It was.. a hot day. Greenleaf was really getting started, so his nose tipped up, a sigh leaving him. Sitting around was driving him mad. He had been on a patrol already, hunted earlier that morning. His sleep schedule was slowly staring to head back towards normal, but with that, came being bored during the day. A huff left him again, and finally, he pushed to his paws. "Alright. That's it." He announced, stretching as he made it to his paws.

His voice lifted, gathering the other's attention. "Who wants to do some sparring? I'm bored as fuck and could go a round. Anyone?" Batwing padded to the center of camp, his head turning around the camp- to the freshkill pile, to the dens. Just to see if anyone was going to bite. C'mooon.

The heat had unfortunately made the she-cat more sluggish throughout her hunting trip. She wasn't as adaptive to the Greenleaf rays as some of her clanmates even though she sunbathed every once and awhile. Redwind had still caught a squirrel and a thrush, signs she had been in the trees once more. It was how she managed the heat, the shade was definitely something to take advantage of.

She had taken a nap upon one of the trees hanging near camp, one of her limbs lazily dangling as she slept. The announcement of a familiar voice had caused her to slowly open one of her eyes. It was batwing. Batwing being batwing. She humourously chuckled to herself, deciding to tend to his boredom despite her energy being slow to wake.

Redwind tucked her limbs and climbed down carefully to the ground, strolling up to her friend. "Well, I guess I need to tend to my fighting skills. So I'll be your opponent, my friend." She gave a humourous wink, waving her tail slowly in lazy eagerness. "I may be slow but don't let that lack of trait fool you." Batwing was sure capable enough of overwhelming her, beating her in agility and speed. Although, she knew what the muscles underneath her thick long coat were capable of. She supposed it would be an interesting spar, even if she didn't particularly care to win. She was just tending to her friends desires and her own battle skills. The woman could barely remember when her last on was. Surely, it was the right time. Hopefully, the heat wouldn't drag her down again.​
The heat was almost unbearable. During leaf-bare, her thick pelt was a blessing...a cushion against the freezing wind. However, in the summertime, it felt like a blanket, trapping the heat inside her. Today was exceptionally warm, and Flamewhisker was almost confident that if she spent too much time in the sun, her flame hued pelt would ignite. She had spent most of the day ensuring that the dens were up to date on their was a good thing she had too, she had found a decent hole in the nursery that had likely been caused by one of the thunderstorms a few nights ago. She had finished the task, and had been sitting in the shade attempting to cool off, when Batwing's voices grasped her attention. A spar? In this heat? While he had good intentions, she was not the first to jump at it.

Redwind accepted his challenge, so naturally she would pad over to watch. Both were admirable opponents, and it was always a good idea to watch. Perhaps she could pick up a few moves to teach to Acornpaw. While she did know how to fight, it was not her specialty. Her body was built more for agility and chasing. Hunting had always come natural to her...but she did not share the same bulky, offensive build that most of her clanmates carried.

Tansy is out and about, lounging near the nursery with her head on her paws while Crystal bats around a leaf. It's always surprising, how much energy he constantly has. Be it rain, sun, heat or the cold, he always wants to play. It's days like these, however, she envies his thin little kitten coat- he'd gain his fluff later on in his life, more than likely in a month, and then she'll have to deal with him nagging that hes hot and doesn't want to do anything. Orrrr... He'd be an apprentice next moon and then his mentor would have to listen. She laughs lightly. Oh, she wouldn't trade it for the world.

Batwing calls for a spar, Crystalkit asks what 'fuck' means. Tansy irritably twitches her tail, narrowing her eyes ever so slightly. "He said fluff, darling." she waves a paw, grasping at his scruff when he says he wants to watch. So watch they would, and Batwing should watch his mouth. She swears that if she has to cover up something one more time... It looks like Batwing is facing off with Redwind, she knows the latter molly not personally but on a surface level. Redwind doesn't seem to have as much enthusiasm as she had over the rolling storm, but who would in this heat? Flamewhisker comes to watch as well and Tansy moves to sit besides the lead, plopping Crystalkit in front of her where she could move her body if the spar goes out of control.
( ) Hearing the call for a spar just as he returned from hunting, Hailstorm would perk up his long ears seeing that it was Batwing calling for the spar and he couldn't help but smile through the prey. He would deposit it onto the fresh kill pile, tongue swiping over his fangs briefly, and noticing that Redwind had already accepted. His paws carried him over until he was near Flamewhisker and Tansyshine, he nodded to the queen politely before mumbling quietly "Hope you don't mind me sitting here," A small grin on his face noticing little Crystalkit offering a small wave of his large paw before focusing his attention over to the two warriors getting ready to spar. The warrior didn't like the heat either as his coat was somewhat long making it awful to be out here though, he'd find a good spot with some shade later. His thoughts wandering for a good moment to the Riverclanners and how they must be keeping cool in the waters during this heat.

