BOBBIE'S SIBLING ♥︎ Ex-Kittypet SkyClanner Adopt


  • BOBBIE'S SIBLING(S). ݁ . ˖ .
    The second child born of a on - again, off - again romance between two old friends, this cat grew up in the warmth and safety of their elderly Twoleg's spacious home under the watchful eye of their mother, Champagne . . . and their older sister, Bobbie. Their elder by a vast twenty - five moons, their sister began to form a close bond with them throughout their youth—until she abruptly vanished over the garden fence with their smoky - furred neighbor, Duke, and was never seen again by either this cat or Champagne. Both thought her lost to time and the forest, until . . .

    . . . over a year later, an aging Champagne encourages them to venture into the forest as their Twoleg prepares to move out and give them away. At their mother's behest, this cat agrees, escaping into the woods much like their sister had so long ago—and after no small amount of wandering, they happen to run into a SkyClan patrol, one with a particular someone on it.

    The scarred warrior that greets them at the border with shocked recognition is a far cry from the soft - pawed sweetheart of a sister they remember, but there's a cautious yet undeniable affection in the way she treats them. She asks them to join her Clan and meet their, as it turns out, many niblings. They're just one part of the long story of her life since she left them . . . and though Bobbie is a changed cat, if they're willing, she wants to welcome them into the family she's created here.
    • This is not a first - come, first - serve adopt. Applications will close on July 10; the thread where Bobbie reunites with this cat on the border will be on July 12.
    • Well - researched and respectfully played disabilities and birth defects are permitted, but genetic mutations not listed in the provided genetics are not. Please follow the genetics as provided by Blitz Krieg ( thank you! )
    • This cat should remain in SkyClan after joining unless a plot calls for it, and it's expected that you will refrain from killing them off for a reasonable amount of time.
    • This adopt is intended for one slot, with an optional second slot if there are two equally compelling applications; there will not be more than two slots maximum.
    • No set form is necessary for your application, but be sure to include all the basics.
    • This cat will be 26 moons old at the time of adoption and age realistically.
    • There is no hard posting quota for this adopt, but a handful of posts each month are expected and rehoming will be considered after one month of inactivity. Bobbie is a character close to my heart who means a lot to me, and I'd like this adopt to go to someone who will be active with the character!
    • This cat was raised by a loving single mother, Champagne, with help from their older sister Bobbie; she left when they were ten moons old. Their father, Thomas, is rarely in the picture.
    • While Bobbie is a changed cat from when they knew her, she will not be cruel or indifferent to this cat. They were quite close when this cat was younger, and though that's faded a little, she will ( if they're open to it ) grow to treat them with love and integrate them into her family. Please keep this in mind when plotting!

    slot one​

    slot two ( optional )​
  • 84169849_niC4FRnvI7bB6vE.png
    Sire: LH lilac w/ low white (carrying albinism, cinnamon)
    Dam: SH albino (masking cinnamon tabby w/ vitiligo; carrying longhair, dilute, solid)
    ♥︎ Kits can be chocolate, lilac, cinnamon, fawn, chocolate tabby, lilac tabby, cinnamon tabby, fawn tabby, or albino masking any of those.

    • Kits can be shorthaired or longhaired.
    • Kits will have no white or low white.
    • Albino kits will have pink eyes; full color kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; full color kits with white can have any realistic eye color.
    • Kits may or may not develop vitiligo in adulthood.
    • Albino kits will have the following side effects: eyes sensitive to sunlight, risk of blindness from sunlight exposure, increased risk of sunburns and skin cancer from sunlight exposure, may suffer from immune issues.
    • Shorthaired kits will carry longhair; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; chocolate-based kits will carry cinnamon; tabbies will carry solid; full color kits will carry albinism.

