camp boogie on down | intro


May 17, 2023
A noble hunter prowls; powerful body held close to the ground and eyes glowering at her prey. The proud riverclan 'warrior' stalks closer unaware of her fluffy tail swishing wildly behind her in excitement. Drools pools in her jaws - her curiosity at just what her namesake tasted like was immense and she was gonna learn but first she needed to catch it. The beastie sat atop a reed none the wiser she'd want to say of the savage-predator prowling closer and closer but truly it was just uncaring. She believed this to be her namesake it matched the loose descriptions she'd been able to wrangle out of the warriors she asked; thin twig like body with four wings and big eyes... yep this has to be it! She wasn't the type to just admire it however, no she was gonna get it then promptly put it in her mouth like all manner of things she managed to find from strange looking pebbled to beetles who wandered too close to the nursery. It's not a recent habit.

She can't help but chuckle to herself as she got in position putting all her practice of pouncing on her papa's tail to good use. Her little legs push out but she gains very little air her nose and head coming crashing promptly against the reed causing the dragonfly to stir and fly off into the air where she couldn't follow it. A growl of a whine comes hissing out of the little kit as she watches it still laying in a heap on the ground not far at all from the nursery. A pout rests on her face ❝Dumb bug❞ she huffs. ​
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While his nursery denmate stalked and prowled toward her target, Otterkit boredly watched while gnawing on the edge of his mossy nest. His tiny canines pierced through the soft material repeatedly, his paws occasionally kneading it. The nest quite honestly looked like a rugged, tattered mess, but whenever approached with the intent to replace it he snapped and shouted in protest. It was easier to let the little monster be than to fight him.

As Dragonflykit crash landed her pounce, Otterkit abruptly burst into laughter at her expense. "HAH! Good luck catching anything with your face." He jeered. Otterkit's eyes lit up as he leaped from his nest and pounced his way into the reeds beside her. "You should stick to, uh, leaf's. Leaf's and mosses." He advised with a confident nod.​

Petalnose watched the kits from her spot in the sun, taking note of the pounce from the kit. Slow. Sloppy. But that was just kits, they'd get better when they were trained. She made her way over, maybe she could be good target practice but she reminded herself to be extra gentle. "You got this." She encouraged, crouching down on long legs to compensate to their size.

She creased her brows at Otterkit's remark, aiming to give him a light cuff around the ear. "If you're going to be so mean to your clanmate, then I'd love to see your skills." She rumbled, a stern look upon her face. Though, it was softer than it would with her clanmates, more of a motherly look of scold. "You will get better when your older. Now, practice on me, I'm a big bad Windclanner." She meowed to the two, a serious frown still held upon her lips. She stood to her paws, her tail flicking in expectation as she looked down upon the kits. She tipped her head to the side towards Otterkit in invitation, finally offering the two a light playful smile.

(๑✪ᆺ✪๑) spinning in circles nearby trying to chase their own tail was none other than chicorykit whose funny behavior was more akin to that of a head-empty pup than a feral kitten. it isn't that hard to grab ahold of one's tail if she just sat down and twisted a little but it was much funner to do it this way but before she can get too dizzy and end up accidentally bringing up breakfast, the sound of reeds quivering and the zipping of a bug overhead catches her attention. chicorykit finally halts her twirling but the world around her tilts and spins a few seconds longer causing the youngster to stumble around trying to gain a sense of balance again as she attempts to pin down the right direction of where dragonflykit and otterkit were.

a pudgy figure eventually collides into the blue and black chimera resulting in a brief "oof!" to escape her maw followed after a small giggle. whoops, well, she found them! chicorykit gives a little shake of her head, the dizzy feeling finally subsiding giving her the chance to see what was happening but all she saw was dragonflykit face down on the ground with a pout and otterkit heckling over her for what she guessed was a missed pounce. "oooh are we listing off what we can catch because there was this one time i caught a pretty big snake! everyone tells me it was just a regular stick but i think they were just telling eachother that because they were so in shock that i caught one all by myself! it put up a pretty good fight but i gave that snake the old riverclan one, two! like this!" a splotchy blue and cream paw swiped playfully towards otterkit in clumsy motions.

soon petalnose is sauntering over, offering encouraging words to dragonflykit and scolding ones to otterkit for being mean and little chicory tries to hide a laugh behind a cough but it didn't really do much to stop it. the warrior then offers to play pretend for them so that the kits can practice honing their skills and chicorykit decides she wants to help too "big bad winderclanner!! i'll also be a big bad winderclanner!!! raaah!!" she bellows, puffing out her fur to appear alot bigger than she actually was whilst doing short hops back and forth.

// sorry if the post looks strange had to incorperate petalnose in here after seeing the new post xD
Petalnose would find success as Otterkit hardly even attempted to dodge her cuff, if only because he hadn't even seen it coming. Otterkit felt absolute no sense of danger when around his Clanmates, even if his behavior often granted his ears and tail earning disciplinary swats from his elders. Otterkit hardly even had a moment to react as another denmate crash landed into him, sending him onto the ground with her. Not unlike the position Dragonflykit had found herself in after failing to catch the bug.