Maybe he'd find a small pool or body of water that he wouldn't drown in later though the thought of his coat being soaked was unappealing. Hailstorm pushed these thoughts away deciding that he should see how this spar between his clanmates would end up, he was more personally built bulky and despite the muscles that was hidden underneath his fluff... He would likely get bested by someone smaller and quicker if he was being completely honest though he was curious how this would play out.
WE'RE GETTING LOST! Sparring and getting muddy in a fight was more of Killdeercry's preferred past-time than say hunting or even patrolling. The clash of adrenaline against claws, teeth against fur, just thinking of a fight got her mind buzzing. The sensation of her heart pounding in her chest was a feeling she loved to chase.

It looked like Redwind had gotten to Batwing's proposition first. Unfortunate, but she could settle with being entertained. Maybe learn something from it all? "I can play judge! I wanna fight whoever wins." No way she wouldn't at least try to get in on all the action! — tags

nightbird is sat in the shade, secluded from the harsh rays of the sun as she enjoys a meal. a thick dark coat did little to protect her from heat, on days like this she much preferred to wait for the sun to dip low before anything strenuous. however, batwing shouts out in search of a sparring opponent. her interest piques as redwind quickly offers herself for the cause.

it would be an interesting match. nearly even height wise, it would be a true show of speed versus strength. slightly inching out of her cover, the molly would wait for it to begin, hoping that this event didn't leave either of them nest-ridden.
There was quick and prompt response, one that dragged a grin onto Batwing's face. Redwind was a worthy opponent any day, he thought to himself, turning to face the mollie and stretching his body once again. He had enough muscle to easily pull himself up and down trees, but Redwind had him beat in that regard, he thought. "Good. I look forward to getting into it." He grinned sharply at her, standing up straight. Clanmates had piqued their interest, turning to watch, or even volunteering to judge. He turned to look at them, squaring his shoulders.

That was definitely inflating his ego, but that was beside the point. Tansyshine was giving him a dirty look- he wasn't sure what for, but it was slightly unnerving. A good-natured smile was traded for his toothy grin as Hailstorm showed up, a slight incline of his head towards the other tom. A nod towards Nightbird as well- after all, she had earned a degree of respect from him. And finally, he regarded Killdeercry. "Sure, I'm okay with that. You'll have to ask Redwind if she wins if she wants go again, of course." Batwing wore shorter fur, which was a blessing in disguise during this weather.

Finally, he turned to look at @Redwind. "You can have the first move." He called, shifting his stance into a battle pose. Defensive, with one front paw settled underneath of him. Curious, but if looked at closely, it was strong offensive underneath the guise of a defensive. He was ready to rumble. ​

Redwind was surprised to see all the attention, although, like batwing, it only made her perk up more. A grin set on her blackened lips, curling the tip of her tail patiently as she took a stance a few paces away. "Welcome all. We won't let this show be of bore." She trilled, excited about the attention it brought.

She had the first hit he said, rolling her shoulders and purring, "That's sweet of you." She responded, gazing around at their audience and giving each an appreciative nod. Killdeercry called for judge and even challenged another spar with the victor. Batwing responded only if she didn't want to go again, "l'll evenly separate attention if I win. But easily I'll stand down if I don't. Let the battle begin!~" The cinnamon tortie now prepared for her attack, squaring up her body.

Redwind would aim to pounce for her opponent, looking to try and use her strength upon his back to pin him down. Amber eyes sparkled with entertainment whether she had been successful or he had counteracted it. Redwind acted as if she cared to win, although, in reality she was only in it for the practice and entertainment of Batwing and her clanmates. “Give me all you got!” She cheered in encouragement, brows furrowed in determination with her usual smirk plastered across her face. ​