023
How did she get here...?

Brookstorm waits beside the thawing banks of the river, seated a little too close to Otterpaw. He's talking (when is he not?) and she's too distracted to properly listen to him. After all - she cannot believe that he managed to take her challenge and complete it all the same! He's usually a dunce at riverside, constantly flashing his shadow over the water and scaring the fish away. Brookstorm is almost convinced that he somehow bribed his prey into staying still, only long enough for him to catch it. How he bribed a fish, she isn't sure. But surely he would figure it out.

"Huh...?" she hums, tuning back in to whatever nonsense he's gone on about this time. Her paw flashes out and hooks something scaled, dragging it ashore, and she leans over to swiftly kill it. Brookstorm then mumbles, "Sorry, Otterpaw," she's not, "I'm a bit distracted. What were you saying?"
