
    ☆ this story may be subject to moderate change, but the core storyline will always remain!
    A fairytale romance that could never last, Bobbie and Duke knew each other their entire lives. Born mere days apart, she a moggy with a pedigree somewhere along the line and he a pure-bred Maine Coon, kept by a breeder and given to an older relative, the two grew up alongside each other in massive Twoleg nests with their gray-haired human companions. They live permanently entwined, as close as 'friends' can be; Bobbie is unable to imagine a future without him in it, and he surely agrees (right?), and the shecat quickly develops an apprentice-aged puppy crush that blossoms into something more as the pair approach adulthood proper.

    After moons of struggling with her feelings, Bobbie finally accepts that she can't change them, and subsequently works up the nerve to confess to her best friend. He accepts, saying he's long reciprocated the feelings, and the two agree to finally be companions as mates and seem set to live out the rest of their days in blissful happiness as kittypets and childhood sweethearts. Sadly, Duke's elderly housefolk pass away within hours of each other; the tom convinces Bobbie to elope into the wilderness with him. She's reluctant but smitten, sadly leaving behind her own Twoleg and stealing away in the night.

    Their life is difficult, but Duke's Maine Coon size and insistence on doing all the work keeps the pair in relatively good conditions and happiness seems to be their continuing destiny despite their hardships. That is, until she falls pregnant; initially joyful, she tells him immediately—only to receive an odd reaction, with the tom saying he needs 'time to think', but surely he's just considering the weight of their new future, right? This turns out to be a whole lot of time to think, as Duke vanishes within a few sunrises of her announcement, leaving Bobbie alone. She's unfamiliar with her wild new home, left adrift and unskilled since Duke had cared for her until now.

    Unfortunately, the queen is ill-equipped for the wilderness, and barely manages to survive alone for some time before being attacked by one of the hunger-wracked wild dogs. Empty-bellied herself and without any battle training, Bobbie is severely injured; the end feels imminent. That is, until she is discovered by a SkyClan patrol; returning to their home, her wounds treated, and finding out she is still with kits despite the shock of the attack. For now, the queen is doing her best to make a home in SkyClan, one that will be good for her kits to come.

    ✦ accepted kits will receive a semi-chibi styled fullbody done by me!
    — open

    — open

    — may be added if needed
  • — I will not be super strict on activity, but I'd like 8-10 posts per month minimum (more is obviously welcomed). Bobbie is one of my more active characters and these kits will be a huge part of her life, so I would very much like the kits to be relatively active! That said, I understand that life happens; if you will be inactive for an extended period of time due to IRL reasons, let me know. If you are inactive for over a month without warning, I reserve the right to rehome your kit.
    — Kits should stay in SkyClan until warrior age unless for good plot reasons, in which case please contact me about it OOCly. The kits are not death fodder and I would prefer if they didn't die until apprenticehood at least (making it to warriorhood preferred), although once again this can be discussed with me OOCly.
    — This is not FCFS; I will be choosing from applicants on June 10th, with the kits being born *shortly after, unless there are not enough applicants to fill the minimum amount of slots. The kits will start at 2 moons and age realistically on the 15th of each month.
    — The litter will have 2-3 kits depending on interest/applications.
    — Applications are FFA, as long as you follow the genetics provided by Floppie (thanks Floppa!); birth defects and disabilities are allowed if researched well and played correctly, but genetic mutations not listed in the genetics are not.
    — These kits should not have any angst related to Bobbie's treatment of them as a mother! She will be an attentive, loving mother and these kits will be her entire world; feel very free to have angst related to their father, however, as Bobbie will dodge this topic, consciously or not.

  • Sire: LH black smoke Maine Coon (carrying non-silver)
    Dam: LH lilac tabby w/ low white (carrying cinnamon, solid, albino)

    Kits can be black, black tabby, black smoke, or silver tabby
    — Kits will be longhaired
    — Kits will have no white or low white
    — Kits without white may have any realistic eye color barring blue; kits with white may have any realistic eye color
    — Kits will be 50% Maine Coon and may display breed traits
    — Kits may carry chocolate OR cinnamon; tabby kits will carry solid; silver kits will carry non-silver; kits may or may not carry albino

