camp bonked


Here is a familiar orange tabby form with an unfamiliar gait, acting for all the world like an entirely different cat on her little walk across the camp. It's a very short walk. She goes to the fresh-kill pile. Then she looks at the fresh-kill. Then her stomach rolls and her head throbs and she takes nothing at all and goes back to Beesong's den.... that's what has mostly happened because no matter how good a meal sounds the smell is a whole different thing when her head hurts like this.

She walks like she's dizzy (she is). She walks like she can't see straight (she can't). She walks like her head got bonked real bad in the Sunningrocks battle (it did).

"Oh dear. Oh. Oh dear."

She trips; she stumbles. She catches herself. Upright! she tells herself, commands herself, and lifts her head high despite how it throbs. Oooooh. Wait. That's gonna hurt for a second. Oooh. Yeah. Maybe she'll just... just.......

She thuds to a seat, taking a rest, just a little rest. Yes. A rest. Those are good for her. Those are good for.... head-bonked people. And Ashpaw is definitely one of those. A head-bonked person. Ashpaw is head-bonked.

She's halfway toward her destination.

Right? Where was she going again?

She's distracted now, thinking about other things. Like .... Willowroot. Yes. Ashpaw had almost called her Mom the other day, how embarrassing would that have been? In front of everyone! In front of Willowroot's actual daughter. Good thing she saved it. Yeah. She so saved it. Good job, Ashpaw, she thinks proudly, smugly, a little pleased smile drifting across her ginger tabby face.

She loves Willowroot though. Really, really loves them, like a daisy loves the sun.

Who else does she love...?

OH, right, there's Iciclepaw of course, Iciclepaw.... dreamy, protective, pretends-not-to-have-feelings Iciclepaw. Isn't that silly. She's like Smokethroat. They both pretend not to have feelings... that's so silly... Ashpaw loves them both. Yeah. She loves them lots.

And .... oh. She loved the Sunningrocks battle. Except she didn't, because they lost. Except she DID, because she was really cool for a second there, because she slashed all over Badgerstrike's face. Wow. What a cool warrior moment that was. They should call her Ash-slash. Yeah.... that's a good one, she's gotta remember that. And, AND she fought next to Cicadastar (!!!!) and battled a ThunderClan warrior with Cicadastar (!!!!!!!!!) and had all those cool Ash-slash fight-y moments in front of Cicadastar (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) so there's THAT. There's that to be happy about.

She sits there, sitting. She grins up at the sunshine on her face. With her eyes closed though because sunlight literally feels like hellfire in her brain.

Mmmmm, what a good day.

—— " i found gold in the wreckage "

  • absolutely, 100% concussed

  • - 9 month old orange tabby with green eyes
    - apprenticed to lead warrior willowroot
    - crushing hard on iciclepaw
    - happy-go-lucky, mischievous, hardworking
    - very friendly, but defensive of riverclan!
    - got real fucked up as a kid so if she seems like she was fucked up as a kid, that's why
    - "speech"
    - she is on a JOURNEY

Petalnose hadn't suffered from anything too bad since her late part of the fight was cut off by the cry of retreat. It had certainly bummed out the she-cat, only suffering from minor scratches and sore muscles. It made her worry for her clan, seeing it so weak and vulnerable. Luckily, she was strong enough to face anything else that showed on their land, but she knew the majority of her clanmates weren't and it worried her.

Petal watched Ashpaw stumble and trip, flicking her ears out of her confusion. It seemed as if she was tripping over nothing and it almost amused the she-cat but there was also concern. It even more so confused her seeing that the apprentice seemed rather.. happy? She narrowed her eyes, her curious mind spinning with questions and a tinge of suspicion. The warrior padded up to the younger cat, "Are you so giddy about something that you're stumbling over your own paws?" She meowed, cocking her head to the side with an amused gleam to her eyes, "Is it that you're lovesick?" She joked, but there was also some concern underneath her stale humored tone. She cared about her clanmates, each and everyone of them. Even if she hated any of their guts. But luckily, she had no reason to dislike Ashpaw, she seemed to put some rays of sunlight into the somber cloud that hung over the clan. She admired that.