"Ugh, Ick-orykit!" He hissed, face hot with growing humiliation. She had caught him off guard! If she wasn't so... he didn't have the words to describe it, but had he they would sure send the stars gasping.

His paws push him back up to stand as Chicorykit rambles on nonsensically, smoothly dodging around her swipes with a frown. "You- the only thing big and bad about you is your breath." Otterkit scoffed as he rounded to face Petalnose. The boy's confidence was much larger than his actual skill, much like Dragonflykit. He didn't have a lot of coordination between his hind legs and front, so when he crouched it looked more like a playful bow.

Of course Otterkit wasted no time to position himself. He darted for Petalnose's leg in a bit of an ambled gait, and sought to latch his teeth into her ankle.
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Well that certainly devolved very rapidly....

Lichentail almost regretted offering to be a guardian for that little rat. Almost. Children were children... and it often meant no filter, a heightened sense of importance, a lot of boasting and show boating to impress adults around them.. The list could go on and on. Raising a brow at the.... creative insult, she worried for what that would mean when it came to meeting and interacting with Crappiepaw. It was sure only to cause trouble.

Getting up from where she had been lounging after spending another day hunting her time into oblivion, the preparing lunge for Petalnose's ankles had not escaped her gaze.

"You really do have an otter mouth," she murmured, as if surprised by the warning given by Otterkit's abandoners. Casting a sympathetic glance towards Chicorykit, she only hoped that the poor kid wouldn't get her feelings too hurt by the sour boy's teasing.

"Don't let that little pest get under your skin," she mewed, advising both Dragonflykit and the aforementioned "Ick-orykit." "You're all going to be learning to hunt together soon enough so you'll need to get along. At least a little bit." Placing a well-timed paw on Otterkit's tail to stop his attack, the blue point shot a disappointed frown at him.

"Keep your teeth to yourself, please."

Petalnose made her scolding look more stern at Otterkit's words towards her and Chicorykit. She slowly curled her lips into a snarl, frustration bubbling in her chest. All she wanted to do was be friendly.. soft. For once. Oh, but how this particular kit made her want to explode. "Acting like that is going to let your tongue fall out of your mouth!" She hissed, lashing her tail. Though, she still let him have part of taking her on. She'd happily humble the tiny terror.

Chicorykit had bellowed that she would join her team, giving her a friendly gaze. "We will steal your prey and medicine!" she meowed, taking two steps forward to the two beside Chicory, a challenging look in her eyes. She hoped that Otterkit would take her on rather than the pure and charismatic Chicorykit.

As she suspected, he had done such. She was admirable at his brave attempts, for a moment he reminded her of her own kithood. She wasn't as disrespectful and rude but she was ambitious, she took on bigger challenges with enthusiasm such as Otterkit. They weren't too different but she had to admit, he got under her skin quite quickly.

She rolled her eyes and flattened her ears, scoffing at his poor posture and gait. "I see you." She meowed in roleplay, raising her chin. The she-cat didn't prepare herself at all, she knew she could easily dodge him. If he was any nicer, she'd allow him to attack her teeth and all. Though, she had different plans for this kit until there was a better character shown. For Dragonfly kit, she'd play easy target.

If Lichentail had caught Otterkit she would give him a teasing look, though, if he had slipped from her grasp she would effortlessly dodge. She glanced up a Lichentail, giving her a reassuring gaze to show that she could handle him. A hint that she'd not play very fair with the tiny fiery individual.

sneezefur | 28 months | male | he/him | physically medium | mentally medium | attack in bold #50c878
The moment otterkit opens his mouth, sneezefur is already on the move - a frown stretched across his battle scarred muzzle. A skeletal figure with oddly disproportioned limbs and a gaunt face, he's probably more intimidating than he means to be - a ghost brought to life. Though they might not be related by blood, he's grown fond of the children so unfairly thrust upon him by a she-cat he'd never once spoken a word too. And seeing otterkit being so rude to dragonflykit - well, it irks him. His jaw opens for a moment only for him to freeze upon finding his throat swollen closed - ah that's right. Really, he wonders how he still manages to forget... perhaps it is the kits fault, for they are the only ones left that his body does not seem to keep him from Instead he gives a scalding look at the tom kit, but lets the other adults do the actual scolding, while the tip of his tail flicks down to tap dragonflykit lightly. Long lashes flutter as he gives her a look, a clumsy smirk on his lips as he gives a tip of his ears and a flick of his eyes - silently saying 'I'm on your team - let's catch them by surprise'. Petalnose seems much less intimidating in this game of play than an actual windclanner, but he supposes perhaps that's the point. Its just a game after all.

