pafp BOMBS AWAY ♥ Frog

Petalnose had been resting near the stream that ran across camp, relaxing after her dawn patrol and hunting expedition. The sun was starting to fall, crickets starting their chorus and birds starting to fall silent. Plenty of light was still left throughout the day, the lead warrior's body sprawled out in the sun, eyes tightly shut. Her ears occasionally flicked in search for any kittens planning an attack, it seemed she had been the main victim of them all. Otherwise, she finally let her tired body relax. It was nice, for a moment she even found herself drifting off into the unconsciousness of sleep. However, a noise made her lids flutter open.

A frog, a rather large one infact. It sat right Infront of her face. Normally, she would growl and chase such interuption away but she merely groaned tiredly and let her lashes flutter in curiosity. The thing was ugly. They had an awful taste as well most clanmates didn't appeal to including her. Although, the creature was intriguing to her just as snakes were. She sat up and stared down at it, watching it sing for potential courtships. "I wish you would be quiet and do that somewhere else." She mused, cocking her head to the side. She fully heaved herself to her paws, tail raised in an intrigued manner. She looked to the water in front of them, searching for any other kinship or potential partners the creature had around them. She loomed over the frog like a willow tree, admiring it's colors to herself. It didn't seem to be scared of her, singing along to the far members of it's group.

What if she hit it? Would it stop singing? Maybe then it would be scared of her?

She rose a paw and gave it a light hit to the face. Instead of running off and being quiet, it turned in her direction and started screaming at her. Long, loud and obnoxiously. "Does anyone know how to shut this thing up?" She spat, repeatly hitting the creature with her paw.

It screamed louder.

It seemed something snapped within the woman, her gaze suddenly holding rage and her fur bristling. "I'm going to kill you."

That seemed to make the frog start to hop away, however, it was even louder than before. The chase did not last a second, her paw came down heavy and struck a unforgettable blow to the large frog. It flew high up, still screaming out it's lungs and starting to fall back to the ground. Or.. to hit someone.

Her eyes slightly widened as she realized who it was about to hit. Pikesplash. Though, she decided not to say anything. Maybe this would be a funny incident. Maybe this will get him to talk to her more. She merely stood there with a straight face to see what would happen. She wondered how he would react if he did get hit and realized who sent it out of the sky.

// Wait til @PIKESPLASH posts first!

( tags ) Nothing was going to ruin his day! He was quite overjoyed after a nice soak, nothing beats the river! The tom was having one of his rare moments of relaxation, which would swiftly be ended when a scream grew louder. It sounded nothing like a cat or at least he hoped it wasn't because what the fuck?! It was perhaps the most terrifying thing to hear enough so that his wet fur stood on end. The loud screech was enough to make him wince, begging for whatever it was to shut up because he swore whatever this was could make him lose his hearing. Claws unsheathed from irritation and he snarled, turning his head to face whatever was screeching. Only...

"I'm gonna k-," he ended up getting slapped with a frog, the sound practically resounded throughout camp. Gross, gross gross, get it off get it off. He started shaking his head frantically, but the stubborn thing refused to get off. Once again, the dreaded thing screeches. "BE QUIET!" The frog seems to have different ideas and decides to screech louder. The only reason why he doesn't want to touch the slimy thing because it beyond unpleasant. There was a reason why no one eats these things. I don't get how Shadowclan can eat these things!

The horrid screeching would not end and it refused to be shaken off, so he forced himself to try and pry the stupid frog off his face with a clawed paw. However, when paw meets the skin of the frog, he immediately draws his paw back. Gross, gross, gross, gross. It's at this point he frantically shakes the paw that touched the frog to get rid of the sticky sensation followed by dragging it across the dirt.