    — No current relations.
    — Nearly any nature-related names; the names below are just suggestions, feel free to get creative! Bobbie will generally not choose very militaristic or 'scary' names for her kits (ex. Bonekit, Gravekit), however, and there will not be names with cruel connotations. I can't think of any legal names that would be related, but nothing related to the father's name. Additionally, Bobbie will not name especially large kits directly after their size (ex. Tall, Large, Big ...) and will not name any kits dog-related names.
    — Whether you apply with a listed name or not, I encourage checking the census to make sure there's not a double in SkyClan.
    — Animals: Ravenkit, Crowkit, Starlingkit, Magpiekit, Pheasantkit, Peregrinekit, Quailkit, Erminekit, Doekit
    — Flowers: Lupinekit, Ruekit, Lavenderkit, Violetkit, Asterkit, Iriskit, Boragekit
    — Just likes them: Puddlekit, Plumkit, Dewkit, Rainkit, Fledglingkit, Drowsykit

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DROWSYKITdrowsykit . drowsypaw . drowsy???
↳ named for her sleepy/exhausted nature — kitten of skyclan; no thoughts about/previously alliances with any other clans — currently female (will come out as trans icly), she/her (will switch to he/him icly); sexuality to be revealed at a later date — bobbie x duke(npc) sibling to tbd
a black smoke feline with silver and brown central heterochromia drowsykit is a black smoke feline with silver eyes, and a very notable splash of brown around each pupil giving her central heterochromia. she has adopted a lot of the maine coon traits within her face, and rather large paws, but her size is notably smaller than average. she is small, but she is powerful in her stride. her fur is long, and often kept extremely neat when she has time to do so. ↳ very self conscious of her stride and size. suffers from gender dysphoria.
( + ) observant. protective. easy to get along with. ( / ) mirrors. optimistic. ( - ) violent. self depreciating. very sleepy. ( + ) drowsykit is very observant. she spends a lot of time listening and watching others, gadging them and how they act before reacting herself. she never talks to anyone without first seeing how they are. she is also protective. be it of her mother or her siblings, she may be small but she packs a punch. she can and will do whatever she feels is necessary to protect those she loves. that being said she is easy to get along with. she doesnt go out of her way to make it necessarily difficult to be ariund her though sometimes she has her moments. ( / ) she is someone who mirrors. this can be seen as good thing or a bad thing because she truly doesn't know who she is as she spends so much time trying to get along with others so when left alone she doesn't know what to do other than try to be herself. she hasn't figured out who that is. she also tends to be an optimistic cat. this can go both ways as having such a good look is good, until it is a seemingly impossible situation to be met with. she doesnt know how to deal with harder topics as a result of this... at least when around others. she deals with harder things on her own in a differenet manner. ( - ) she can be seen as violent. this comes from her desire to protect those she loves, and being very snippy about it. she can and will bite. no questions asked. she also, despite her attitude, can be very self depreciating. she doesn't know how to truly accept who she is, if she can't figure out who that is. it's hard to like someone you don't know. she is also very sleepy. she sleeps a lot. any time she can, in the weirdest postions. she is very tired– more than what should be considered normal– and yet she still suffers from restless sleep. — mannerisms: bounces on the tips of her toes when waiting for a response. clenches jaw when nervous and or uneasy. sleeps when extremely stressed to try and make it pass. — might start fights | might end fights | will not flee | may or may not show mercy ( depending on who she is fighting ) — will excel at sleeping, climbing trees, offensive fighting. she will not be good at defending herself, swimming, or hunting.
plots: — coming out as trans after self discovery.​
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completed app!

— named for long, fluffy tail reminiscent of a lupine flower
— male \ he/him pronouns \ will later transition mtf (she/her) icly
— 0 moons \ ages in real time
— kitten of skyclan

a longhaired black smoke feline with low white and jade-green eyes ref
— Lupinekit is a black smoke with long, wispy fur and a notably fluffy tail. He has two white paws (the left front and back paws) and a white underbelly. Lupine will very likely be the tallest of Bobbie's litter, shooting up above the other kittens on spindly legs while otherwise keeping his layer of babyfat and downy puffball kitten fur. However, his face shape lacks some of the angular maine-coonesque features and has a more open, rounded expression to his face, with wider-set ears. His eyes are a soft light jade green color, and his whiskers are long and silvery. He maintains his coat meticulously and can be spotted grooming himself idly throughout the day.
mannerisms: Moves carefully and quietly, doesn't make a lot of noise when moving around even as a kit. Self-conscious about height, makes himself appear smaller as to not stick out from the other kits. Picky about grooming, tempted to fix flyaway hairs on others. Very sensitive about having his tail touched, hates when it gets pulled or stepped on. Speaks softly, doesn't often raise voice.

