"Excited yet? Or nervous?" Dimmingsun asks Celandinepaw, diverting his attention from his own bundle of nerves into something more external. With luck, neither her nor Periwinklebreeze notices that his tail twitches upwards more than usual, that he has to work extra hard to stop himself from crooning.

This is no small ordeal, not even for himself. He has been appointed a warrior way before this tradition was born, and considering Celandinepaw is his first apprentice, it is no surprise he has yet to see this magical place for himself. Sunstar agreeing to his inquiry really is a double victory. The inner workings of StarClan — or sometimes even the changes they command in the real land itself — has and always will be shrouded in mystery, but perhaps entering Mothermouth will shed a bit more light on it- they will feel more tangible, at the very least.

Dimmingsun tears his eyes away from the towering form of Highstones to glance at Periwinklebreeze. Their reason for this visit is less joyful, but Dimmingsun had not hesitated to allow him with the pair. There's a low, careful lull to his voice as he asks, "Will the stones be for Nightingalecry?" Her bravery and the subsequent loss of her is still fresh in WindClan's mind. It'd make sense to honor her barely a moon after her departure.

"Excited, probably! Am I going to see Starclan?" Celandinepaw chirped as she tailed her mentor and Periwinklebreeze, her gait like a vivace interposing between the verdancy of greenleaf, yellowish hues a sunshot flash against the starker colors. She had only heard mere rumor of the gaping maw of the cavern, how it hosted a glowing crystal within it, like a tongue stood upright from a bestial jaw. At least, that was how the former barncat had likened such a miracle of the earth itself. Wheat-tinged eyes glanced beyond the sedges to the greater field of the Highstones, with the wind's glissades bestriding that of the tops of grasses and rushes alike, as though to guide the three of them to Mothermouth. She reasoned that they must have been close, as her pawpads began to scrape against the ground instead of glide upon it, as though the dirt were to tell her that she was almost there. Long whiskers twitched against the breezes, playing at its nettle-sharp tips and preening it tenderly. The journey to Highstones had been quite far (for Celandinepaw, at least), though any other apprentice may have been allayed by the length, like an abrupt end of a song curtailing the semitones. She welcomed the adventure, that foray into where the horizon touched. It had been far, far greater than she ever dreamed of the world from the embrace of a warmed, haystack nest.

She turned a quick glance towards Periwinklebreeze as worry furrowed at her fictitious eyebrows, like it were water slowly pooling into rounded crevices, a well of sun-spark emotion. He had come to gather something for Nightingalecry, a show of respect for that which had already passed. Celandinepaw still found it quite odd how closely the living clung to the dead, as though they had tethered themselves to ghosts and specters, and not the other way around. Nightingalecry had surely gone to Starclan, but would Celandinepaw? She couldn't say that she believed in spirits with such certainty, as if Silverpelt had just existed as a fantasy minced by word-of-mouth and hair-raising tales, and there existed little sign of their presence upon the living world. Would Starclan even appear to her? She had no family nor friends to greet her there, anyhow. Twinge of envy flittered through her chest, as faint as a butterfly wing's last repose, and it would quickly lose its bite as soon as it had appeared to her. Everyone's got family to mourn but me. Despite the oddity of the fountain of her jealousy, she couldn't help but let it sprout and wither within her beating heart.

  • I AM SO SORRY FOR THE LATENESS... JULY HAS BEEN EVIL but i wanted to reply anyhow :3
  • ( NOTE: Reference is a placeholder until a drawn reference can be supplied. Credit HERE )​
  • —— CELANDINEPAW / She/They/He / 11 Moons
    —— Moor Runner Apprentice of Windclan / Mentored by Dimmingsun
    —— A shorthaired golden spotted tabby with yellowish-green eyes. Somewhat pudgy, though lean and able to hold her ground in the wild.
    —— Extroverted and unafraid to speak their mind, she is a friendly and affable face in Windclan. Though ditzy and somewhat cowardly, she tries her best to help her clan.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.

periwinklebreeze 24 moons demi-boy windclan queen
Heavy bags beneath his eyes belie the boys restlessness - sleep comes less then ever with his sisters absence. Still, he pushes onwards after the other two, relieved that he has been allowed this reprieve at all. Traveling for stones is an important tradition - one that Periwinklebreeze has done many times, starting with his very first journey to the moonstone while fetching markers for Tigerfrosts grave. The last time he'd traveled here though - outside of border patrols, of course - had been the journey. It's a bittersweet memory, the tentative joy of survival and returning home tempered by the ache and sting of wounds and the loss of part of him that he'd never regain. Still, he'd trade his sight a thousand times over if it meant he ended up here, now... no matter how painful.

" No - only m-medicine cats and leaders see st-starclan at the moonstone... th-though during the g-g-great battle, everyone saw them... and I heard th-that they visited the sick during yellowcough, " he says quietly, though he's certain the question wasn't directed towards him. Even ths much reminds him of his sister - of the fear he'd felt upon finding out she'd caught the illness in his absence, of his shock when she'd told him she'd seen their mother. Irispath had only confirmed for the queen what he'd already known, and a bit more.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
I ' V E - A L W A Y S - B E E N - R E A L - B A D - W I T H - C H A N G E