pafp blurry eyes !! first dose

Flattening their ear against their skull with absolute disgust, Otterpaw had proven to be the most aggravating den-mate during this whole ordeal. Loud, obnoxious... generally impatient... rude somehow, despite how much he wailed about being in pain. Lichentail just wanted to lay there in silence.. to wait... there was no point in crying over this. StarClan had a purpose for this, surely.


What a burden to begin his path as solitary medicine cat with something like that.

Rolling over in the tattered nest that had been degraded over time through nights of fitful, uncomfortable sleeping, the kink-tailed lead rubbed a paw at their eyes to dispell some of the stinging. Despite how much they slept to try to... sleep... it away... nothing seemed to help. The cough they'd first presented with had only become more agitating, scraping and grating and making an already gravelly voice hoarser. Letting out a small, wheezing sigh, they couldn't remember the last time their chest had felt so tired just from breathing. Lungs protested more than that ought to, a sure-fire sign of the illness's imminent fatality.

The apprentice somewhere nearby gives another groan and while she pities someone so young, she wishes again for silence. I guess you get that kind of silence with death, they think morbidly, grimacing as another hacking cough leaves their throat more raw than they originally believed possible.

"Please Otterpaw," they rasp, lifting their head despite the way it makes the world spin. "Shhhhh." Glancing with eyes reddened by exhaustion towards the entrance to the medicine cat's den, the gray warrior wonders if Ravensong is having any luck... If he's keeping himself healthy. What good would it do for RiverClan if he keeled over and died from the stress of handling this spreading sickness?

-- please wait for @RAVENSONG and @otterpaw ! --​
If Otterpaw had not made it clear how deep his biting attitude and waning patience went, surely his time under Ravensong's care would prove it was an abyss. Though his fight to surrender into a nest was easily won with the encouragement of his Clanmates, he still fought hard in the war against being anything except a nuisance. Herbs were often spat and choked on, the taste of them critiqued with scathing words. Not that it ever mattered anyway, eventually the apprentice tired himself out enough to stop fighting.

His denmates weren't safe from his volatile spewing either. Any complaints were shot back with his own bitter regards. It hurt to breathe at the worst times, how could he be anything but angry? The exhaustion only deterred his bite for so long, but the longer he was in this nest the worse he became.

Lichentail's meek request lowers his whine to a hoarse growl, tail lashing in heavy thumps against moss.

"I hate it here." His voice is hardly there, a rasp against his throat. His stare narrowed into a glare towards Ravensong. He hoped the black tom wanted him gone just as much as he wanted to be.​
Ravensong feels the stress buckle against his shoulders as he struggles to deal with the yellow cough outbreak by himself. That in itself is a feat, but to endure Otterpaw's whining is a patience only the stars could have. He is right—Ravensong wishes the fever would leave his system as soon as possible. He treats both of them with as much care as he can, but Lichentail worries him. He cannot bear to lose that member of the council. Otterpaw...

The night-pelted medicine cat shoots a pointed glare toward Otterpaw as he rasps out a complaint. "You complain about as much as Dovethroat." He remarks, unamused, though the image of the brown tabby tom has invaded his brain more often than it should be. His eyes shift over to Lichentail, his much better mannered patient and he feels some of the edge wane as his hackles lower.

"You two will be the first of RiverClan to try this cure." The precious few doses of lungwort lay prepared at his paws. "And," He scoffs, though it is lighthearted, although the medicine cat is often gloomy and cool, the two patients may experience that he has a dry sense of humor at times. "Then you can be out of here soon. Wouldn't that be nice, Otterpaw?"

He offers the two of them their respective doses, ears angled forward in marked interest. The leaves smell disgusting, like sap from bark, and it does not look the prettiest either. But it will do.

// lungwort is very bitter so feel free to have them react to that hehe

  • IMG_0250.png
    LH BLACK POLYDACTYL MALE (CARRYING CINNAMON, DILUTE) a tall, slender creature with pitch-black feathery fur, large ears, and a sharply angled skull held up in an aloof manner. smells of dried herb, speaks with a low and rumbly accent and walks with an elegant slinking gait.

    born in twolegplace and orphaned at a young age, he joined riverclan at its inception and began training as a drypaw warrior known for a bitter temperment until beesong made him his medicine cat apprentice. after his mentor's untimely death, he had been named ravensong at the moonstone, young heart revitalized with anger and guilt. he is a somber and thorough medicine cat that guards every word spoken in the confines of his den.

    secretly loves "the stars but not so much what inhabits them"
    openly suffers from chronic migraines
    single, but "it's complicated"
It is some small relief that the boy is willing to offer her ears some rest from his whinging. It is only by an amount of volume rather than quantity, as he insists upon how much he desperately wants to be free of this place. His struggle is not one she disagrees with- she'd much rather be out hunting or training her apprentice or any of the other bullet points on her list of duties and responsibilities. But the lethargy that inhabits her bones is one that far exceeds what her age should be cause of. "I assure you, you've made that quite clear," an ear flicks in mild agitation despite the attempt at empathy. Lichentail is, in a way, relieved that Otterpaw is lost to the seriousness of the situation if he thinks whining and being bored is the largest of his concerns...

Ravensong's gentle scolding comes at a biting cost to the poor ruddy tom who is not here to defend himself. She wishes to laugh if not for the way it burns to do so... Poor Dovethroat, ever at the end of Ravensong's ire (though... it hardly seems to be with any sincere hostility in tongue).

Sitting up suddenly, raised to an alertness by the mention of a 'cure', the crooked tail of the RiverClanner swishes in anticipation. When had that been discovered? Was it actually a fool-proof cure? Looking with bleary eyes at the herbs, a cursory sniff proves to be a curse as the truly acrid scent wafts through and brings what excitement they had to a frown. This... was going to be disgusting....

Offering the medicine cat a reassuring smile, the point hoped only that the less compliant apprentice would not screech some sort of slander along the lines of 'he's trying to poison me!' or 'this tastes like you fed me dirt-place itself!' because stars knew the dramatics would continue. Gingerly taking the medicine between her teeth, there is only a moment of hesitation (a preparation for the taste no doubt) before it is swallowed quickly.

It is a struggle to say the least, practically choking on its foul flavor as she raised a paw to mask the queasy grimace. "R-Ravensong this is..." Twisting her face in a contorted mask of disgust, Lichentail refused to elaborate on the more truthful part. Absolutely, unquestionably, undeniably, unfathomably DISGUSTING!!!

"A blessing," they finish, swallowing heavily to try to rid their mouth of such an atrocious sample. It is not completely a lie... "Do we... know how long?" It would be another lie to say they weren't equally eager to escape the confines of the earth-heady den... and conversation not being a agonizing irritant for their throat would be a gift in itself.​