Her ears swivel at the sound of one of her denmates laughing at her- not with her heat prickles beneath her fur. Embarrassment wasn't something foreign to the child but sparingly did she feel it so intensely, man she really blew it now Otterkit would tell everyone Dragonflykit got beaten by a dragon fly and then it'd suck and be bad and all of that! She couldn't have him blabbing so maturely she pointedly sticks her tongue out at him ❝Blehhh i'm not sticking to that stuff that's for super small kits!❞ she exclaims. She still lays on the ground as if it's comfortable and it kinda was, the warmth of the sun was directly shining on her pelt and she soaked in the warmth, she'd merely flop slightly to lay on her side. A jubilant form of a much more loud clanmate comes running right into Otterkit which earns a loud laugh out of her; she liked Chicorykit she liked Otterkit too of course the idea of disliking anybody more foreign then embarrassment but the other she-kit always was doing or saying something funny. Her eyes would widen with surprise as she looks innocently towards Chicorykit taking her words at face value; believing she'd caught a snake like she said cause wouldn't that be cool and if she did so could Dragonflykit and she'd be celebrated for it! ❝That' crazy! I'm gonna catch a snake too! I'll catch two of them watch! They'll be bigger then yours was!❞ but as the words of competition leave her mouth a shadow grows over the three as someone much larger and older comes to look over them.

She looks up at her ears nodding her head - she would get better she almost did "got it" she swears but she doesn't say as much instead listening with a smirk as her peers gets scolded. But it's not that that gains a reaction from her no the words of practice do = she loved pretend loved when warriors and apprentices took the time to play games with them. Her eye light up wildly with excitement she scrambles clumsily onto her paws falling over once before before straightening herself out. Hardly listening to Otterkit's words towards Chicorykit, omly half paying attention as Lichentail comes to watch and encourage them - well along with trying to get Otterkit to play nice. She crouches herself tail held a little too high and lashing ❝You better be scared you stinky Windclanner! I'm Fireflykit and ima beat you up!❞ she falls into roleplaying easily, she's always loved this.

She's about to launch herself at Petalnose before her dad's tail surprises her, she startles for a split second before turning her head to look at the offender; she herself never found her dad scary or anything to her he was just dad there was nothing odd about him she was always happy when he came to see her and Pinkkit always seeking his attention. She grins up at him watching his gaze flit to Petalnose and while she may not entirely understand what he's trying to convey to her she knows he's gonna help cuz' he always did. She readies herself again before with a charge she flings herself forward [u[trying to headbutt whatever part of @Petalnose was facing her[/u].
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A sort of strained noise puffed from his maw when his leap lead him nowhere. His tail pinned meant his whole-body jump landed him straight to the ground once again, all four legs spread flat out from under him. Bared teeth snapped against each other when his chin made friends with the reeds.

A defiant growl rumbled in his chest, targeted to both Lichentail and Petalnose. "That's CHEATING!" Otterkit protested while he wriggled himself free from the warrior's paw. His agitation left his fur ruffled, fluffed up into a fuzzy sprite. He's determined though, willing to exert all of his energy into taking down the 'WindClanner', he would prove himself better than all of his denmates! He was above catching bugs and tails, now with the warriors engaging in play-battles like this.

He focused on Petalnose again, this time going to dive right underneath her to kick up at her.

Petalnose watched Dragonflykit brighten at her promise of play fighting, her gaze followed the way the kit readied herself almost in a judgemental manner. Standing still, she allowed her to finish the attack unlike Otterkit. Her leg was headbutted, for a moment it ached but it quickly washed away, "Ah, that hurt! Anymore serious than that- we may have to retreat." She groaned in a fake manner, rolling onto her side and then swiftly back up to her paws. With her collision, it peaked question if Dragonflykit had made her head ache. She had almost cringed at the thought of a headache. Atleast both of their heads hadn't collided. Petalnose would then aim to bat a paw at her legs to trip her, watching her with interest. How much balance did she posses?

The warrior was way more gentle than she had been with Otterkit. So when the small bundle of fury yelled at both her and Lichentail, her attention snapped to him in an instant with a brooding gaze. He really knew how to make her blood boil. A decision was made within her to allow Otterkit to propose this attack despite her strong irritation, she let him kick once and then cut it off by a simple lift to her paws. Being tall had it's advantages. She held back a smirk of amusement as she watched him try to kick at her like a bug stuck on its back. She wanted her irritation of him to show, an aggravated frown frozen upon her features, "Ridiculous!" She made her voice boom with boldness and mock, playing within her role a bit too seriously. She then took a step back to attempt to pin him down with one paw, looking down at him vindictively. Oh how she loved to see that frustration rise within him as it had done her. Satisfaction soothed her irritation like ice in hot water. It was perfect revenge.

A VERY loud cry of protest at her aiding his enemy... hmph. "Not cheating. Establishing rules." And it seemed it worked... given that upon the release of his tail the little tom cat no longer seemed interesting in using biting as a sound strategy for defeating the 'WindClan' molly towering over him. Sighing softly, (Pikesplash had his work cut out for him), the blue point stepped back to watch as a referee for the great battle the young ones were playing out.

Most of them were taking is somewhat seriously but being respectful of the warriors who joined them... Most of them.

Tilting her head at Petalnose and quirking a brow in a quiet show of disagreement with her... questionable theatrics, Lichentail only hoped she wasn't actually just being mean to the small, spoiled boy. He was a child after all.​