    ♥︎ Bobbie is Generation I | Sibling(s) will be Generation I
    • Cat(s) will be uncle(s) / aunt(s) to Crowsight, Lupinesong, Drowsynose, Lionpaw, Candorpaw, and Hollypaw.
    • Cats will be sibling(s) - in - law to Blazestar and Duke.
  • 83900606_rwOrqaVW12GPYJh.png
    ♥︎ The naming list for this adopt is more free - form and not limited to the names provided here, which are just suggestions! These cats would have been named by their Twoleg, who also named their mother and Bobbie. They will have the option to take a Clan name upon joining or, if they prefer, retain their kittypet name like their sister.

    • Their Twoleg named Bobbie and Champagne after things they took an interest in as kits ( wine glasses, bobby pins, etc. ), so this character may have been named in a similar theme—after something they liked as a kit.
    After their mother: Cabernet, Pinot, Rosé, Merlot, etc.
    After their sister: Bandanna, Barrette, Scrunchie, Ficcare, etc.
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albino masking fawn tabby with vitiligo; carrying longhair, solid

barrette is stunning-white and airbrushed pink at the extremities, a porcelain doll of a cat with just as much youth in his face, a youth that he will carry far into his elder years. while fawn tabby patterning slashes across his ribs, this is the only indication of color on his body besides the blood-pink of his eyes and skin. he is surprisingly large, given his sister's tiny stature, though part of this mass is simply the fluff of long fur. thanks to his sheltered life, he sports no injury except for a simple tick at the lip — an accidental thing from when he knocked his head into the twoleg fireplace. he is undeniably beautiful. his incessant grooming, partly a habit picked up out of boredom, keeps him looking well-maintained and, perhaps, self-obsessed. but barrette would be a liar if he were to claim he was not vain. vanity is, in fact, his second-favorite sin (behind which other sin, he would let you only guess). he sports a red break-away collar with a simple silver barrette clipped to it. while its flashing undeniably attracts unwanted attention, he will refuse to take it off unless forced by skyclan.

albinism side effects: sensitivity to sun exposure, increased risk of sunburns and skin cancer from said exposure; already experiencing a small degree of vision loss due to this. will possibly experience immune system issues as i research more into them.
accessories: as bobbie wore bobbie pins in her fur, barrette wears his titular accessory clipped to his wine-red collar.

close in their youth, barrette has missed bobbie deeply in her absence. her disappearance into the woods with duke felt like a death of sorts. over the fence and gone. simple as. in her absence, barrette grew close to his aged mother and his aged twoleg, surrounded by floral perfume and people waiting to die. he grew used to patience. perhaps this patience gave him the drive to go find his long lost sister, though he'd thought champagne delirious when she'd suggested it. bobbie, gone for moons and moons, was certainly dead by now — barrette had spent much of his cooped-up kittypet life coming to terms with it. but he'd also spent much of that life coveting the possibility of freedom; of hunting, of embracing what he is: a cat who must express its instincts on more than furniture and old shoelaces.

so he goes, following champagne's instruction, and he finds his sister.

in their youth, barrette had seen bobbie as more of a mother figure than a sister, their vast age gap eliminating her as a true peer but preserving her status as cool and fun in his kitten mind. as he grew, he felt himself on a more even playing field with her, but at only ten months old at the time of her disappearance she is little more than a wisp to cling to in his mind now. when he goes to find her, he does it only in part to find her. rather, he takes the opportunity and makes it his own: makes it his to hunt, to run freely in the sun, to drink from real, fresh water and eat from something other than kibble. and though barrette proves okay with just his natural instincts, his lack of warrior training catches up with him quickly. he has never been outside before now. his hunting has always happened in dreams. now, he fails to feed himself adequately; fails to shade himself adequately and falls victim to painful sunburns that he only half-knows the cause of. albinism is a trait that barrette has had all his life, but only now does he become truly familiar with it. when the opportunity to join skyclan comes, he does it selfishly — selfish to heal himself, to learn to embrace himself, and, of course, to be close to bobbie once again.
  • mannerisms & quirks: almost nocturnal, as the sun poses many dangers to him. though it is harder for barrette to see at night, he doesn't want to risk sun damage to his eyes or flesh. impeccably groomed, though his pale white fur is often tinged red by his meals.
  • inspirations: vampires! i want a cunty vampire on my roster and have for a while.
  • notes: planning on this guy being semi-casual, and may bump him down to casual activity depending on if i get a slot in the rumbleberry litter!
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done.... :]


