Jun 7, 2022
The river laps lazily at the shore, and Hound realizes far sooner than he'd like that he's yet to set paw back in these waters since the last dive he'd taken. It doesn't touch him still. Threatens his toes, might touch his claws if he flexed 'em out just a bit more than they were, but he doesn't. It's not like there's any true fear in him. He's staring at the water without a thought in his mind, with a heart that beats slow and steady. In and out he watches, waits. HIs mind comes up with all sorts of images about eyes in the dark, but they're not the vibrant green that'd once haunted him. A pale, icy blue, near-white. Cool dawn on a fresh path of snow. A bitter leafbare sky. The hint of water beneath fragmenting ice.

Today the waters're calm and dark. They lap at a lazy rhythm. In and out again. Mud-slick and knotted with half-exposed roots that it nourishes. Filled with darting fish that've learned to be wary of outreached paws. It gives just as much as it takes, but in this moment there's not a doubt in the warrior's mind as to which he cares more for in this life. A meal, or a friend? The one person who'd been brave enough to stand up and make something of these shores? Make a home out of a battlefield? His throat clicks when he swallows, and Houndstride — stars above but he will need time to get used to that name — steps closer. Only so far that his toes are covered on the upsweep of gentle waves. It's cool, delicate as the brush of a feather on the breeze. Not nearly so cold as he remembered.

Further, then, until all four are submerged but still settled on the bank. His tail whisks behind him, and that is the only sign of unease as the dark tabby stands there, eyes still on the waters before him.

  • NOTICE: hound's name has changed from houndsnarl to houndstride! sorry for any confusion.

  • ──── houndstride. trans male, he - him - his pronouns.
    ──── over three years old. born late december of 2020.
    ──── bisexual but with a heavy masc preference; single.

    ──── a chocolate tabby with ( stylized ) low white and intense lime eyes. lean and lanky,  with whiplike musculature and a long, quick stride. hound's notable features include his impressive height, the long scar across the left side of his face from nose to jaw, his very deep, dense fur, and the confident manner with which he conducts himself.
  • "speech"

The river has always been home to Snakeblink. It’s where he goes to find the promise of peace and the solace of rest, the ultimate repose of an unquiet mind. It is both shelter and family: alive enough to love, and alive enough to fear.

It has taken more away from him than anything that walks upon its banks ever could; yet in its indifference it can be as giving as it is cruel. For every starving leafbare, there first came sustenance in its waters; for every loved one lost to its rage, another was protected by it; for every family lost, another found. A comfort to soothe every hurt, and pain to temper any joy.

In all his life Snakeblink has known nothing else, but even though he learned to accept the sacrifices it requires in return for its care, he has never been willing to relinquish anything easily. He can’t help but dig his teeth in: it’s in his nature to be possessive of the things he loves.

And just recently, he felt it all slipping from between his jaws. First the flooding of the camp, the loss of that security they all took for granted; then Cicadastar, their leader, their guide, his friend, plunging into the ice cold water—

There was so much to lose that day. So much that the river could have — should have — taken away. And it did: a life, even one among the many granted to Cicadastar, is no small thing to lose. That they did not lose more is a miracle— with Houndstride for a miracle worker.

Snakeblink has always been… admirative of him is not quite the right word, but he wouldn’t know how else to put it. He respects the warrior for his skill in battle, his steadfast presence in the clan, his sacrificial protectiveness of others; cares for him as a member of his clan and family; is intimidated by him and scared for him. The latter feeling has only been confirmed in his mind by this last incident, a strange and anxious fear taking root in his chest as he realizes that whereas Cicadastar’s relative survival came down to Houndstride’s speed and bravery, only the stars can be thanked for the chocolate tom’s own life.

It troubles him that a clanmate would so readily throw their life into the jaws of danger, and even more so when he cannot bring himself to regret the risk: he loves Cicadastar dearly, as does Houndstride. But although the clan demands loyalty, he doesn’t owe it his life.

He only has the one to lose.

Despite this brush with death, Snakeblink finds him on the shore, paws in the water and staring at the rushing current. After nearly seeing him drown, he would be glad to see the other tom further away from the water, but even in the depths of his overprotective instincts Snakeblink knows this to be irrational and silly. The draw of the river is too strong not to abide — and there’s no use drowning oneself into fear of the water when it is only too happy doing the drowning for you.

