blurred and bended | smokepaw


New member
Jan 5, 2023
Rainpaw knew why most of WindClan loved being under the vast sky- it meant that StarClan could always look right down on them. She would scarce admit it, too scared of someone taking it as a sign that her loyalty to StarClan or Sootstar wavered, but Rainpaw preferred being underground. The tunnels felt safe. The moor didn't. It was ironic, seeing as her scar came from being trapped in the confined space, but it wasn't rabbits that Rainpaw feared anymore. Yet the tunnels betrayed her again. It turned out that one cat could only do so much digging before their paws started aching. Rainpaw tried to ignore that, but when pain started shooting up her legs when she so much as pressed her paws too hard against the ground, she knew she had to give it up. She had spent a few days resting, but mostly still walking the paths of the tunnels, just slowly and carefully. When she emerged from them one day, the territory was stained with blood and a chunk of the clan was missing. She wondered if WindClan's unspoken civil war had come to an end, or if this was just proof it was still alive and raging. She tried not to think about what side she was on. The last time that she had tried to talk to fellow apprentices about the unrest in WindClan, it had not gone well. Rainpaw still didn't understand how so many of them seemed to find sitting down and shutting up to be so easy, but she had taken their hint to follow suit. At least, she would be more careful about what she said.

She didn't trust Smokepaw quite like she used to, but when she ran across him, she was quick to ask if he wanted to check out the gorge. The water rushing within the gorge had apparently risen since she and Snailpaw had visited it. Her paws were healing nicely, and it was probably only a day or two until she felt like she needed to go back to the tunnels. It would be good to get fresh air in the meantime. She rambled about nothing in particular as they made their way there, probably talking about her paws and training, until they were within a few paces of the gorge's edge. "Oh, it has risen," She chirped. She didn't move closer, but her gaze swept over the rock and water. "D'you think a cat could survive falling in when the water's high? Or would they just die like if it was low?" It was a bit of a random question, but it occurred to her abruptly, and it bought her time to gather strength for what she wanted to say next.

A pause, filled with the rushing of water, and then she added, voice soft, "I wanted to ask... are you okay? I heard you were there when Dandelionwish escaped and... everything else went down." She hadn't been there, not like when Galeforce and Yewberry were exiled and Dandelionwish was demoted to prisoner. All she knew was that they had lost multiple warriors- traitors, as they were called- because they hadn't wanted Dandelionwish... what, killed? Another ugly, dark blot on WindClan's history.