camp BLUEBIRD ✧ kit intro, sunningrocks story

Listen up now, kits. Who knows the story of Sunningrocks?” She waits for eager little paws to fly skyward, for yips of me, me! Regardless of reception, the icy-eyed tortoiseshell queen moves on, her voice smooth and measured. “Sunningrocks was—is—gifted to RiverClan by StarClan for us to warm ourselves on their stones. My sister, and your aunt Lilybloom, was one of the first cats to discover them when Cicadastar first led us to the riverlands.” She blinks at the kits, her gaze searching for Cragkit, Pinekit, and Crabkit. She remembers wading through crystalline waters, moonlight painted on the river’s surface, to meet with Stormywing. Resolution grips her belly, and she continues on.

One day, the ThunderClan leader, Howlingstar, told RiverClan that they should own Sunningrocks because they needed it for prey.” Her blue eyes narrow into slits. “Cicadastar would never willingly give up a piece of RiverClan’s land, so there was a battle. I fought in that battle when I was an apprentice.” A rare smile creases her lips at the memory of her claws raking through that ThunderClan tom’s pelt, of the deadly dance they’d performed at the water’s edge.

It was a long battle. Your great-uncle Clayfur actually took one of Howlingstar’s lives in that battle.” She does not see the point in omitting this for the kits. They needed to know their Clan’s history, their family’s history. “But ultimately, RiverClan had to call a retreat. Sunningrocks is owned by ThunderClan now. They patrol it just like it’s a part of their territory.” She flicks an ear, her eyes still narrow. How soon would Smokestar call for them to rally? Her paws itch with opportunity, though… she can’t ignore the possibility that she’d have to face Stormywing in battle.

She brushes the thought away, straightening her spine. “One day, though, RiverClan will own Sunningrocks again, and I will take each of you there to sun yourselves after a long swim.

  • ooc: @CRAGKIT @Pinekit. @CRABKIT but open to anyone in camp!
  • image0.jpg
  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 21 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Cicadapaw ; previously mentored n/a
    — riverclan lead warrior & queen. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.


The battle over sunningrocks were a distant memory to him. Back then he had been young a freshly made apprentice. Perchberry had been lucky to not have been called into battle that day to stay behind to protect the camp instead. It was unfortunate that they had lost that day but if not thunderclan currently had that territory claimed as their own he might not have met Shinningsun. Did it make him a bad warrior to feel grateful for that?. At least one good thing had come out from them losing that sunbathing place....Perchberry felt guilty for even having such deceitful thoughts. Neither did he wish for the day to came anytime soon for them to charge into battle with thunderclan again to reclaim it. He did not wish to met Shinnngsun out there on the battlefield...

" I'm su-sure that day will co-come someday..." He would make a weak attempt to agree with the lead warrior as she told the story to her kits keeping his distressful thoughts to himself. Perchberry had just returned back from a hunt when he had overheard the story and decided to drop by to check how Iciclefang was doing. It looked like she was doing okay all things considerd. He awed her for how strong she was even as a single mother. He wished he could be more like her.

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Reactions: iciclefang

the story of sunningrocks. shellkit had heard it all before, but it never failed to catch her attention. bleeding amber eyes lift from where she’d been playing with pinekit, lilac tail that begins to fluff out with dovey curls lifting eagerly into the air behind her. she’s heard it before — but never from iciclefang, and the tortoiseshell had been there herself. when she was just a little baby, not much older than shellkit herself, if at all. when she calls for attention, the shell - cracked girl is forgoing her playtime in lieu of trotting towards the tortie on still - healing toes.

she knows of cicadastar, even if she’d never seen him. hazecloud had told her he looked like cicadapaw, his son — shellkit figured that made sense, even if the thought of cicadapaw with more height and further authority prickled her nerves uncomfortably. settling in for her take just as the she-cat begins, the kitten mews a scornful, ” and why couldn’t thunderclan catch prey in their own territory? “ because riverclan had never had to ask for anything! why did riverclan have to pay for thunderclan’s inability to hunt like they fished? a frown etched her maw as it does with each retelling. clayfur, who took howlingstar’s life, tried with all his might to fend off thunderclan thieves. she thinks of him often, in awe and inspiration. the kit gasps an eager breath, clambering to her paws again suddenly when perchberry speaks, ” yeah, soon. when we, when we go get it back, um — i’m going to be there. i’ll be old enough, and.. and i’m going to be like clayfur. i’ll be all.. “

the she-kit crouches down on her forepaws at the closest kit in sudden play, the adrenaline of outrage pulsing through reed thin limbs. she’d never seen howlingstar, but she imagines a big, burly leader in her kit clanmate, pupils blowing wide against the rheumy redness of her eyes when she launches a raspy — ” howlingstar! “ her teeth bare in show, picturing herself with the river at her back and the wind in her fur. valiant, in a way she hadn’t felt with her mother, but just as enthusiastic, ” i won’t let you steal from us anymore! sunningrocks belongs to riverclan forever! “ and with that, she rushes a pounce on her clanmate, only thinking midair of their still - little statures. they could.. probably shake it off.