He hasn’t found the time, opportunity, or courage to thank Houndstride for his act — some may call it natural, the least a loyal cat could do, but Snakeblink is overwhelmingly grateful for it nonetheless. Now would be an ideal time, but as he draws up to Houndstride on silent paws, his mouth opens and closes for a long moment without any sound coming out.

”Are you… feeling up to a swim already?” He enunciates slowly, unsure whether to voice concern or encouragements — if either would be welcome at this time. He settles on an awkward middle-ground of reassurance: ”I’m sure it can only go better than last time.”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • Tl;dr “i wish my clanmates wouldn’t be so eager to die for the motherland” says world's most hypocritical cat, proceeds to express that concern in the clumsiest way he could muster
  • Snakeblink • he / him. 37 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

  • Crying
when the deputy takes hold of the sight of houndsnar-no, houndstride, she is almost taken aback. she still finds the other foolish for sacrificing his singular life for his leader's multiples. and shame that the rest of his clanmates did not show as much care for the risk houndstride had poised. no, they all clambered around cicada, as if he were as fragile as a kit. the sense of martyrship is foolish, and to die for that tom should result in a fate worse than death itself. she wished she told the warrior to leave him, but knows it would have been useless. something about blind loyalty, and how they are willing to die for it. perhaps if cicada had not been such a cruelty in her life, she would have felt the same. but she can only see him as hypocritical and deranged. nothing as the leader the others depict him as. but he did not steal from them in the way he did with her.

the earthen painted molly stays perfectly still, unsure if she is welcomed to approach. snakeblink is beside him, asking about his progress and if he's ready to be welcomed back into the waters. buck can understand the hesitation, he had almost been lost to the frozen rivers. the streams are much hungrier in the times of leafbare, just like everything else is. it comes with grief and horror, but come new leaf, it is tamed once more. satisfied from what had succumbed. she would understand if he were to never approach the waters again, but to see him by the lapping edges, to watch him be welcomed into the stream once brings a lightness to her heart.

slowly, the other approaches. halting herself alongside snakeblink, and looking to him for only a mere second. she does not want to intrude on houndstride or his progress, but instead, wants to offer her support. if it were to be too much for him, to be welcomed back just as easily as he had before the freezing depths. "yes," comes her earthly drawl, heavy with reserved emotions. "at the very least, the waters won't be nearly as cold." at most, they hold a chill to them. still being slowly warmed as the season progresses. but they won't pose a threat to him unless he were to go too deep.

"Or deadly," She continues on Buckgait's words, a soft hum sounding as the silvery molly comes to stand beside her. She watched Houndstride for a moment, before she slowly lets herself slide into the waters as well- water licking at her neck despite the agonizing pain that could come forth from her getting her wound wet. She doesn't wish to see blood pool in the water, so she cocks her head up and swims to the shallow side of the water. Her eyes move back over to the much larger brown tom.

"How does it feel, having a new name?" She asks softly, curious. Would she ever have a new name? Probably not. Her name might hold bad memories, but it was her name nonetheless. She would never be able to change it and erase the memory of her parents. "I can imagine it's like a breath of fresh air, ja?"
❝ there are wounds inside me, gaping holes of disconnect.
can you drown inside your own body? can you suffocate within this mind? ❞


Perhaps not the most bravest, nor the so readily sacrificial- Dogteeth was not nearly half the cat Houndstride was. The man was a hero, a caliber of fortitude some may never achieve.

Dogteeth is tickled by the name change in a strange way, liking it much better than to recall the slobbery hideous deathly gurn of a hound. Stride, it seemed so formal and fitting. Nothing would break the man's stride, not even the icy tomb he had almost made of his resting place.

Dogteeth felt his own name was a large set of paw prints he could never quite fill. Sure, he had one hell of a bite- but would it really rival a dog? perhaps not. He did like sharing the theme of name with his friend, however.

The riverside is decorated with pelts, the darkest coat belonging to the man of the hour himself. Who seems a bit stolen into his thoughts assumingly intrusive and rightfully so, while Buckgait and Hyacinthbreath coax him out of it with idle chatter. Dogteeth joins them quietly, smiling gently to each of them in greeting and squinting to peer out across the waters. Where there had once been slabs of unstable ice, depths as black as a starless sky.