He finds himself considering one thing that will get this lousy frog off him. "FINE! YOU ASKED FOR IT!" The frog starts to feel stickier and oh, he is gonna kill whoever chucked a frog in his direction. Pikesplash would be found lowering his body and roughly scrapping his head across the ground and jerking his head up. He repeated this action, until eventually on the third try, the frog is sent flying off his face. A face covered in dirt? Mud along with other debris. In all he looks as ragged. All because of a frog.

Slime... "Ugh, I hate frogs." Scowling he looks up and glances at who could've flung that horrid thing at him. Eventually his eyes land on Petalnose, the scowl on his face along with his unsheathed claws would suggest he was unhappy. (News flash, he wanted to kill whoever did this to him). With a wavering breathe, he sheathes his claws and forces himself to keep his face leveled. Deep breathes. Figure it out. Don't lose it. He pads over to Petalnose, flicking his tail in greeting. "Hey, do you know who could've thrown that stupid frog?" Fortunately in Petalnose's case he didn't hear the commotion before or saw her fighting with the screeching terror. He didn't want to go off on her mistakenly. Suffice to say her friend was not elated about the frog whatsoever.

Then it hit him.

Petalnose held her breath from laughter, amused someone had to experience her wrath unintentionally. She watched him try to shake it off; keeping a straight face as if she was worried and innocent. She had never seen Pikesplash so irritated and to say the least, it amused her even more as if she was watching fish scramble below her paws. The frog was dragged into the mud and then thrown off his face, keeping eyes on it so she wouldn't become victim to it's endless screaming again.

She almost lost it as Pikesplash scowled in her direction, nearly passing out from holding her breath at this point. Oh stars, she was going to break soon. She had to keep her composure for now. The woman let out a shaky sigh when he approached to her. She sat up straighter, a smirk lifting her lips when he questioned her. "Now wasn't that a good shot though? I'd kill for a throw like that." She mused, looking as innocent as can be. Her light smirk turned into an amused smile, a chuckle lightly moving from her lungs, "Hm.. who do you think would throw such an creature for blatantly interrupting her nap? Sounds a little.. mean." She hinted, lifting her chin and looking down upon him to see if his brain clicked. Obviously, she wouldn't take his anger seriously despite the rarity she came across it. The rarity only made her want to mess with him more. "Now don't get yourself worked up, I'm sure it was unintentional." She teased further, heaving a fake sigh and rolling her eyes.

What would he do though? Rip my skin off? Brawl in the middle of camp again? She doubted he'd do anything to cause attention between them. If he did, she wouldn't personally mind despite her aching muscles and sore eyes. She could take him on without a fret in her mind. She was interested to see what he had in store for her.


The choir of frogs wasn't so bothersome when it sounded as distant as cricket chirping and birdsong. The sounds of the river had long since become background noise, only ever noticing it whenever there was none. The camp had fallen into a peaceful chorus as the end of the day reared forward. Rambunctious little things bounced between their mothers and denmates. Apprentices rolled in, one after the other from a long day of training. The last of the days patrols prepared to set out, and Hazecloud herself found her paws begging for a rest after having been out from sunrise.

Taking Petalnose's idea she had rested in a sunny patch by herself, gracefully curled into a half moon. For a while it was peaceful, quiet, perfect for the serene moment. Of course it didn't last as long as she had hoped. Her head lifted when she heard Pikesplash's shouting, expecting to see him going claw to claw against one of their Clanmates. Then her expectations fell, instead watching him fight against a... frog?

"By the stars." She sighed, though humored by the tom.

Hazecloud hoisted herself up to her paws to join him alongside Petalnose once the chaos was over. "How do you know it didn't just really like you?" She mused, though equally unaware of the spotted tabby's doing, but her words did click for her. She wouldn't give it away for Pikesplash though, instead meeting Petalnose's gaze with an equally lively spark.
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( tags ) Oh, his whiskers twitched in slight irritation when he was met with a smirk. Okay yeah sure, she complimented him, but he dang well she was teasing him. Although he would grit his fangs and mutter, "Wanna have another spar?" He is not at all serious on this offer, but it might have seemed as if he was. She did say he would kill for that throw so spar came into mind. Hopefully this time there would be no spitting in each others faces or dragging someone into the river where they choked on water. Petalnose would be eating this entire interaction up. To think, her friend so irritated yet attempting not to lose his cool. "Her?" The words escape his lips as soon as it's mentioned. Unfortunately he doesn't see this as Petalnose hinting that she herself caused this. He assumed that it was another she-cat within the clan. Why else would Petalnose bring up a her?