  • i.

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    frail alabaster molly with lilac striping and watery amber eyes..
    she is pallid ; platinum splotched with ribbons of shell - touched cream, wisped ends like memories of a distant shore. feather breath and elderdown fur conceals a body worn fragile by tumultuous youth, too thin in some places and round with baby fat in others. her face is short - muzzled, framed half mast by eyes coined warm, sugared amber ---------- ° ❀ ⋆
    currently exhibiting symptoms of whitecough. this includes a running nose, wheezing, sluggishness, and labored breathing. please keep contagion in mind.


-ˋˏ ༻ ❆༺ ˎˊ- Listen up now, kits.
Pinekit has already come running, wide paws traipsing carelessly through the short pathway from where she had been playing to her mother, locking the other tortoiseshells question in her frontal lobe to answer in just a short moment.
Breathlessly, Pinekit gives her paws a bounce.
“Me! Me, mama!” The child loudly proclaims, though her hollering is quickly hushed when Iciclefang speaks next.
Settling on her haunches, Pinekit opts to settle near the end of her mothers tail, a snow tipped paw giving it a poke, a silent request for it to be curled around her before letting her temple lean into the soft comfort of it, wondrous honey pools stretched wide with anticipation.
Sunningrocks had been gifted to Riverclan by the stars themselves, discovered by her own aunt. It’s a legendary tale, and kitten-round features are quick to become scrunched as Howlingstar and her band of thieves comes into play.
“That’s not fair!” Her petulant voice protests, tuned to a whine. “If Riverclan found it, why does Th..Thunderclan get to take it?” Pinekit continues expectantly, having to overtime the difficulty of pronouncing their forest neighbors name. Stars, even their saying their clan was silly. What happened to the golden rule of Finders Keepers?
It seems she is not alone in her thoughts, and golden optics are turned to Shellkit just as she is pounced on!
A squeal of surprise and indignation puts an abrupt strain on Pinekits vocal cords as she’d unravel from her once comfortable position and attempt to bat playfully towards the bigger kit, reflecting Shellkit’s bared teeth with her own tiny alabaster blades.
Eww! I’m not Howlingstar! The mottled child protests as she is squished to damp ground, aiming to kick ineffectual hindlegs against Shellkit to get her off.
”I wanna be Iciclefang!” Pinekit proclaims- if she was going to play, she would want to be the best character in the story.

  • PINEKIT she/her, kit of riverclan, 2 moons.
    plush-furred tortoiseshell she-kit with white dipped forepaws, tail tip, and muzzle and round, honey hued optics.
    daughter of Iciclefang && Stormywing ࿏ sister to Cragkit && Crabkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

I'VE LEARNED LOVE IS LIKE A BRICK — The conflict over Sunningrocks was one that Swiftfire knew intimately, even in spite of her having not been a part of Riverclan at the time. When she and the other former colonists had joined, many a cat had been eager to share Riverclan's history with them, whether as a part of their integration or just for the chance to brag over their past victories. Though speaking of Sunningrocks had allowed them to wince over a past defeat, eyes often darkening as she was told of the battle between two impressive clans. Much like the kits that had already gathered around, Swiftfire had no idea why Howlingstar and the whole of Thunderclan had felt that they deserved the hunting grounds that Sunningrocks provided. After all, it wasn't as if any of their warriors had found it first, or laid claim to it themselves. Yet it felt childish for her to ask such questions, knowing the answers would bring her no sense of satisfaction.

Her bright gaze lingered on the already gathered kits as she approached, mind temporarily spinning for once not just because of the still-healing concussion that she was dealing with. Instead she couldn't help but focus on how it wouldn't be that long until her own children were stumbling around and crying out for stories, a fact that filled her with excitement and terror in equal measure. It wasn't exactly as if she was too young to be a mother, but was she really prepared for it? Would she even be able to raise them right, when it would only be her in camp to care for them as a parent? Though as that thought struck, her attention drifted over to Iciclefang instead. The lead warrior still frightened her in the best of times, but she also served as an example that Swiftfire could look to. She was raising her children on her own, and she wasn't falling to pieces over it.

Surely she could have that same strength, as long as she focused.

A heavy sigh left her before she shook her head, trying to shake off all of the troubled thoughts plaguing her for a time. Instead she focused on the questions of both Shellkit and Pinekit, unable to hold back a huff of laughter as Shellkit leaped atop her new denmate. "The truth is, Thunderclan didn't have any right to take it. But brutes are prone to just saying something is theirs if they have the strength to steal it. I've seen it happen plenty of times before..." Her ears dipped back briefly, thinking back to old encounters between to various encounters between rogues and the colony - some cats always believed they could have anything, as long as they could take it. "Thankfully, that means Iciclefang is right - eventually we'll take it back, and it'll be in the right paws once again. Cause Starclan knows we're stronger than them." Admittedly she didn't hate Thunderclan or anything, but she understood the frustration that her clanmates had been feeling for moons.