Crappiepaw had been thoroughly bested by their ThunderClan opponent in the latest battle, but miraculously sustained no injuries past a few scrapes and scratches. The rest of their clanmates, who fought valiantly for RiverClan, did not get away so easily. Lilybloom lost an eye. Ashpaw nearly drowned. Gloompaw is still missing.

They have spent much of their time since the battle staring, observing clanmates. Their eyes catch on an orange apprentice, fluffy and bumbling in appearance. Ashpaw—a friend, an accomplice. Like the dirt-dappled warrior, Crappiepaw thinks that Ashpaw is acting strange. Stumbling around, smiling dopily, keeping her eyes squeezed shut against the sun… odd behavior. They are about to ask her about it when another clanmate speaks instead.

Petalnose is not a favorite clanmate of theirs, so they regard her with dull, half-lidded eyes. Wholly unamused. The calico looks between the warrior and the other apprentice—Petalnose asks whether Ashpaw is lovesick, and their dappled nose wrinkles. "Lovesick is not a thing," they say to Petalnose, voice dry, brittle as old reeds. "I think Ashpaw is just happy. Are you?" At least, she is acting as though she is happy. Silly, even.
[ dancing in the panic room ]

"Don't just stare at her!" came Fernpaw's incredulous cry, worry fringing his tone. What were they doing, just looking? He'd seen Ashpaw stumble to her haunches, grinning at the glare of the dun. Petalnose was nice and smile-y, as always- but was it really time to be like that, all jokes and sunshine? Ashpaw had been- face to face with a vicious oak-mutt, hadn't she? Some... intense-looking ThunderClan warrior. Something like that- Fernpaw hadn't had much time to notice it in the blur of pelts and blood-scent, with a land-thieving apprentice pinning him down and digging briar-like paws into his flesh.

But she'd gotten hurt, and... Petalnose didn't seem worried, and Crappiepaw didn't seem worried (not that they often seemed worried). Fernpaw supposed he'd have to do it for them.

"You good, Ashpaw...?" He set his bulging goldfish-gaze upon the other ginger-pelted apprentice, expression trembling a little with apprehension. She'd... tell him if she wasn't, wouldn't she? After they'd lost a lot to paws cloaked in shadow as of late... wind-rushed and oak-brushed paws ripping pieces from them bit by bit- he really, really wanted her to be alright.

Beesong wouldn't have let her out if she wasn't, he'd like to think...
penned by pin

They... gather! A whole collection of them! Cats! Clanmates, even. Slowly... slowly. First Petalnose, who is like the nicest person ever. She is very sweet. She asks Ashpaw something and Ashpaw blinks, green eyes fluttering open and then — wincing shut again. Right. The light.

She turns, stumbles a little further, toward a shady spot. That's better. She can open her eyes now.

"What was that...?" she asks Petalnose, voice light. The words all blur together and it's hopeless, really, but she catches the tail end. Is it that you're lovesick?

"Oh," Ashpaw says, and her eyes go wide now, comically so. "Oh. Love can make you sick? Oh no. Oh no. If love can make you sick I am definitely that. Love... sick..."

Then Crappiepaw, tentative new friend — they are friends now, right? — curt and, and, and dry-sounding. Lovesick's not a thing, he says. "Yeah," she agrees firmly, "That's RIGHT. I am not love - sick. I am ... love... HEALTHY! Because I love Iciclepaw. Dooon't tell her though. And... YES, I am feeling good. Great even. So good. Except that my head is on fire. So, so on fire. Like... on fire more... than thunders..." She doesn't really know what she's saying anymore. Did she to start?

Then Fernpaw!! The boy's cry makes her wince a little, ow ow ow her head, and she reassures him in her loopy droopy quiet rambly voice, "that's okay, I am quite... stare-able-at... yes... like you, actually... mhm."

