BON VOYAGE \ skyclan patrol

How does it feel to actually get to be near the borders again?” Blazestar turns to the patrol fanning out behind him, in particular smiling at @Coyotecrest . For the longest time, the new warrior had been forbidden, his existence in SkyClan hidden to protect him and the rest of the Clan from Sootstar’s wrath. The secret is out, now—and her reaction to his SkyClan loyalty still has him smug.

His other former apprentice, @butterflytuft , and her sister @FIGFEATHER , trail behind them. RiverClan is normally a docile enough border. Truly, Blazestar is fortunate neither of SkyClan’s neighbors are hostile toward them. He can’t imagine having to deal with the likes of ShadowClan or WindClan like ThunderClan does.

So far, the patrol has been peaceful, just idle chatter and the everpresent white noise of the river slapping against the shore.

// no need to wait for those tagged!


The SkyClan leader is not a common sight on patrols or at least not near the river, he wasn't sure if the other just avoided the water or if it was a weird coincidence he never came across him but it does bring to mind that perhaps their neighbors might appreciate the headsup though he highly doubted it was an issue they need concern themselves over. Still, as far as he knew they were no enemy to the kittypet clan despite the odd culture that it was; he would rather a kittypet ally than any blithering WindClan fool anyways, at least most of these ones had decency even if-his eye flicks briefly to Butterflytuft's bandanna-they wore such weird adornments. You would never catch him dead in anything of the sort.

"Blazestar." He greets, tone calm and flat; he was never much of an idle chitchat kind of tom and hopefully the ragdoll understood that with how curt his words would be going forward, "Be wary along this area by the river, we've had issues with loners trespassing." Smokethroat can neither confirm nor deny if the caution was even necessary until Cicadastar's own patrol went out to investigate but at the very least they should prepare for the worst and hope for the best as it were. "Hopefully they don't bother with your territory, they seem to mostly be in ours but...never can tell."
His lone orange eye scans the group with the leader, he recognizes the cream tom that had caused Sootstar's wrath and is only briefly familiar with the other two as well; both kits of the former SkyClan deputy who they had lost not to long ago. The dark tom gives a quiet nod to each of the trio in turn before glancing along further down the river where the rest of his own patrol were catching up; he often got ahead of them, liked hearing the river's quiet bubbling before cat voices and harried steps silenced it.

The next warrior to approach is Clayfur, and he does so with a smile—a smile that falls, tumbles from his face as soon as he lays eyes upon Blazestar. He’d once respected the tom, had called him a clanmate, but those days were no more. He’d stood by, he’d allowed ThunderClan to take from RiverClan and done nothing. If that doesn’t say something about where the cream-colored tom’s loyalties truly lie in this alliance, then he isn’t sure what does.

Still, this is just a patrol. And Clay can be civil, because he doesn’t have a problem with SkyClan; it’s only their leader who he can’t stand. So he trots forward to stand to the side of Smoke, looking out across the patrol on the other side of the river. "Any signs of Gloompaw? Or Ashpaw?" He asks the question with no actual hope of receiving an answer, but even if he’s given up on finding them, that doesn’t mean he shouldn’t ask. Knowing his luck, the one time he doesn’t ask will be the one time SkyClan has finally found something.

LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
While Lakemoon had no ill-will towards Skyclan, she found it easier to keep herself slightly off-put by every clan.
It was also a Skyclan warrior that had shouted to the Great Rock and proclaimed her grandmother an unsavory insult.
She’s silent as she pulls to Smokethoats flank, a silver ghost.
Clayfur asks for signs of their two missing apprentices, and Lakemoon almost wants to break her stoney expression with a frown.
They had not seen either for a long time now, too long.
The only form of greeting she gives the Skyclan leader and his patrol is a small dip of her head, happy to let her other clanmates speak.
Sapphire gaze is harsh against the glaring sun, and she lets herself momentarily turn away from the patrol, more interested in following the rivers trail, any chance to catch a trespassing loner was a good one.



♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Figfeather rubs her pelt along the trees and stones that lined the river. While most cats found the song of the current calming it put her at unease, one false step and a cat could plummet right in. Then again, that must be how RiverClan thinks when they see SkyClan patrols approach them in the trees, she stifles a smile.

Her ears perk with intrigue as news from Smokethroat is shared about loners trespassing, a soft warning to keep an eye out for them. She tucks this piece of information away in her brain prior to looking at Clayfur. He inquires about two RiverClan apprentices, Figfeather shakes her head, ”I’m afraid not. If we find anything we’ll let you know.” The marmalade tabby promises with a glance to her leader.
Angry at all the things I can't change
Flaxen paws fall in line behind Blazestar and Figfeather quietly as he looks about, clearly on alert until the ragdoll peppers the ambient silence with a question. Mint green eyes focus on his former mentor, allowing a gentle smile to touch neutral lips. "It feels nice. I'd nearly forgotten what this part of the territory looked like." Coyotecrest murmurs in a low tone. A flicker of movement by the riverside captures his attention as he stops alongside the slick stepping stones. There he spots a vaguely familiar black tom wearing riverclan's scent. After taking a moment to wrack his brain for a name he remembers him as Smokethroat. Returning the nod he walks off to rub against one of the pine trees dotting the river, listening as the river dwelling deputy mentions loners. "Did you manage to catch what they looked like?" He asked, peeling away from rugged bark to stand somewhat close to Blazestar. Figfeather answers another warrior's question about some missing cats and he simply shares a look with the marmalade warrior before glancing across the lazy rippling waters once more.
When you're lost in the universe don't lose faith
Blazestar smiles at Coyotecrest’s admission that he’d almost forgotten what this section of their territory had looked like. “You’ll have plenty of chances to get sick of it again, don’t worry,” he teases. Though he has no qualms with RiverClan in most cases, their now on-brand hostility is palpable in the air as more warriors gather. He flicks an ear in greeting to the two warriors who approach the water’s edge; the brown tabby asks about their missing apprentices. Figfeather tells them there’s been no sign, and he shakes his head to punctuate that point. “No trespassers on our front at all, now that the Twolegs have mostly left our forest.

He turns to the new deputy, a frown creasing his muzzle as he describes a hostile group of loners infesting their riverlands. Blazestar lashes a tail. “Not one with a sand-colored coat and an overbite?” Had Sharpeye run off to join rogues? He recalls the spineless cats who’d clawed over his son’s eyes, of Vermilionsun in the deep water tunnels. Sharpeye could be anywhere. He could be nowhere.

But this reminder of dangerous outsiders has reminded him of claws drawn over his daughter’s shoulder, aiming to paint her with a twisted symbol of her father’s perceived failures.

He grits his teeth. “We’ll look out for them. And I will warn my Clan.” He narrows his eyes, waiting for one of the RiverClanners to answer Coyotecrest’s identifying question. “Thank you for the warning.

Butterflytuft remains tucked behind the patrol, as always. She peeks out to glance at the RiverClanners across the way, offering nothing more than a wide-eyed smile to be polite. She'd rather get the border marked and get back home, but the mention of intruding rogues sets her fur on end. "D-Do you think they'll trespass in the forest?" She asks, eyes trained on Blazestar. Her tail twitches nervously - for a cat who belongs to the most welcoming clan, outsiders sure do frighten her. She blinks back towards the RiverClanners, wondering if they had anymore information that could help them.