private bonding ties / whitedawn



It's towards the end of the day. Cricketkit can tell because the sun is starting to get low, and it's doing that weird thing where the sky is now suddenly all smudgey with colors. He also knows because everyone's been gathering around to find a piece of prey to eat, and gathering together to share tongues. He thinks he's pretty smart for recognizing these details, actually. Much the same way that he normally seeks out his sisters or, if he can somehow manage it, his own dad (which he usually can't) for these things. But today, actually, he thinks he got someone just as cool.

He likes this attention. He stretches out his front paws with a long purr which is, maybe counterproductive for getting his pelt actually groomed, but he rights himself again soon enough. "Hey, Whitedawn?" His body tips towards the right side, dramatized by Cricket tilting his head further to try and look behind himself at Whitedawn- equally unproductive, and quickly abandoned as his foot slips and he has to right his balance again. "Woah- Uh!" He continues as though this had not happened, "Why do the apprentices get tasks and stuff to do around camp but we don't?" Luckily for Whitedawn, he is now sitting still again, leaning into his right side paws but looking ahead, "I get bored. Don't you get bored?"