pafp Bootlegger Boogie || Sore Pads


Cheeto-Dusted and Sopping Wet
Dec 16, 2023

Step, wince. Step, wince. Step, wince.

It had been happening since his vigil. Each time butter-stained paws pressed against the ground, the boy felt like they were being attacked by bees. Eggshellbloom hoped staying off of them for a night or two would be enough, but it seemed a fluffy nest wasn’t able to counteract all the walking and hunting he did on a daily basis.

Eggshell was no doctor, but at this point even he could tell what was going on. Staying upright all night for his vigil had obviously done something that a simple night’s sleep couldn’t fix, and now the skittish Scottish Fold was stuck. He’d just been made a warrior, it wouldn’t look good if he took it easy so soon after, right? (Plus, the ball of nerves would drop dead if he had to admit that he’d somehow gotten an injury from standing still.)

Luckily, a somewhat-empty head remembered that Skyclan had a resident doctor. Two, actually! But one was…disturbing. Eggshell made an executive decision, opting to address Fireflypaw. On top of being much easier to talk to, the both of them were bonded by battle.

“Does being attacked by bees together count as a battle?”

That was the question ringing inside an anxious head as Eggshell entered the medicine den, trying to distract from the pain of walking by pondering said inane inquiry. The boy only re-entered reality upon realizing he’d been standing in silence for far too long.

“Uh, mister Fireflypaw, s-sir-“ Eggshell began, piling on respect for the medicine cat like it was an antibiotic. “S-Sorry to bother you, but - uh -“ A yolk-stained paw lifted itself, revealing a topping of ketchup on the underside as his red and sore pad came into view. “My - My paws hurt. Sorry.”

// Please wait for @Fireflypaw !
Confusion swims in his brain as someone calls him sir, like he was some Leader or something. He soon tunes into the voice, realizing it's Eggshellbloom, complaining about sore and hurting paws. He'd never dealt with this, and with Dawnglare gone for now, it left him to figure out a treatment himself. He gestures over to a mossy nest with a paw, turning to the pile of herbs on the ground that he had began to sort into neat piles. If he was going to be alone for long enough, he needed to make the herbs easier to access and identify. With the herbs separated and sorted, it was easier to detect smells and feel around for what he had in stock.

His paw smooths over his herbs, humming softly to himself. "You know, you don't have to call me sir. I'm around your age, aren't I, Eggshellbloom?" He asks curiously, a claw hooking a nearly wilted leaf on the ground. He lifts it to his nose, sniffing it. It smells faintly tangy, with a bitter scent ebbing out of it- giving evidence to its almost wilting status. He better use this now, while he could. It should be fine, shouldn't it?

"I'm gonna try this. Gimme your paws." He orders calmly, carrying the big leaf over to seat himself beside the nest that Eggshell was supposed to be sitting in. "Lay down on your side." He mumbles, and if Eggshell does just that, he'd lift the leaf up to lick the leaf until the exterior is gooey and soft, before pressing it to the raw paw pads. He rubs it around, tongue sticking out in disgust from the taste of the herb. He'd have to wash his mouth out after. "We'll.. Keep you here for a day or two, just to see if it makes the swelling and aching disappear." He meows, sitting back to wait for any responses. Hopefully this works.. If it did, he'd have to tell Dawnglare about it when he returns, and collect some more- for sure.​

Mallowlark kept drifting a bit toward the medicine den in practice, forgetting there was no one waiting for him there. The grin, ever bore, was kept nonetheless... there wouldn't be any use in ridding himself of it now! But he had to admit, since Dawnglare had parted- temporarily, it had been promised- his smile had become more of an ache to maintain.

But here was someone who needed cheering up! And a few leaves on it too, he supposed. It was odd to see Fireflypaw working at the same stuff he'd always watched his mate do... that weaving maintenance, telling all the green of nature's wonderful world apart. It was something he'd always admired in Dawnglare, and a duty that continued to impress him when it came to Fireflypaw, though it was in rather a different way. Really, it made him more reverent for his teacher... and all of a sudden Mallowlark felt a creaking ache that there was no one for him to congratulate.

Curiosity streaked across his eyes, as he searched for a distraction. Like dead weight, his head snapped loosely to the side, curiosity written within. "How'd you manage that?" There was humour there, as ever... "Ran a bit too fast?"

Eggshellbloom winces as he makes his way into the den, but this time from embarrassment rather than pain. Fireflypaw’s question is apt, but the boy’s response is like a fish trying trying to walk. “Well, I - yea, you are, b-but you’re really important, so…” It was a bit unnerving, entering with the knowledge that Fireflypaw could snuff him out if the apprentice so desired. the right mix of leaves and berries, and the skittish Scottish Fold would be no more. Of course, the medicine cat would never do that, even the ball of nerves knew that, but he could.

As Eggshellbloom was ushered into a nest, though, his worst fears of Fireflypaw shifted from serial murderer to mad scientist. “T-Try?” The tomcat repeated. So he didn’t know if it would work? Was this a first? The boy believed himself to be a patient, not a guinea pig! What if his fur turned green? What if his paws rotted off?

Even as thoughts swirled in an anxious and empty head, though, Eggshellbloom did as the doctor instructed. A trembling, yolk-stained appendage made its way towards Fireflypaw, and the Skittish Scottish fold rolled on his side. Amber eyes wince again as what feels like mud presses into aching pads. Anxiety comes with impatience, though, and when he doesn’t feel better immediately, Eggshell assumes the worst.

“Are you s-sure you know what you’re d-doing, s-sir?” the strange mix of accusation and respect leaves a milk-stained maw just as the verdict is delivered. Eggshell had only spent the night in camp once before (two, counting his vigil), but the boy was a bit worried to be away for what could be two days. “My housefolk are - they’re gone a lot, so - so they won’t m-miss me…” The words come out like half-melted snow, a mumbled mouthful meant mostly for himself.

Just as the reality of his not-so-speedy recovery was setting in, though, Dawnglare’s shadow came to make his day worse. Well, that was a bit mean, Eggshellbloom held nothing against Mallowark or his mate personally, they were just a bit - well, a lot - creepy for him. Case-in-point when the whelp had to avert anxious eyes from the other’s toothy grin, gaze on the floor even when being addressed.

“Um - I - “ The one question the coward wished wasn’t asked. “I - I fell while - while h-hunting. Yea. I l-landed on my paws, but - y’know, it - it was a pretty long fall, so I guess I h-hurt them. I was hunting a b-bird. A brown bird. Y-Yea…” The innocent boy was inexperienced with lying, but it seemed oversharing was his tell. Even if they were stuttered out, the fact remained that Eggshell had just spouted more than he practically had all moon.​