Everyone’s getting their fur wet, he felt naturally pulled in- curls untwisting and dancing as he slid into the shallows off the bank. Blue eyes blinking sympathetically toward Hound. " it is such a beautiful name " he chimes in next. Dipping his nose under the water’s surface, letting bubbles gurgle around his eyes as they stick out like a caiman. A casual attempt to amuse the warrior.

  • — Dogteeth
    — twenty-five moons
    2023 VOICE & ACCENT
    — warrior of Riverclan
    — gay | crushing on n/a
    — small curly-furred blonde and tan tom with blue eyes.
    — very gentle soul / easily upset and sensitive
    — deals a nasty bite
    BIOGRAPHY——— ✧
  • ix6h0aj.jpg

  • Love
Reactions: Kangoo
The seriousness of his expression first cracks with Snakeblink. Even from only the half-turned tilt of his head, watching the other tabby in the corner of his eyes, mirth starts to crack in summer's green. His words may've been meant as an awkward half-assurance, but these days Hound can only take it as a joke. "You can be sure'f no such thing," he laughs, though he does press another partial step deeper to the water. "There'll be no promises, unless you can make the river swear on it." Still, it's a step from sanity to blame the water. There's no heart in the river, as much as it feeds each of their own. A force of nature, a fact of life. Not a friend. Not an enemy, either.

Slowly and knowingly, despite the ever-present threat Snakeblink seems to innocuously pose, he surrenders pieces of himself. "Grew up near here, in a way. Didn't spend my earliest moons with the marshes– suppose you'd know that much." He turns his head a tick more, just to make sure all his self-effacing amusement is on display. "Wandered 'round, fought with the twolegs an' their dogs. Found this place. Never really left, not through all'f it." He flexes his toes, wiggles his paws. "Taught Cicada how to swim. Dragged 'im here after the battle. Tried to wash all that blood off the inside." Didn't really manage much, he doesn't tack on, even if it hovers unsaid. "River's just....taking its due."

By the time his words have finished, more have gathered around him. Buckgait, Hyacinthbreath. He's never been all that fond of either molly: never thought it'd do any good to bring the fleeing ones into their home, and could never swallow his bitterness at Buckgait taking the spot at Cicada's side. But right about now, they're both a welcome pair. Maybe he's getting past it– new beginnings and all that; he tries to hold himself to it. The question, at least, is enough to pull him from the past.

His shoulder furthest from Snakeblink lifts to a shrug. "Suppose it's still too new to figure that out." A beat. "Strange. Like wakin' up in a new place. Like your nest's been moved in the night." Then, still walking backwards into history, "Not so different than earnin' it in the first place."

Hound, though– there'd be no taking that from him. No matter who tried. He's learned where it came from in more recent moons. Flint's far from forthcoming, but he speaks enough when it matters. He'd told them to take care of him; to use the name he was meant to have. Even if they didn't honor all of it, they'd honored that. He'd carry it with him 'til the day Flint means nothing to him, an' he can only guess that'll be to his grave. It's something that's good to hear from others. To even feel it, though they don't say it. It's tacked onto Dog's breath, almost, Hound. Though he's startled by the smaller tom's approach, it's the pleasant sort. Turns to look at him and the grin's back, slow and lopsided but there. And when he ducks his head beneath the water, it does make him laugh.

He lightly pushes his paw across the river's surface, sending a wave towards Dogteeth's submerged face. With an easy push of his paws on the bank, the dark tabby glides out into deeper waters, where he can no longer reach the earth. He's not so brave as to keep a thrill of fear from dancing up his ribs, but he's easily soothed. Hound's thick tail pushes sluggishly through the water as he lashes it, breaking the surface to scatter droplets back towards the bank. "Come on then, all'f you. Enough starin' at me like I've grown another head."

  • NOTICE: hound's name has changed from houndsnarl to houndstride! sorry for any confusion.

  • ──── houndstride. trans male, he - him - his pronouns.
    ──── over three years old. born late december of 2020.
    ──── bisexual but with a heavy masc preference; single.