—— a starry-eyed woman that was excited to leave the nest, crochet lives with an unspeakable amount of wanderlust (there were a few instances during kithood where she'd try to bolt from the door). leaving her aging mother wasn't an easy task, however, it had been a tearful goodbye- the pair knew they wouldn't see each other again. alone, crochet wandered for what felt like days... seeing the sights, in awe of what she's been missing out! during this time she felt empty, missing something, until she stumbled upon a skyclan patrol with a familiar, lilac furred sister. things were different now, crochet could see that, and feel it; the most obvious being bobbie's missing eye and crochet not being the tom she knew moons ago. they had a lot to catch up on.

—— transfem ( she / her )
・sexuality undecided
—— currently loner, future skyclan warrior
・former kittypet
—— 26 moons ;; ages realistically every date

APPEARANCE — lh lilac w/ white
—— carrying albinism

reference. —— crochet owns a build that is, surprisingly decent for skyclan. she is dainty yet posses long limbs, standing at a height that is above average, but still towers over her older sister. her coat is a dusty lilac that drapes over her, fluffing out around her chest and tail. a small blaze of white rests above her nose, it crinkles whenever she's in deep thought-- and one of her paws is white. the molly's fur smells like fresh laundry, but that will ebb away in time to a more woodsy scent.

positive traits: curious, enthusiastic, honest, whimsical
neutral traits: breezy, outspoken, guileless, absentminded
negative traits: aloof, awkward, sheltered, lazy

- full of wanderlust & yearning, crochet has always wanted to leave the nest and start anew.
- crochet likes to talk. a lot. the molly seems to have something to say about anything, may it be a mutter, or spoken out loud. it's a good trait for someone who doesn't know anything about the other clans, at least.
- she is happy to be here, don't let her laziness fool you. crochet is full of love for skyclan and is grateful that she is able to stay and live with her family.
- her mindset tends to be a bit 'dreamy' at times, she has a tendency to overthink scenarios, and daydream a little too much.
- hopeless romantic... the yearning extends to love...

- crochet functions with her head in the clouds. her eyes tend to wander, thoughts linger on small things
- she feels things hard and is emotional. a little too honest, really, and not afraid to snap out.
- takes things too literally
- has trouble realizing when things are wrong. innocent, in a strange sense, because her life skills are low.

- silently resents bobbie for suddenly leaving, but mainly for not having a chance to say goodbye-- for a long time crochet assumed bobbie to be lost or deceased because she never came back. and, if crochet ever got a chance to leave, she would've want to know where she went.
- crochet can come across as rather full of herself. none of it is on purpose, she has the capacity to care about people, she just has issues with seeing problems outside of her bubble.
- learning an entirely new lifestyle, with a massive colony of cats, and family you didn't know about is difficult! crochet will start out with awkward social skills, and not know where her footing lies in skyclan.
- despite it all, crochet is still a former kittypet... you're telling me you have to do work? her duties will be done, even if she complains the whole time. her goal is to ensure a spot within skyclan so she can stay with her sister, the molly just needs a few nudges here and there.

