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Her throat hurt.

The world was quiet at night. When Barkbreath wasn't taking the midnight hours to scream at the top of his lungs, when the apprentices weren't squabbling over who took who's nest, there was nothing but creaking branches and cold air. Ebonyfall was alone, seated in the center of camp only a half-hour away from moonhigh, silent. The glow of a waning gibbous was shielded by a thin curtain of grey clouds not too unlike the clouds that had turned the sky white on that day—

'So what, you're just gonna leave? Are you serious?'

There were so many things to be worrying about—Ebonyfall's claws sank desirously into the ice-cold mud—so why was this still what kept her up at night? Why was she still so angry? Her head lowered and her fur bristled with the weight of her thoughts; very rarely did she ever allow herself to look so bothered, and that was a skill she had learned far too young. The skill of clawing away weakness to only leave whatever small amounts of strength left within her to shine through. It left her burning under her skin, it left her wanting to tear him down to the marrow of his bones. She would be lying if she said she wasn't imagining it now. Her claws sinking into his neck, pinning him down, eyes glowing in the moonlight, blood drawn, and that silence...

'If you didn't want to have kids, maybe you should have stopped yourself before whoring yourself off to some dumb fucking kittypet!'

She swallowed, hard, only then realizing that she was shaking all over. It was another one of those bad nights of her spend awake, fantasizing of doing to him what he had done to her, haunted by the idea that not even that would satisfy her. Only partially aware of whatever was going on outside of her own head, the (perfect, pristine, unbothered, unloved) dark-furred molly rose to her paws to begin again with the pacing.

Back and forth across the lengths of the campsite, silent, shaking, breath white in the frigid swamp air. The feeling of his claws sinking past skin still stung, even though the puncture wounds had healed in only a day's time and whatever scar would have been left behind was completely hidden under her fur... It still hurt. And she had really been asking for it, too—she was so disobedient back then, to scream at her father that he was some useless, worthless whore in the middle of camp, she was practically begging to get...

—Whatever frenzied, manic anger had energized her pacing and her clawing at the ground was all gone now. The exhaustion hit her like a tidal wave, and eventually, Ebonyfall slowed to a stop and sat down, staring blankly at the hard mud crumbling underneath her claws.

She would have to groom herself again now.
shadowclan, she/her, penned by cuzn, tags
while somewhat blissfully unaware of what the woman was experiencing, one thing he did know, was that his clanmate was not feeling well. whether that be mentally or physically, he knew that something about the molly was off. while others in the clan would appear to care less about these things, he himself felt the need to show the clan he cared about them. "a-are you alright? need someone to talk to? or perhaps someone to help get your mind off of things?" clearing his throat as he approached as not to startle ebonyfall, goosewobble would sit opposite of her, offering nothing further beyond a friendly gaze.
She didn't know anyone was awake. As soon as Goosewobble spoke, Ebony looked over with an intensity that only came from the agitation of her own thoughts, and in no way from his approach—no matter how unwarranted it was. Her first, immediate response was no, go away, but she stopped herself. Barely. Biting her tongue, in fact.

Even though she wasn't about to tear into this barely-older-than-an-apprentice tuxedo (whose coloration reminded her, with great discomfort, of her father), she also wasn't about to invite him to stick around with any unnecessary pleasantries. "I'm fine."

No, she wasn't. With a slight wrinkle of her nose, Ebonyfall's glare redirected off to the side, and her tailtip gave an irritated twitch. She was still getting used to this whole... Not being a bitch thing.

"I can't sleep. That's all."
shadowclan, she/her, penned by cuzn, tags
that couldn't be all. she didn't seem like she was only tired. he understood and elected not to push the matter further. suddenly feeling awkward, he was unsure of how to go about a further conversation with her at this point. he'd attempted to help resolve the issue. goose wasn't entirely sure what else he could offer to her. "anything i could do to help?" while he may not be smart enough to consider suggesting she visit bonejaw for some poppy seeds, perhaps he could accompany her on a walk or late-night hunting trip?
Help. The offer would have made her scoff, if it didn't bring up a notion that Ebonyfall was so fundamentally uncomfortable with. She did need help. Very badly, at that. If she didn't have something more rational to think about outside of herself an her fucked up familial situation, she would probably be stuck pacing all night. And her pawsteps were already visibly noticeable going back and forth on the slightly sodden, clay-like ground.

When she spoke again, it seemed she had forgotten about her previous hostilities. The exhaustion ran too deep for her to keep up so many facades at once, anyway. "A conversation would be nice."

Nice. Laying it on a little thick there, huh?

A clear of her throat had some part of her proud, pointed attitude returning, but the words that followed were an instant contradiction to the airs she wanted to put on. "If it's not too much trouble."

Could you sound any more pathetic?
shadowclan, she/her, penned by cuzn, tags
chilledgaze unintentionally had heard this small conversation, which made them turn their head towards ebonyfall. the pretty feline had been struggling, inner turmoil eating her alive. chilledgaze had known that look all too well. biting the inside of their cheek, they took in a deep breath, strolling over and settling into a seated position. they didn't say anything for a moment, before they just cleared their throat. fuck it. they needed to know their clanmates anyways.

"can't sleep, either? my mom used to tell me stories to try and help. i never did tell her that i faked being sleep so she could get some rest of her own."

they lowered their gaze for a moment before just shrugging.

"tell anyone i'm actually being nice and i'll leave you out for the badgers to find you. but... tell me about you, ebonyfall."
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The new deputy. Ebonyfall knew Chilledgaze from a distance; working in the same clan as someone else for so long meant that she was of course vaguely familiar with them, but she can't recall a time when the two ever had a real conversation. She had been in the marshes for her entire life, and yet to anyone who knew her it would come to no surprise that she hadn't made any friends so far. Her guarded nature and admittedly sharp tongue was what drove most cats off, but here she was, with Chilledgaze and Goosewobble. Her clanmates.

"...What is there to say?" That was odd. She normally had plenty of opinions, especially on herself, but for once, she was coming up blank. Should she talk about her father? About herself? Just bring up something generic?

It was in moments like these that she wished she had the same mindless courage and lightheartedness that her clanmates like Goosewobble had.

"I just do what I can to make sure the clan stays fed." Because she couldn't do anything else. If she disappeared, the only thing ShadowClan would be missing was the extra fresh-kill. Ebonyfall could feel the fur bristle along her shoulders, her gaze steeled on a nearby stone.
shadowclan, she/her, penned by cuzn, tags