    ──── a chocolate tabby with ( stylized ) low white and intense lime eyes. lean and lanky,  with whiplike musculature and a long, quick stride. hound's notable features include his impressive height, the long scar across the left side of his face from nose to jaw, his very deep, dense fur, and the confident manner with which he conducts himself.
  • "speech"
"With that massive boulder on your shoulders, it's hard not to mistake it for two heads." Cindershade chips in playfully, a mischievous purse of her lips and a glitter in her gaze as she slips from the reeds and onto the shore where the small group had resided. She had not heard much of the conversations except for the tail-end of it, watching as Houndstride wade deeper in the cool waters and Dogteeth blowing bubbles on the surface like a child. The woman raises a brow at the golden tom, but a smirk raises her black lips anyways. She takes no hesitation as her paws glide over to the water, carefully wading through the river. It's cool touch chills her skin, causing a tingle to dance up her spine as she gets deeper to where Houndstride was.
Her head swivels towards the larger tom, tracing over his earthen features for a moment. "Houndstride—" She says, mulling over his name whilst her tongue sounds it out. "It suits you better." A man who continues to stride forward, despite the obstacles that occupy his path. Houndstride had proved that time and time again, even risking his life to save Cicadastar and pulling him from the frozen river that wasn't so long ago. Sometimes Cindershade can still feel the icy grasp of it on her fur, a small part of her flinches still when entering the water but it's never noticeable. As she treads water, she can't help but shove a forelimb forward with all her might, sending a wave of crystalline water towards the dark tom before diving under whether it soaked him or not. Her limbs move rhythmically, moving her deeper till she reached the bottom and she resides there for a moment as she takes it in. Peace comes over her, despite the chill. It was calm, the only noise is moving water as it rushes into her ear canals. She finally pushes off the pebble-laiden surface, kicking sand and silt from her force before breaking the surface again.

His words seem, for once, well chosen: Hounstride laughs, at least, which Snakeblink chooses to take as a good sign. He’s rewarded further by Houndstride willingly offering more about himself — he knows little of the other warrior and information so freely given is priceless to him. Usually, it takes more work from him to get this much.

He stays very still, eyes locked on the chocolate tabby’s profile as he listens intently to his words. He knew a little about his connection to Cicadastar — the strange fact that their leader came as a stranger to the territory they themselves have inhabited for so long — but to hear that he taught him to swim… It’s strange, the way the river burrows itself into their bones, refusing to let go once one has stepped into its depths. The way they all readily accept its hold. Nothing makes more sense to him than this: the willful acceptance that sometimes it takes rather than gives.

Hearing Buckgait and Hyacinthbreath speak has him nearly jumping out of his skin: he was so focused on catching all of Houndstride’s words that he didn’t notice them approaching. At least Dogteeth doesn’t take him by surprise quite as much, and he finds his shoulders relaxing as all three cats take up a friendly chatter. He’s not fit for reassurances, but surely these — Dogteeth, at least, a friend — can help.

And indeed they do: not long after their apparition does the warrior submerge himself into the river, swimming away from the shore and sending a spray of water their way. Snakeblink wiggles his head, pleasantly surprised, and allows himself the risk of levity:

”If a promise is what it takes to keep history from repeating, not only can I get it, I must and I will.” Focusing his attention on the rushing river, he tries to summon all the gravitas he possesses and baps the surface, sending glittering droplets flying. Swear it,” he commands the uncaring water. He only gets the burbling song of the current in answer.

”I understand. Thank you for your cooperation,” he tells it anyway, as if they’d come to an agreement. To the others, he adds, ”See? It promised. No more ice, and no more trying to drown one Houndstride of Riverclan. Now, one of you will have to hold it to its word: I can only do so much.”

The joke is silly, though no more than Dogteeth’s antics, and its humor diminished further by Snakeblink’s stilted delivery. Still, it’s an attempt — one quickly punished by water hitting him in the face as he becomes a collateral victim of Cindershade’s playful splashing. Wiping water off his face, Snakeblink takes a step away from the edge of the water. He’s usually not one to mind getting wet… But he only just coerced the river into a sham oath, so perhaps he shouldn’t take his chance with the water just yet.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • ooc: bap
  • Snakeblink • he / him. 37 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

  • Love
Reactions: revelations