camp BORED, BORED, BORED — pafp


Jun 20, 2023

☼—— emberkit is bored! bored, bored, bored. there's nothing to do, no funny things falling into camp or games to play. and all his rocks are sleeping—don't ask him how he nows, he can tell! he's not bitter or sad, per se, just a little bored. he lies on his back in the nursery entrance, longing for the day his papa will officially let him and his siblings out of it. he can see some warriors, apprentices, older kits, walking and talking and eating prey (something that's still new and exciting to him).

hopefully, the golden kit thinks, something really exciting will happen and he won't be so bored! he squints—maybe if he concentrates, the exciting thing will appear.

  • ooc: please wait for @tigerkit. to post!
  • hGDbrni.png
  • ☼ emberkit — for his bright pelt & in honor of emberstar
    he/him ; amab, will come out as genderfluid ICly — thunderclan — kit — 1 ☾s
    —— emberkit is a young kit with a radiant white-splashed cream pelt and soft blue eyes. the adopted son of thunderclan's lead warrior sunfreckle and his mate rabbitnose, he is sweet, honest, and as bright as his namesake, if somewhat lacking in an attention span.
    —— smells like winter air & sweet smoke ; sounds like young bran stark ; speech in #A7CAEB, thoughts in #e98b27
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; won’t start fights ; will flee ; will show mercy ; won't kill or maim (kitten)
    —— too young for romance ; open to friendships, casual interactions, plotting ; not open to romance, battles
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • shhh don't look here (battle info will go here at some point)

It was strange. Her back legs were sprawled like chicken legs, and she was digging up a patch of grass, stretching her toes and digging her claws into it in a kneading motion. The sun beamed down and it seemed only two clouds were in the sky today, so there was not a million shapes she could try to search for in the blue sky.

A yawn escaped her jaws, and as her eyes began to shut, she noticed something brightly coloured fluttering into camp. Something... a butterfly? But not just one now... slowly, several butterflies drifted and dance in the center of camp.

"Whoah! Butterflies!" she said, standing up. Her eyes drifted to emberkit who was still in the nursery. Tigerkit absolutely can't let the tom miss out on this. "Emberkit!" she shouted with urgency. "Quick!"

☼—— emberkit must be magic, 'cause right while he's thinking about an exciting thing—boom! it happens! one of the other kits, tigerkit, stands up in camp and shouts to him that he should come over quick. the golden kit glances about; technically, he's not supposed to leave the nursery yet. technically. but oooh, tigerkit is telling him something exciting is happening and she's yelling about BUTTERFLIES, and ....

well, he just has to see them! he's only gonna leave for like a BLINK, and then he'll be right back! he promises. so emberkit scrambles to his big paws and runs to tigerkit, pumping his little legs as fast as they can go. and she's right! there are butterflies, a bunch of them, super pretty and flapping around like they're doing a happy dance too. he hops up, trying to get one to look at, but they just drift serenely away. "w-woah! tigerkit, we gotta chase em! we g-gotta!" he hiccups, wiggling excitedly like a worm (totally forgetting his promise to be 'right back').

  • ooc: obligatory concerned dad tag @Sunfreckle
  • ☼ emberkit — for his bright pelt & in honor of emberstar
    he/him ; amab, will come out as genderfluid ICly — thunderclan — kit — 1 ☾s
    —— emberkit is a young kit with a radiant white-splashed cream pelt and soft blue eyes. the adopted son of thunderclan's lead warrior sunfreckle and his mate rabbitnose, he is sweet, honest, and as bright as his namesake, if somewhat lacking in an attention span.
    —— smells like winter air & sweet smoke ; sounds like young bran stark ; speech in #A7CAEB, thoughts in #e98b27
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; won’t start fights ; will flee ; will show mercy ; won't kill or maim (kitten)
    —— too young for romance ; open to friendships, casual interactions, plotting ; not open to romance, battles
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • shhh don't look here (battle info will go here at some point)

Tigerkit is still learning, and doesn't understand the rules of kits being unable to leave the nursery. So she doesn't understand the possibility that they might get in trouble, nor would she expect it either.

The cream and white kitten was quick to race over to tigerkit, causing the young girl to giggle and greet him with a huge grin. "Let's do it! Momma told me it was bad to touch them! But chasing them isn't bad! And I don't know why we can't touch em! But I do wonder what they taste like," she said, starting to ramble in her excitement.

She crouched down, her butt wiggling before attempting to run after one. Her paws slipped out from under her though, and instead she rolled over herself and sat back up. Giggles escaped her again. "I got too excited."

Lifting a paw to a blue and black one, she looked to the other kitten. "I think that one's my favorite!"
Redwind had been sharing tongues with a fellow warrior nearby, blackened lips moving to create an engaging story. However, the bounding and playful shrieking of kits nearby made her pause and swivel her head around to the source. Butterflies and two energetic bodies eager to chase them. One of them may have looked too young to be out without supervision and Redwind made sure she was going to be the one to supervise them for the time being. "Let me handle this." She meowed smoothly with a warm smile to her clanmate, heaving her body up to approach the younger felines.

"These creatures are a beauty to behold. Delicate and gentle like petals of a flower, just like you two. But you wouldn't want to be in the same position of these kind beings, make sure you have someone watching you. The world is a dangerous place for a kitten." She cooed, sitting down slowly and curling her tail around her paws. A butterfly had flown near her face and she looked up at it in thought, escorting it in the Tigerkit's direction. "Now an adult is watching, have fun but stay careful. We wouldn't want to bother Berryheart for scrapped legs." She chuckled, noting the tumble Tigerkit had taken in result of excitement. She remembered her sibling's lack of attention to the dangers of the world, the scar on her back telling the tale of her story. Redwind watched the sky and trees carefully, squinting her amber eyes as if she was searching for something and then back down at the kittens again with a warm smile plastered upon her blackened lips. The warrior doubted anything would truley happen to them, there were many clanmates around to prove their safety. Although, then again, anything could happen and Redwind lived to tell the tale of a story of such. ​
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A couple of moons had gone by since Little Wolf had spent her own time in the nursery, her youngest kits were apprentices now and her oldest were well on their way to graduating into their warrior lives. Burnstorm had already moved into the warriors den, Moonpaw was not far behind. As much as she had loathed being confined to camp, there had been something special to raising her kits, even the second time when she had to do it alone. No, never alone she quickly reminds herself. Cats like Sunfreckle, Flamewhisker, Howlingstar, they had all been there for her, had all helped her with whatever it was she needed. She had mourned the fact that her second litter would grow up without a father but it was better that way. Safer.

She had been sharing tongues with Redwind when the kits started their game, and like the striped molly, she too looked up to see what the commotion was. When her eyes landed on the pair of kits bounding around the clearing a soft smile would settle on her face. Redwind proclaims she would handle it but Little Wolf says nothing, just dips her head politely in a 'go ahead' way, her whiskers twitching in amusement as she too pushes herself to her paws to settle next to the other warrior to also watch.

The butterflies flitting about was a sight to behold indeed, and if she were any younger perhaps she would be chasing after them with Tigerkit and Emberkit, but right now she is content to supervise.