——— things will change as roleplay advances










❥ half-sister to bobbie
・aunt to many

- bobbie would have known crochet pre-transition
- warrior name will be thought about if chosen, bc i want crochet to pick it out herself & so i don't census double up
- she will be skilled in climbing & fighting, and poor at hunting

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masking nothing, carrying dilute and solid; may develop vitiligo

merlot is a rather solid cat, muscular with a bit of fat on him, though not much. he’s rather tall, with long legs and good posture that can make him seem as if he stands taller than those around him. his fur covers his body thoroughly, thick and slightly wavy, long and warm. it has a feathery texture to it. his pelt is a ruddy cinnamon color, verging on red but falling just short of it. covering his pelt are rosettes, painted on in a darker shade of that rust-brown color that makes up his pelt.

his pelt fades into a paler shade as it reaches his chin, and it remains that tint as it travels down his neck, his chest, and his stomach, all the way to the base of his tail. his whiskers are long and slightly messy, but he doesn’t mind, as his appearance doesn’t matter much to him. he has tufts of fur on his cheeks and on top of his head that are longer than the other fur on his face, giving a soft look to him despite his stoic, brooding personality.

his eyes are narrow, slightly slanted with the same of his face, with the fur over them seeming slightly thicker and tufted, almost like a facsimile of eyebrows. in color they are yellow, paler near the edges and a darker, nearly gold shade near the pupils. his face is rather narrow beneath his fur. his ears, meanwhile, are a bit bigger than one might expect, not oversized but simply a tiny bit out of proportion for the size of his head.

  • merlot is a muscular, tall cat with long legs, a ruddy cinnamon pelt adorned with darker rosettes, and yellow eyes that are paler near the edges and almost gold near the pupils. his fur, thick and slightly wavy, gives him a soft appearance despite his stoic and brooding personality. raised in the warmth and safety of his elderly twoleg’s home, merlot is deeply protective of his family. his reserved nature, stemming from a belief that vulnerability is a weakness, makes him seem apathetic, but it hides a deep love and loyalty to those he cares about. he prefers solitude and is highly observant, often lost in his own thoughts, and tends to hold grudges for a long time due to his profound sense of affection.

    CON ●●●●●●●○○○
    DEX ●●●●○○○○○○
    INT ●●●●●●●○○○
    WIS ●●●●○○○○○○
    CHA ●●○○○○○○○○

    merlot tends to be quiet, broody, and often keeps separate from others. he comes across as apathetic a great deal of the time as he'd rather keep what he thinks and feels to himself. this reserved nature stems from a deep-seated belief that vulnerability can be a weakness, and he prefers to maintain a stoic exterior. he prefers to be the one that others can lean on, a firm presence to comfort and protect those he cares about. this role of a silent guardian is something he takes seriously, as it allows him to express his love and loyalty without the need for words.

    he cares deeply for his family, wanting to keep them together and have a close bond with them. merlot is fiercely protective of and fiercely devoted to his family. in his mind, they are important above all else. his protective nature means he's always on high alert for any threats, and he's willing to do anything for them, including putting himself into danger to get them out of it. he often shoulders burdens silently to spare his loved ones from worry or harm.

    outside of his family, merlot tends to be quiet, withdrawn, and contemplative, spending a lot of time inside his own head, thinking about things. he prefers solitude, where he can process his thoughts and emotions away from the prying eyes of others and remain the steadfast, reliable one that he prefers to be seen as. this introspection makes him highly observant and insightful, although he rarely shares his insights unless necessary.

    if angered, he tends to hold a grudge for an especially long time. his anger is not explosive but rather a slow-burning fire that simmers beneath the surface. once trust is broken, it is nearly impossible to regain his favor. this ability to hold onto resentment stems from his deep sense of loyalty; betrayal is a wound that cuts him deeply, and forgiveness does not come easily.
  • PLOT: the reunion with his sister will be a major turning point in merlot's life. their relationship, once close, now strained by time and change, will be explored in depth. merlot will likely struggle with accepting the changes in bobbie and meeting her new family, leading to tension for a bit, but eventual reconciliation as they rediscover their bond and build a new relationship based on who they are now as opposed to who they used to be.