  • 76635829_9N4qhCxavM25hPX.png
    shorthaired blue and red tabby chimera molly with green eyes
    40 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; currently not looking
    daughter of lilou and germaine
    formerly of the ripple colony; loyal to riverclan
    easy to befriend; desperate to improve the former colonists' reputation
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
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Reactions: hazecloud
Cragkit hadn't been far from his mother. He is found sitting, turned away from everyone as he draws in the dirt with a claw. The lines he forges are stared at with round, focused eyes, but his twitching ears pick up Iciclefang's call. Her jerks his head around and scrambles in the direction of all of his denmates, shoving and pushing so that he can have the best seat. He sits down right in front, his white-tipped tail wrapping around his paws. He gazes up at his mother with fascination written across his face as she relays the story; it's a familiar one, by now, but he'll never miss an opportunity to hear it again.

While Shellkit and his sister tumble and play, he stands and puffs out his chest, thin kitten tail sticking straight up in the air as he tries to gain Iciclefang's attention. "I'll win it back, someday!" He boasts, his expression set in determination. His eyes narrow with hatred - how dare ThunderClan take something without asking? Everyone knows that's not how it works! Tiny claws are unsheathed as he gives a swipe at the air in front of him, pretending there's an invisible enemy there, and he sinks into a crouch with his rump wiggling. "I'll go like this! And this!" To accompany his words, more swipes are fired off, his clumsy paws scuffing the floor.

The game burst loud and boisterous; Ferngill's face lit up at the sight of his kin clamouring and clashing. Pelt gleaming from a dip in the river, he shook himself dry on approach, watching the play for a few moments. Pinekit declared herself Iciclefang, despite Shellkit's designation for her to be Howlingstar... and Cragkit didn't give himself a name, immediately concerned with his battle moves. Humour and love lit verdant in Ferngill's solitary eye. "You can tell they're yours," he remarked to his sister, voice thrumming with warm amusement.

Rolling his shoulders back, Ferngill arrived at the conclusion that none of Iciclefang's kits- or any kits, for that matter- would want to play as the villains in the story. Cragkit swatted at nothing, and the fiery tom chimed, "Whoa, kiddo! You need a real opponent, with moves like that." Getting to his feet, Ferngill bounded into a play-fighting position, a grin sharpened with faux determination (to steal Sunningrocks, apparently) brightening his features. "Show me what you've got!"

It was a loud invitation... he realised all too late that he may have opened the door to getting drowned in ferocious kitten-fluff.
penned by pin
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 The call of his mother’s voice draws Crabkit’s fleeting attention from where he is playing, and he trots over to her on red-ribboned paws. Iciclefang asks which of them knows the story of Sunningrocks, and Crabkit raises a paw excitedly—"Me! Me, me!" He knows vaguely what Sunningrocks is, but not of any exact details about the place. And if there’s a story associated with Sunningrocks, then he wants to know everything about it, of course! He wants to go there someday, and explore all the cool rocks and whatever else is there.

Iciclefang begins to explain her story, telling them that Sunningrocks was gifted to the clan by StarClan. His aunt Lilybloom was the one who found the rocks, and it was supposed to be just for RiverClan and no one else. But ThunderClan just decided that they watched it instead? That’s so mean! Pinekit seems to share his thoughts, as she blurts out a question about why ThunderClan gets to have Sunningrocks, when RiverClan got it first? "ThunderClan is so mean…" he murmurs after his sister, little ears tilting to the side. His eyes narrow, muzzle twisting in a frown, his little white-ribboned tail lashing against the ground in a show of his indignance. Iciclefang goes on to say that she herself had fought in the battle, and their great-uncle had taken one of Howlingstar’s life. But even after all that, ThunderClan still took Sunningrocks as part of their own territory? "That’s not fair!" He protests, tiny paws thumping against the ground—why would ThunderClan do that? StarClan gave Sunningrocks to RiverClan!

