Though he was raised up on snowy mountain tops, Dewcloud thinks RiverClan’s territory might get more snow than the Ripple Colony’s old home. The flutter of snow is non-stop, and the tom is growing tired of seeing it fall every morning.

He’d been more fond of the rain, back home. The warmth of its drizzle atop his childhood home, the mud puddles a young Dew would bounce through. He wonders if he misses the warm seasons for their weather or for the memories more.

At the edge of the warrior den, blue eyes open from where he’s tucked away in his nest. It’s not the silence of another day’s worth of snowfall that the warrior awakens to, but the familiar pitter-patter of rain that gets him out of his nest. "Rain? " he murmurs to himself, as he nears the den’s mouth to peer out at the camp.

He watches with growing excitement as rain drops collide with the snow-covered ground, as the air feels warmer than the last. Rain indeed, warm and lovely and a much needed reminder of home. Dewcloud doesn’t think twice before he bursts out from under the shelter of woven reeds, and soon he learns what a foolish mistake he’s made.

It is not warmth that envelopes him, but a shock of cold instead — chilling like the usual snowfall, sharpened by the rain’s force. Dewcloud gasps at its unexpected nature. Even the rain is no longer the same.

Now drenched by his short-lived jaunt, the tom swiftly turns for the cover of the reeds once more, stormy fur dripping with each step he makes toward the safety of his nest.​
  • // PROMPT: It's snowing often but today the clan awakens to find a light chilling drizzle instead, nothing like the warm spring rains that once brought Dew comfort, in fact you could even say this does the opposite...
  • 75352150_Hn9XRmIkP7Stkt4.png
    ── Warrior of RiverClan

    ── ??? x ???
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A gray tabby and white tom with blue eyes.
    ── Mentored by the Ripple Colony
    ── "Speech"; Attack

Being put in charge of the former Ripple colony cats means Snakeblink has gotten to learn a lot about their new clanmates — something he relishes in, as it allows to discover the small things that make them tick far more easily than his usual method of following them around. Still, in spite of this he often finds himself confounded by their foreign behavior: loners will sometimes has unexpected idiosyncrasies, but living in their own community has given the colonists customs, and those can get very strange indeed.

Case in point: Dewcloud diving out of the warrior’s den as if all of Windclan is at his heels, only to turn tail near immediately for no reason that Snakeblink can devise. A game, maybe, between the younger warriors?

”Are you quite well, Dewcloud?” He asks with a dubious tilt of his head, shaking it absently as he feels drops of water slide down his nose and neck. The drizzle is a welcome change from days of snowfall: though damp, Snakeblink is far less cold now than he would be with flakes melting slowly on his thin shoulders, and he’d rather wade through mud than freeze toes off in snowdrifts.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 48 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo


Petalnose knew what leafbare withhold. The cruelty of it was never witnessed to have mercy. Mix matched gaze snapped upon the sudden movement, an alerted bolt which had made her stiffen in question. Heavy pelt of the former colony feline had hinted to the inconvenience. No danger. Just cold rain.

An impatient sigh fell from Petalnose as she took a stance beside Snakeblink, "Have you not known, leafbare will keep you on your claws?" It was a joke but the dullness on her tongue shown the frustration. "Better warm up before you catch a cough." The rain too was a comfort for Petalnose, it had been the first to bond over when learning about Aspenhaze. It brought good memories. Warmth in an internal way. But this rain was different, it was sent to irritate. It was sent to do harm in some instances. It was cruel. Unforgiving. Just like the gentle flakes that floated through the air. Harmless it seemed but that only gave a false sense of security. Leafbare was of things that withered.

Had dewcloud not experienced such? Where had the colony come from?


Having lived through one leafbare- and it had been quite the wild sory, with swelling rivers swallowing up the apprentice's den, with cracking ice stealing a life from Cicadastar- Ferngill was uncharacteristically cautious when the weather turned this way. He'd seen enough of the winter's tantrums to make him a little nervous, to dampen the warm, welcoming fire of his spirit into something a little more withdrawn. Seeing Dewcloud drag himself in from the cold, though, dripping like he's just leapt out of the river, his reservations were near-immediately overwritten. From his own nest he arose, though- he stood in place, not entirely sure why he'd even stood up.

Snakeblink asked after his wellbeing, and Petalnose spouted her usual hardy but measured advise- a concern-darkened eye looked to each of them in turn. They seemed concerned only with soothing Dewcloud- or educating him- and not very much with what had spooked him.

(As a cat who did not mind even freezing water on his pelt, Ferngill did not consider that the rain was simply unpleasant.)