A thought strikes her. She grins. "Fernpaw, you... have... things... yes, I need them. Your things. For a... a project. Do you know about bones? Well, someone does, and bones and things, they go well together. And it's about friendship, and kittypet toes, yes. It's very difficult. I will come look at your things. And trade you. Yes?"

She raises her eyebrows, tries to look as serious as possible at her fish-eyed friend. This is a very serious business deal. Oh! But she forgot one important part.

"I will trade you one Crappiepaw sentence for your services," she offers as solemnly as she can. Yes, that's good. Crappiepaw friendship (or maybe-not-friendship-but-almost-friendship) is excellent. Highest quality. And with it comes sentences that Crappiepaw says, some of which are good and also the best, which she can say to Fernpaw, and that's good. That'll get her some things, for sure.

Oh MAN does her head feel funny.

—— " i found gold in the wreckage "

  • if this didn't make sense then it wasn't supposed to

  • - 9 month old orange tabby with green eyes
    - apprenticed to lead warrior willowroot
    - crushing hard on iciclepaw
    - happy-go-lucky, mischievous, hardworking
    - very friendly, but defensive of riverclan!
    - got real fucked up as a kid so if she seems like she was fucked up as a kid, that's why
    - "speech"
    - she is on a JOURNEY
Ashpaw asserts that she is in love with Iciclepaw, but not lovesick, and Crappiepaw continues to stare.

They blink once. Twice. "You love Iciclepaw?" They tilt their head, considerate. It makes sense. The two are very close, and Iciclepaw had rescued the orange-furred apprentice from the river. Bright eyes turn upon the other orange apprentice, this time curious instead of bemused.

Ignoring the way that Fernpaw makes his way over, crying out to not just stare at her, the calico frowns. "Fernpaw, did you know that Ashpaw loves your sister?" It is certainly new information to them. They are interrupted, though, by the orange she-cat asking the similarly colored apprentice for one of his things. And one of the things that she is offering in return is one Crappiepaw sentence. Green eyes shift back to Ashpaw, brows raised in slight alarm. "You are offering my words in return for one of Fernpaw’s things?" They narrow their eyes at the tom in question. "What do I get?"
[ dancing in the panic room ]

She rolled her eyes as Crappiepaw stated the obvious, "Its a joke." She grumbled, upset that the calico tom had took it seriously. She settled beside Ashpaw carefully, angling herself to have atleast on paw ready to catch her if she fell. She could tell the other she-cat was struggling, even though she seemed indifferent on the outside she cared for the apprentice.

Her gaze temporarily flickered onto Fernpaw, seeing the young tom bound over. Her ears flattened at his shrill cry. She wondered if the three were good friends, feeling somewhat out of place, but Petalnose wanted to make sure her clanmate was alright. She wasn't just going to leave her here without getting her some assistance.

Petalnose made out a half-suppressed laugh out of surprise as Ashpaw had confessed her feelings. She had not expected a direct answer to her dull tease, rather, an answer of how she was feeling instead. She listened to Crappiepaw question her, her eyes gleaming with amusement. She didn't mean to make it this interesting. Then Ashpaw then had said her head was on fire. Her mind immediately went to migraine. She nodded in thought. She had remembered how bad her head felt after the posioning she endured. Her eyes ached too, not even daring to open them for a good day or two. "Did you runaway from Beesong?" She dryly teased with no outward emotion, sniffing the young she-cat cautiously. "You should really see her. I'm quite sure she can give you something for your head.." she added dully, assuming that the apprentice already knew. She had to poke at it just in case. Ashpaw would only know what she didn't know.

Her mind wandered as they talked about trading things for friendship, stifling a small yawn to herself. She had not experienced such friendship, but then again- she didn't really care if she had it or not. She often preferred to be alone and quite frankly, if she hadn't had an amount of concern, she'd be off alone doing something of use to the clan. It was nice however to have someone. But she didn't. The wave of loneliness did hit her even as she didn't generally like socializing. But she couldn't find herself being jealous of the three.