gentle, affectionate, inclusive, clever
✧ NEUTRAL TRAITS: anxious, diplomatic, softspoken
✧ NEGATIVE TRAITS: meek, lacks confidence, pushover, easily discouraged
— Lupinekit is a gentle kitten with a soft, sweet demeanor. He will follow Bobbie and his siblings around like a shadow, wanting to be near them at all times and being liberal with affection and cuddles. He's shy around strangers, especially adults, and may try to get his family to speak up for him when he's addressed. He's very much an introvert but admires more extroverted individuals, especially those amongst his peers that are popular social-butterfly types, and will try to mimic the characteristics he finds to be coolest. Though he's on the shyer side, or perhaps because of it, he will make a point to try and include everyone in kitten games and activities and will in childhood have a strong passion for keeping everything fair. Lupine will be a very sensitive child, prone to bursting into tears whenever he's upset someone or when confronted, and may gain a reputation for being a bit of a crybaby. Lupinekit is also an anxious child, with a tendency to become overcome with worry when confronted with especially interpersonal problems. He's uncomfortable with social tension and will try to meddle and negotiate with cats when they have arguments or disagreements. He's also rather self-conscious, perpetually fretting over whether he's doing something weird or if there's something odd about his appearance. He has a good head on his shoulders, though, and will grow to be clever and well-spoken, with a tendency towards being a realist.

— ISFP "The Artist", Neutral Good, 9w1 "The Peacemaker"

— sibling to tbd
— penned by eezy

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completed an application for the litter below!

crowkit / crowpaw / crow???
↳ named for the color of his pelt.
— skyclan kit
— male (he/him); sexuality will be revealed later
bobbie x duke (npc), sibling to tbd

longhaired black smoke with hazel eyes / reference
when he enters this world he is a bit on the smaller side, however he looks like a puffball with his long fur. his baby fat fooling others into believing he is bigger, but it's simply the mixture of his coat length and baby fat. some of the main coon traits he inherited are a distinctive long and triangular shaped face, and the tufts at the tips of his ears.

crowkit may cause some worry as he is not the most talkative or expressive. the reality is that crowkit is quite shy, he finds it difficult to join groups easily. in most cases he has to be taken care of or led around by someone, which leads him to have complicated feelings towards. he is aware that he is a kit and requires help, but he feels guilty of receiving it. this warps into him thinking that he doesn't provide for his family or friends, so he struggles with finding his own balance in terms of asking and receiving help and his own worth. it is important to note that he is not difficult to befriend. despite his quiet and shy nature he is an excellent listener. it is because of his nature that cats are more likely to share their worries with him, which he will listen and give his own thoughts on sometimes. most of the time he will remain quiet and allow cats to get it all out. by extension he is an excellent secret keeper because he will not bring up what others have told him, nor is he interested in drama. crowkit has a good memory which is a double edged sword. as a result of his good memory he will not easily forgive past hurts and will bottle them up. consider moments where there is disconnection between truth as strikes. the more a cat goes back on their word and doesn't follow up with their ideals he will lose all faith in them and call them out before completely cutting them out of his life. every strike he is not afraid to express his displeasure in the form of actions, words? that is the last straw. despite crowkit appearing soft, he angers easily. if someone is talking too loud or someone chewing with their mouth open, he is already upset. if anything his day is ruined as far as he's concerned. overtime he will be better at managing his anger, but for now he will think a cat snoring is world ending.
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Hi everyone! This isn't much of a 'choosing' announcement at all, as I've decided to include the third optional slot as originally stated, since I received three great apps. Thank you all for your interest!

As such, the kittens are:
@scar with Drowsykit!
@eezy with Lupinekit!
@velou with Crowkit!

I'm very excited to start writing Bobbie with her family and think these three will be great choices. If you were chosen and have lost interest in your kitten/would like to drop them, please let me know ASAP. Otherwise, the birth thread should go up in the next day or so! :D
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