    PLOT: the clans often have a spiritual side, given that they believe in starclan. merlot will have a unique relationship with the spiritual aspects of clan life, being skeptical snf feeling disconnected initially. over time, depending on how things go, he will either have experiences that bring him closer to his ancestors and provide him with guidance and a deeper sense of purpose, or he will close himself off from the connection to the clan’s ancestors and hold to his own beliefs.

    PLOT: as a possible future idea, merlot may form an unexpected friendship with a cat from a different background, maybe a former rogue or a cat from a rival clan who joins skyclan. this new friend is outgoing, cheerful, and expressive—everything merlot is not. at first, these differences may lead to conflict, but over time, merlot will learn to be a little more open and emotionally expressive, while becoming a grounding influence for said friend. it will be an important part of him adjusting to life within a clan with someone else who understands the stress and anxieties of adapting to a new way of living after having a different sort of environment for your whole life.

  • high definition - waterparks

    youth - daughter

    wires - the neighbourhood

    little dark age - mgmt

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  • Previous name(s)? Scrunchie; named by their twoleg
    ─ warrior of skyclan; former kittypet
    ─ transmasc nonbinary, they/he; gay, monogamist
    ─ created mm.dd.yy at 26 moons / ages every mm.dd.yy
    ↳ penned by @cherry

    ↳ ( Appearance ) ╭──╯ . . . .
    A longhaired albino tom. / reference
    The only similarity Scrunchie holds with his older sister now is that they're both small and long-haired. At best, Scrunchie lokss to be a doll, all curly fur and round features packed into a much more delicate frame. At worst, he looks to be a mess of fur and long legs- because, despite his small size, they could have had the potential to be something bigger. Something taller.

    His fur is completely lacking in color, instead just being a mess of curly-off white. The only actual color Scrunchie has are his eyes- a pale shade of pink, and anywhere his skin shows- while not as bright as his eyes, his skin is also undeniably pink.

    Scrunchie has never been outside until now, and it shows in two telltale ways- the first being in the form of a breakaway collar designed to lpok like a pink bow nestled against their chest fur. The second is that they're completely declawed, and have been since a few months after Bobbie's escape.
    ↳ genetics stuff. gen / carrying / whatever​

    ↳ ( Mentality ) ╭──╯ . . . .
    Intelligence ●●●●●○○○○○
    Confidence ●●○○○○○○○○
    Charisma ●●●●●●○○○○
    Creativity ●●●●●●●○○○
    Empathy ●●●●●●●●●○
    Humor ●●●●●●○○○○
    lawful good, enfj-t ❝ the dreamer ❞
    (+) charismatic, genuine, witty, punctual, fun-loving (/) absentminded, emotional, skeptical, self-conscious, soft (-) aimless, delicate, fickle, imitative, irrational. Has picked up on how to be exactly what others want due to the life of a kittypet, while also remaining true to themself by either balancing what others want and his own words. Usually relies on humor instead of being overly serious in an attempt to lighten moods, but is still the sort to prefer being on time than running late, even if it means cutting short the games they prefer so well. Absentminded, typically seems to have his head in the clouds- this, with his overly soft nature, provides the image of someone who would rather dream than fight. Is incapable of keeping his emotions in check, and wears them on their sleeve- is also skeptical of the nature of Starclan, and will only believe it when they see it (and maybe not even then). When faced with the rest of Skyclan, will struggle with their own self-worth and use to the clan; they can't hunt as wel, really, and they don't like the idea of drawing someone else's blood- this leaves them uncertain on where their life lies. Aimless as a result, and going wherever the wind takes them, typically trying not to get attached to one singular option. Due to their emotional nature and self-worth issues, can be rather delicate until they find their place- particularly harsh words will, even unintentionally, hurt them. Imitative and yet fickle- will try to copy the cats they deem as roe models, but also that changes so quickly and at the drop of a hat that a previously deemed role model may not be one by the next moon. Irrational and overly optimistic, hoping of things that will never come true.
    ↳ longest part of their day spent grooming their fur. avoids direct sunlight. bounces between keeping their head down and being center of attention. cat-watches. collects pretty feathers, maybe uses as gifts. also collects pretty rocks- mostly for themself. avoids dirt and bugs.

