Boots were made for walking || twoleg trash


I'll catch your tears, quench your fears with joy
Sep 18, 2022

Redpath enjoyed fishing. It kept her focused, making it hard for negative thoughts to take root in her mind. She did have them, on occasion. She was always reminded of the desolate hole in her heart that had barely even begun to heal.

And so to cope she buried those feelings in the river, replacing them with the thrill of the catch.

Except what she saw today was not a fish......What was it?

She waded into the river and peered down at the strange object. She took a breath and dipped her head into the water, teeth gripping the item and pulling it free. She brought it to the shore to examine it.


She knew what this funny brown thing was now.....


"WHY IS THERE A TWOLEG FOOT IN THE RIVER!?!?!?" She wailed. Can't they keep their funny looking feet to theirselves?
  • Haha
Reactions: Snakeblink

The wail that cuts through the air is loud enough to draw even the attention of the most hard of hearing elder, and for a moment Crappiepaw worries that some terrible fate has befallen one of their fellow RiverClanners. But when their clanmate comes into view, she doesn’t seem hurt. Redpath stands on the river’s bank, looking down upon a strange item that she’s dragged from the water.

"A twoleg foot?" They echo her words, tipping their head to the side as they approach. Twolegs are bad news. They’re much too small to fight one off, if there’s one around. They should probably leave.

Curiosity gets the better of them, though, and they step closer and closer until they’re right at Redpath’s side, staring down the brown object with narrowed eyes. "Where’s the rest of it??" They glance upriver, hoping to spot some more twoleg pieces. Perhaps there will be some bones left behind as well, the small ones.

Like Crappie, Koi's first thought was that Redpath had met with an unfortunate fate, and it causes the apprentice to shut down with fear, ice running through her veins. She spots Crappie, stumbles forwards and breaks in to a run after them, stumbling upon Redpath wailing about a... twoleg... foot... She stares, dumbfounded and feeling even worse that she had thought something terrible had happened.

She blinks as Crappie speaks, asks where the rest of it is and she finds herself nodding slowly in agreement. "Yeah... A-And what if their- their friends come looking for them?" if Koi had skin she'd be as pale as a ghost at the thought because surely, anytime soon there would be a group of twolegs coming through Riverclan territory, tearing everything up... She's shaking like a leaf in the wind, eyes wide with fear. This could end with nothing good at all!


"a twoleg foot?" crappiepaw's question peaked his interest as he approached the source of the yelling he'd heard. as he came closer to inspect the strange object he wrinkled his nose, gagging a little. "it stinks, why the hell is it in our river? where's the rest of it? does this mean it's dead... in the river? is the water gross now?" the questions spewed out of him, he stifled another gag after realizing he'd swam earlier that day.
koipaw's question made his fur bristle a little as he looked around like they'd appear out of nowhere "what can we even do?" if they came looking for their friend, or their lost appendage, surely they'd destroy everything around. despite the clan's size he doubted anyone would want to try to find it and do anything about it, he certainly didn't want to.
☼ ☀ ☼
( ) the midnight head snaps up from where she crouches, just up bank from the other molly. a ripple of displeasure flickers through her at the interruption, the knowledge that any fish stupid enough to approach has now been thoroughly scared away. but the russet femme seems panicked, and quickly the annoyance is replaced with worry as willowroot stands, hurrying over to the growing group. a gaggle of apprentices surrounds the scene and the lead warrior arches up, attempting to catch a glimpse of the thing. the so called 'twoleg foot' is sopping wet, an ugly brown color, strings hanging off of it. curiosity gets the best of her and wil moves closer, head tipped to the side. "it doesn't quite look like a foot... but it certainly couldn't be anything else." eyebrow raised, she reaches out to bat at the strings, examining the object closely.

in her experience with twolegs, primarily the ones on her old ship, they had pinkish feet, soft and easily broken. this brown thing seems a bit big, the hole in the top a strange thing. if she were to think of a cut off foot, she would not imagine them to be hollow... odd. around her the apprentices begin to wail, their worry expressed in cries, and the lead warrior offers a comforting look. "i don't think the twolegs will come looking. this looks pretty abandoned to me. we've had our fair share of twolegs in the territory. it'll be okay." sympathetic sage hued eyes flick from sunpaw to koipaw to crappiepaw before resting on redpath once again. "still, i have no clue why it looks like that."