Multiple adults around him give their assurances that they will take back Sunningrocks, and Shellkit insists that she will be a part of getting it back. Crabkit also wants to help his clan take back what is theirs, and he can’t wait to go swim and sunbathe on the rocks he’s hearing so much about. But before he can follow up the older kit’s claim with his own, she announces herself a warrior and leaps at Pinekit. "Hey!" He squeaks out as Shellkit bowls his calico sister over, little blue eyes wide with surprise. Pinekit protests that she wants to be their mother instead of Howlingstar, and Cragkit rises to his feet and asserts that he’ll win Sunningrocks back. "Yeah!" Crabkit adds, taking on a similar stance to his brother. "We’re gonna show ThunderClan who Sunningrocks really belongs to!" Ferngill places himself before Cragkit as a real opponent, and the cream-splashed kit leaps forward alongside his brother, swiping a paw out toward his uncle.
Iciclefang gives the wavering Perchberry a direct look. “The sooner, the better,” she replies. “Our kits should grow up enjoying all StarClan blessed us with.” She imagines a future where she can sprawl against the stones, sunlight warming her pelt, her kits pouncing and rolling beside her. She imagines a pair of round golden eyes flashing at them from the treeline, seeing ThunderClan in their swipes, in the power of their shoulders… and she pushes the thought away with brute force.

The tortoiseshell queen lifts her chin as she listens to the kits begin to protest. Shellkit is a fierce little thing, her pelt fluffed out and her eyes shining as she imagines her first battle with a ThunderClan warrior. “Every ThunderClan cat will run back to their dens with their tails between their legs with you there,” she mews approvingly. Shellkit wriggles her behind and launches herself at Pinekit, declaring her to be Howlingstar. Iciclefang’s lip twitches into a smile as her own little doppelganger is flattened, and the smile widens as she struggles and protests, stating she wants to be Iciclefang. “Get out from under her, Pinekit,” Iciclefang instructs, her tail curling around her paws. “Use your size to your advantage.

From the two tumbling she-kits, Iciclefang lifts her blue gaze to meet Swiftfire’s green. The chimera offers an answer to her daughter’s questions. She muses over the words, then decides she’s satisfied with the other she-cat’s response. “Swiftfire is right. ThunderClan won that battle, but we will win the rocks back in due time.” She straightens her spine, giving Swiftfire a silent nod of approval.

Little Cragkit is just as fierce as Shellkit and their sister. Her eldest son insists he’ll win Sunningrocks back himself, and then his paws, the tips of his claws glinting in the sunlight, begin to swipe at empty air, practicing battle moves he no doubt invented himself. Crabkit, too, has his Clan’s best interests in mind as the little cream-ribboned kit remarks that ThunderClan is mean, that they’d stolen Sunningrocks unfairly. She purrs and lowers her muzzle to rest upon her youngest son’s sunkissed forehead. Iciclefang’s pride burns like blue fire in her eyes as Ferngill approaches and remarks that it’s easy to see whose kits they are. “I know,” she mews back, something like smugness in her tone. “They’re my strong little warriors.” Her brother crouches and invites the kits to attack him, and Iciclefang chokes back a mrrow of cool laughter. “Now you’ve done it. Kits, there’s a ThunderClan warrior on our territory!” She stands, forcing her fur to bristle. “Show him what a true RiverClan warrior does to trespassers!

  • ooc:
  • DEuJTnr.jpg
  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 22 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Cicadapaw ; previously mentored n/a
    — riverclan lead warrior & queen. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.


While absent during the skirmishes for Sunningrocks (she was much better at combat less head-on, anyhow) Hazecloud was undoubtedly among those most vocal that Sunningrocks truly belonged to them. Howlingstar, in all her conniving manipulation, took land from a Clan displaced from their home. Taking advantage of their time of weakness when RiverClan had housed the shrub-dwelling ingrates during their own.

She didn't know how that woman slept at night. Knowing she had taken advantage of their vulnerability. Recovering from a WindClan raid no less, on top of all their other suffering. ThunderClan lives as a disgrace with her at their helm. She thought while Iciclefang retold the story to her young. Similar to how she had with Shellkit, Riverkit and Pebblekit. Then only a few short moons later to Eveningkit, Twinkelkit and Horizonkit. It was a monumental moment of their history, and a star-blessed right they would once again reclaim.

Iciclefang successfully rouses the gathered youth into valiant little warriors, ready to stake their claim to the river rocks once again. A prideful beam brightens silvery features. Such fierceness to fill the ranks in a pawful of seasons, it almost ages her then and there, just to think of them as warriors.

"No mercy to the ThunderClanners!" She cheered on with a laugh. Poor Ferngill, about to be suffocated to StarClan's embrace by kitten fluff.
Cragkit lifts his eyes to his uncle’s, round with wonder and intrigue as he watches him lower himself into a crouch. A grin stretches across his maw, kitten teeth gleaming ivory as his littermate pounces, his paws swiping at their kin’s face. The blue and black tom follows suit, his mother’s rallying cry filling him with energy. “Go back to the forest!” He growls, wiggling his rump before he launches himself towards Ferngill to try and land on top of his shoulders.

Letting out a childish giggle, the boy pummels his little paws against his uncle’s ears and back. The blows lack much power; after all, he’s not nearly the size of an apprentice. But still, to him, he’s fighting as ferociously as any warrior!