"Was there something out there?" he asked, before craning his neck to try and get a good look outside. is runtish size, even in adulthood, did him no favours.
penned by pin

Carrying moss back and forth, getting clean and replacing old dirty stuff was something that Moonpaw enjoyed doing usually. She liked the monotony of it, the feeling of a job well done once things were finished and nests were repleaced with proper bedding that was fluffy and comfortable instead of smashed down by multiple nights of sleeping within it, and she had been going back and forth when it had started to rain and quickly the apprentice found herself ducking for cover within the first den she could find, ears pinned sheepishly to her head as she realized that it was the warriors den. She was allowed in here - she had to be in order to do her job, and even when she was training to become a warrior she had been allowed in here at times when moss was needing to be replaced - but it still felt odd being surrounded by those that had their full names in a place where she felt like she was not meant to be.

Eyes scanned those that were awake, giving them each a quiet dip of her head in greeting from the entrance of the den, eyes stopping on Dewcloud as she realized that the other warrior was just as soaking wet as Moonpaw was. "The rain feels like a gross wet, huh?" She'd offer to the other, tail-tip twitching as soon as she'd said it. She enjoyed swimming, all those within this den would know that, but the rain that they had today was not the kind of water that she enjoyed, too cold as it pelted her short fur, feeling as though the bones underneath her skin were cold as well. She'd move the small bit of dryer moss she had towards the newer member of the clan, offering a small smile before scooting away once more to retreat back to the entrance, not wanting to invade the space of others too much.

  • 76563872_jZr368yA5Er3eOs.png
    ꕥꕥꕥ ACHES & PAINS
    ꕥꕥꕥ ILLNESS
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥꕥ BROKEN BONES
    ꕥꕥꕥ KITTING
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥꕥ POISONS
  • 73712454_CoST7yg1gTxVXmM.jpg
    SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    speaks softly & often found humming
    9 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; interested in beepaw & redacted
    currently being mentored by ravensong
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
    peaceful powerplay allowed

If it weren’t for the chill in the air leaving Dewcloud’s sodden form trembling, the storm-furred tom’s pelt would be growing hot at the realization that others have caught sight of his blunder. His eyes grow wide at the questioning group, at Snakeblink and Petalnose and Ferngill.

Just… Just the rain, “ the former Ripple cat says with a blink at the cats who’ve risen to question him. Had he startled them? Did they fear the worst at his sudden charge into the discomfort of icy rain, fear he’d turned on them? He hopes not. “ It’s cold.

A gross wet, Moonpaw describes it as. The tom looks to the snow-furred molly, the dry moss she brings to him, before nodding. “ Yes, a gross wet. “ Was this just the way of the river’s territory? Rain that would never feel right against his pelt again? He wonders if his days of running through drizzles are over.

I thought it would be warmer, “ Dewcloud explains, a sheepish smile growing at his foolishness. He raises a paw to lick at it, an attempt at drying himself off. “ I thought… I thought it would be like home. The rain was… much nicer, there. “ ​
  • 75352150_Hn9XRmIkP7Stkt4.png
    ── Warrior of RiverClan

    ── ??? x ???
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A gray tabby and white tom with blue eyes.
    ── Mentored by the Ripple Colony
    ── "Speech"; Attack
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duckpaw enjoys the cold, she thinks. she remembers pleasantly the gentle flurry of snow as it tickles her nose and quietly stacks on the ground around her like the sky was tucking the earth in for bed with a big, white blanket. leaf-bare and leaf-fall was all she had ever known. she had not lived quite long enough to enjoy the fruitfulness of green-leaf and the feeling of spreading out on sun-heated stone by the river. she would often overhear clanmates longing for greenleaf, relegating stories of a fully stocked pile of prey and sun so warm it touched the soul. she would look to the skinny and scarce offerings now, internally disbelieving everything she heard. the long fur and silvered ruffle lended itself to her perception, clinging to her skin in thick layers and trapping her body heat in a thermal cage. she was fit for the conditions, but sometimes when the icy wind blew hard enough to kiss pink skin, she thought she might change her mind about liking the cold, once she knew better of course.

duckpaw's eyes flitted to fast movements of dewcloud as he burst forth from the warriors den and into the icy rain. the camp was so still in the snow, anything that was moving fast made her tense slightly in surprise. it had been peaceful, almost like the dead of night, till he had made an expedition into the weather, before realizing his error and high tailing it back to the safety of the warriors den. duckpaw giggled, watching the young warrior be chastised by much more knowing warriors, ones familiar to the deception of leaf-bare. "nice rain?" duckpaw would echo back his sentiments, prying for further information. was the icy sprinkling of rain currently battering the camp not nice?