Mean is the next word that registers and what he understands is that the her in question is mean. Now, he doesn't know who this her is but she is definitely mean! Mean cats throw frogs on other clanmates! Petalnose's attempts at assuaging his anger doesn't work, now he finds himself with fur standing on end and his fangs bared. WHO EVEN DOES THAT?! A FROG? REALLY?! Before he can even retort, Hazecloud's voice chips in. The tom is caught by surprise.

Hazecloud's words leave his maw agape and he stares at her dumbly. "W-well, e-er I... Don't know," he mewls weakly. There is no point in arguing that the frog may have disliked him or liked him. None of them would know because they didn't speak the language of frogs. It's amusing though. All the fire he had had left him and it appeared as if he was a kitten being scolded by his mother. Oh, how he was being messed with. These two were surely beside themselves chuckling all the while.

Even more so when he adds frantically, "B-but! There were no frogs near me! Someone threw it, P-petalnose just said it was a her! So it's someone in camp. I'm pretty sure the frog wouldn't have decided to stick on my face if it didn't like me! I-i-i think. N-not sure how a frog could jump that high from so far a-away."

Her ears pricked more at Pikesplash's subtle question, her smirk turning more toothy. It was a peculiar question in the moment, although, she assumed he was catching on already. "Do you know who you're asking? Are you blind?" She chuckled, quirking one of her brows. "You know that answer already." It was out of the ordinary for her friend to be the one engaging this time around, at least, with an actual question. He had head butted her last time, although, she knew she engaged it in the first place by jumping him out of the blue.

Pikesplash's fur began to rise and his teeth bared. This was quite a new sight to her. She snorted in amusement, interested to see just what he had in store for her. She confirmed it to herself that he had caught on, that he was about to strike her over the little accident she had. She stared at him with a daring gaze, challenging him to hit her with a wicked smile.

Hazecloud made it to the scene, flicking her ear in acknowledgement. The molly seemed to go with her little tease, flashing her a mischievous gaze of approval and amusement. "It might've wanted to make friends. Worshiping the ground you walk on and all." She added, pulling her gaze away from Hazecloud back onto her friend.

Pikesplash seemed to.. become skittish? Her smirk fell, squinting her eyes towards him as if she was assessing a tick upon his fur. He fell back. Did he actually not know who sent the creature? Did she not make it obvious to him? She thought she had sent every signal to him. His naivety had started to spark irritation in her gut. Great starclan, he'd really believe anything a cat will tell him wouldn't he?

His next explanation to Hazecloud made her shoot a confused gaze in her way. It was as if she was silently asking her the bewildered question, Are you hearing this? It was odd to bond over her own friend's gullible nature to a clanmate she never directly spoke to. She couldn't even laugh or scoff at it.

"If I told you I saw a fish climb a tree, would you believe me?"

It seemed she snapped out of nowhere, not giving him a chance to answer her question. The fur on her back suddenly rose and her muscles tensed, "My stars, Pikesplash! It was me, you mousebrain! A kit would catch onto those hints!" She spat, baring her fangs.

Then as quickly as she snapped, quickly her irritated snarl turned into a smirk again. Her fur flattened on its own and she reclined back. She believed he deserved the humiliation of a lead scolding him, the trait was as annoying to her as a mosquito buzzing in her ear. Now it felt as if she had caught it and made her kill. "I need to start sending cats over just to tell you a lie."
