private BONES // Tigerfrost

Ah right, he should be checking up with his patients now and then to make sure they still was breathing. Vulturemask would get up on his paws through a mutter, a displeased frown upon his maw. It was the morning after the gathering had taken place and despite the way he looked tonights gathering hadn't been as bad he had thought it would be. Al thanks to a certain cat he wouldn't mention by name. Flinking a ear the medicine cat brushed this cat off his thoughts as he come to stop in front of his favorite patient. Tigerfrost. What he had been doing while he had followed along the rest of the gathering hadn't reached deaf ears. Cats loved to talk, to gossip especially in windclan. So he knew very well what this tom had been up to while he had been away. " Time for a check up. " yet he didn't approach it not actually caring what Tigerfrost choosen to do. If he wanted to risk getting his paw worse beyond repair that was on them not him. He could only advice it was up to his patient if they were gonna listen or not. Ear started to flink as he stared down on the much more muscular tom. Vulturemask might be tall but he was also skinny not at all built for strenght like this tom seemed to be.

" Any improvements? does not feel like your paw is gonna fall off?." he couldn't help to not keep that comment to himself, thinking back on what Mallowlark had said with faces falling off. Funny. Vulturemask glanced back over at his shelf, thinking what he would need to get for Tigerfrost today while waiting to hear a respond from the tabby.


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Flaming eyes shift upward as Vulturemask approached. The chimera rolls onto his belly, stretches out his legs as whiskers twitch in the cold. Finally, he sits himself up, peering at the medicine cat with an irritated expression. It wasn't exactly directed toward Vulturemask themself, though. Rather, Tigerfrost has been grumpy ever since the escape, and his newfound injury. Being trapped in camp had done nothing to tame his temper, quite the opposite in fact. He lifts the paw for the other feline to examine, taking some solace in the fact that his paw does feel a bit better.

"It's still sore, but it's not nearly as bad as it was." He explains. "You don't suppose I'll be back on patrols soon, do you?"

Vulturemask decided to just ignore Tigerfrost glares knowing perfectly well if he had been in their fur right now he would have clawed down the walls in frustration of not being able to move or do anything really. " That's good must be." he mumbled to himself as he examined the warriors paw thinking it looked better which meant it was getting better, right?. Vulturemask narrowed his orbs in thought before he turned around to return back to his shelf to get new fresh cobwebs and moss for the paw so he could swift them out for the old ones.

On his way there heard Tigerfrost question which made the tom twitch an ear. There was silence as he returned back to seat himself in front the older warrior again so he could get to work. " I'm afraid i don't have a certain answer. Dandelionwish own knowledge wasn't all that good with injured bones and well..." he paused looking a bit frustrated hating to have to admit to this facts. It made him look bad and he hated it. " Rest some few more days until you feel you can move your paw like normal again and then be a bit careful the first couple of days and you should be fine. However, if you start to feel pain or have problems with your let me know. I'll come up with a way to fix it..." Even after his lessons with Dandelionwish he was far away from knowing everything and since Dandelionwish had run off before they had finished their training...there were things he yet had learned. Somehow in someway he would gain himself that knowledge he currently lacked. They could be sure about that.

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Ah. Vulturemask isn't certain. Tigerfrost can't help but sigh. Sure, it wasn't the healer's fault; It was Dandelionwish that had caused this. Had caused everything. A snake in their own home. Such a bitter piece of crowfood to swallow. But there was still hope, wasn't there? StarClan had accepted Vulturemask. They approved of Sootstar's decision. "Maybe StarClan can teach you." Tigerfrost suggests, though he's admittedly uncertain. Did StarClan do that? Were they able to teach medicine cats how to heal? Surely they must. How had Honeytwist learned? "What if you go to the moonstone, and ask? Do you think they'd give you lessons?" The idea is mystifying to the Warrior, and he can't help but feel a pang of jealousy that Vulturemask could connect to the starry ancestors so easily while he was left grasping at straws. Ah, but the ancestors had their reasons, he's sure.

"Thanks for giving it a go, though. It does feel better." Tigerfrost insists, certain that he was healing well despite Vulturemask's limited knowledge. Had the bone been fractured into pieces, he'd no doubt be stuck in the healer's den forever. That, or he'd just have to learn how to adapt, how to hunt on three legs instead of four. Quite frankly, Tigerfrost would have been devastated. Hares were hard enough to catch as he was in perfect health.