    ↳ ( Relationships ) ╭──╯ . . . .
    CHAMPAGNE x THOMAS sibling to Bobbie | mentoring no one, mentored by no one
    Mate to no one | Parent to no one | Uncle to Crowsight, Lupinesong, Drowsynose, Lionpaw, Candorpaw, and Hollypaw | Sibling-in-law to Blazestar and Duke
    — Admires TBA
    — Friends with TBA
    — Likes TBA
    — Dislikes TBA
    — Loathes TBA

    ↳ ( Interaction ) ╭──╯ . . . .
    strength ●●○○○○○○○○
    stamina ●●○○○○○○○○
    agility ●●○○○○○○○○
    hunting ●●○○○○○○○○
    swimming ●○○○○○○○○○
    climbing ●○○○○○○○○○
    grace ●●●●●●○○○○
    single; gay, monogamist / crushing on no one, not looking
    trusts wholeheartedly very easily
    — physical health: [ 100% ] | mental health: [ 100% ]
    will not start fights | will end fights | will flee | will show mercy
    excels at talking, grace
    poor at hunting, climbing, fighting
    sounds like softer (as in less raspy) while being generally louder / voice claim tba
    smells like the remnants of a twoleg house- strongly of twoleg and kittypet food
    — healing & peaceful powerplay allowed, etc.
    — speech is #e89ca9
  • ( Backstory / simplified history )
    Scrunchie's life was never a hard one- even with the on-again, off-again romance between their parents and the (usual) lack of their father in their life, they had it pretty good. Champagne was a doting, loving mother, and their older sister Bobbie helped raise them, leading them to look up to her during their youth. As far as he's aware, the two were close up until Bobbie disappeared with their neighbor, Duke. Despite the time Scrunchie spent waiting, he finally gave up- partially because his twolegs, potentially in an attempt to stop him from escaping (he'll never know for sure, unfortunately) had his claws removed, leaving them forced to recover inside and unable to wait for Bobbie's return much like he wanted to. And life went on like that- the lack of his claws was awful, and he hated it, but even they eventually began to get used to that.

    It all gets turned upside-down just as quickly, however, when their twoleg plans to move out and give them away. Champagne, aging and desperate, encourages them to explore the forest like their sister supposedly had. They hate the idea of it for many reasons- they don't want to leave their mother, and supposedly have this be the last time they meet her, but she's relentless and they finally give in. A few days before their twoleg is supposed to give them away- and only that long because they had stayed in hopes Champagne would change her mind- they took a breath, fought their way over the garden fence, and disappeared beyond just like their sister had over a year before.

    ( Plots )
    - Struggles with fitting in with Skyclan, maybe? Or just clan life in general- I imagine even with Skyclan being more welcoming, there would be an obvious disconnect between Scrunchie's ideals and those of the clan, potentially made even worse if there are those who don't like outsiders and would not like Scrunchie.
    - While they're going to be so happy for Bobbie and her family, it's going to be the source of a lot of mixed feelings for Scrunchie, mostly related to the fact that he missed so much of their lives when he could have been there, and also feeling sort of left out / unsure of how to bridge the gap that may or may not come from it? How are you supposed to bond with your niblings when you didn't know they existed until now, after all?
    - Potentially doomed cross-clan romance. I love the idea of Scrunchie falling for someone who would use his softer ideals and trusting nature against Skyclan in the long run, leaving Scrunchie as an unknowing traitor / source of info, but I also love the idea of it being a genuine romance. We'll cross that bridge (aka check on interest) when we come to it in a couple of months.
  • code of posting format
    posting format
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