pafp BOATS OF GRAVY [✨] first taste of fresh-kill


In heartbreak, Figfeather often sought solitude. Carrying the burden of grief on her shoulders, alone, was the way she knew how to do it best. She continued her duties almost as if nothing had happened, but cats who gaze into her round, amber eyes, would see the anguish burning silently within her.

Today she fruitlessly tries to drown her misery out in a hunt. When she returns to camp it is with a treat dangling from her maw, a round, tawny bird. A quail hen. A perfect offering to a growing kit whose tongue began to crave the warmth of meat and blood.

She enters the nursery, her eyes befall her expectant sister at once. Nestled near the queen’s stomach was young @budkit , growing rapidly with each day that passed. A soft twinkle shone in Figfeather’s eyes, if anyone could temporarily dull her grief for Violetnose, perhaps it would be her tiny niece.

The hen falls from her jaws and onto the ground. Wordlessly, Figfeather moves to wrap her fangs around it again, a forepaw sits atop the bird to hold it down. With little effort she rips a mouthful of feathers from the bird’s breast, creating easy access to its tender meat. Figfeather spits the feathers out creating a momentary flurry of feathers in the nursery walls, activating the playful instincts of kits nearby as they attempted to catch them from the sky.

”This is for you, Budkit.” The warrior meows, nudging the bird closer to her niece and @butterflytuft .

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Butterflytuft's eyes glisten with gratitude as she watches her sister’s tender gesture. She knows Figfeather’s heart still aches just as her own does, but in this small act, she finds a flicker of solace. "Thank you, Figfeather," The queen murmurs softly, her voice filled with warmth. She gently nuzzles Budkit to awaken her so she can watch her aunt. "Look at what Figfeather brought you, sweetheart. It’s a yummy quail for you to eat." It’s long overdue for her kit to try fresh-kill, but well…just like it had been for Fluffypaw, weaning is hard for her to do. It almost pains her to force them off her milk, like she’s pushing them away, harming them. But deep down, she knows it must be done.

Her gaze meets Figfeather’s with a mixture of sadness and appreciation. Yes, they both still mourn their loss, but it’s moments like these that remind Butterflytuft of what she still has, even in her sorrow. Family. Love. Support. Just like when she lost Dandelionwish, Figfeather is always there. Blinking warmly, she watches Budkit, a tender smile touching her lips. “Go on, give it a taste,” She urges gently, nudging her forward.

Gentle nuzzle between her fuzzy darkened ears rouse the kitten from her nap, toothy maw gaping in a yawn as Budkit stretches and cracks open her eyes. Sapphire blues focus in on Figfeather before drifting up to Butterflytuft. Confusion flickers in their depths (it’s not often she is woken up to receive a gift) but Budkit tries to push it aside in favor of pleasing her mother. If the autumnal molly wishes her to try the quail then the point kitten shall try it.

“Fank you Auntie Figfeafer,” Budkit mews politely as she pushes herself to her paws and wobbles forward, her mind much more awake than her body at the moment. The kit peers at the quail hen, poking the exposed breast tentatively with a paw before glancing back up at her marmalade hued aunt. How was she supposed to eat this? There was nothing to suckle upon. Did they want her to bite it? “Budkit no bite. Biting hurts…” She murmured with a certain misplaced certainty. Historically biting has gotten her in a fair amount of trouble so that couldn’t possibly the answer - her mama and aunt wouldn’t trick her like that. “Budkit wick it?” She’s never been told not to lick.

Not waiting for confirmation, the young kit leans forward and casts her tongue over the skin of the quail. It is… a weird sensation. But the taste is tantalizing so she licks it once, twice, three more times. As many times as allowed until she is given more direct instructions (and permission to bite).
[ penned by kerms ]


She returns her sister’s soft smile. Figfeather is trying now in this dark time to appreciate a special moment. The first taste of meat was an important milestone in a kits life, soon, if not immediately, Budkit would never suckle for milk again. After this milestone would come the next and soon enough she’d be getting a mentor and her apprentice name.

At first Figfeather thought the kit’s reluctance was due to teething… though surely by now the kit’s fangs had mostly come in? Then she remembers that Budkit had been scolded for biting recently, she opts to lick it instead. Figfeather gives an amused snort, ”Prey is meant to be bit on. Other cats are not.” She smirks before adding, ”Not until you’re an apprentice and ready to help protect our borders from the other clans that is.” She could put her sharp fangs to use on an offending RiverClan or ThunderClan cat all she wanted then.

//potential tw for mild blood… and messy baby eating lol

She pauses mid-lick, bubblegum pink tongue scraped against the now ragged quail skin, and stares at Figfeather as she speaks. A correction is offered - permission granted to the young kit to bite the bird. Budkit’s tongue slips back into her mouth followed by a subtle lip smack. “Budkit bite pwey,” she whispers to herself, assurance enrobing her words. So prey is okay to bite but other cats aren’t… well, at least until she becomes an apprentice (like her big siblings!).

Tentatively she bares pearly fangs and bites into the breast of the bird. It gives way easier than Fluffypaw’s tail and Mercurykit’s haunch (an alarming sensation at first) but soon enough her mouth floods with prey taste and Budkit allows her bite to tighten even more. An instinctual growl rumbles in her throat, guttural and gluttonous. Half lidded her eyes become and she relishes the tenderness of flesh in her mouth and the overwhelming flavor coating her tongue. It’s so different from the milk that has nourished her every day beforehand. More savory, heavier on her palate. Budkit enjoys it for what it is, glad that it isn’t similar to her mother’s milk.

She pulls away with a chunk of the quail held tight in her jaws. Crimson dribbles messily down her chin as she chomps and tries to chew, taking a minute or so to get the bite mashed and swallowed. “Yummy!” The point kitten cheers after the success of trying her first bite of freshkill.
[ penned by kerms ]

Butterflytuft purrs in amusement as her sister has to gently encourage Budkit to actually bite the fresh-kill. She watches with a soft, proud smile as the little girl takes her first bite of true prey, and her heart swells with a bittersweet mix of joy and sorrow. It’s easy for her to find comfort in these small but significant moments.

"Good job, Budkit!" The queen praises gently, her voice warm and reassuring. "I'm glad you like it. You're growing up so fast." She leans in to nuzzle her daughter affectionately, her eyes meeting Figfeather's once more. Silently, she shares a smile with her. Thank you for being here for this, Is what she hopes to convey in her eyes. Butterflytuft then turns her gaze back to Budkit and watches her savor the taste of the quail. "Remember, sweetheart, this is just the beginning. There will be many more tastes to try!" She trills with a soft excitement. Maybe now she can finally give up on nursing…with her teeth now fully in, it’s really beginning to hurt!
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