BORN AGAIN IN THE SUNRISE [✦] Injured Hunting Patrol

With the asisstance of Sunstride and Raccoonstripe (perhaps some others?), Sootstar had only lost one life in the scuffle. It feels like she’s been out for most of the day but her hunting patrol insisted she had only been gone long enough for them to chase off the rats and escape. All that she knows is that she longs to be back underneath starless skies… and that rat bites burned.

Leaning against her deputy’s shoulder, for you would not see her taking a non-WindClanner’s aid, she limps back into the four-clan camp at the Burnt Sycamore. Rats dangled from the jaws of some patrol members, while others only return half-bitted and scratched up.

Weakly she shifts away from Sunstride, her limbs feel shaky but she manages to hold her own in this moment. ”Perhaps if some of us had not been so quick to leave others to the dead, we could’ve caught more prey to feed our clans.” She scowls, baring her fangs as she points a venemous look to the non-WindClan cats, sparing only Raccoonstripe. Their attempt to one-up her only left their clans hungry and other patrol members beaten up. They were not only to blame for her death, but for any herbs that went to use and the rumbling bellies of all.

There was nothing more Sootstar can do. She should’ve known better than to trust other clans to hunt side by side with WindClan. They would not forget this, and nor would her clan. Sitting down, she extends a rear leg and begins to groom the wounds she’s substained.
  • (patrol members! @FOGBOUND @SUNSTRIDE @RACCOONSTRIPE @coyotecreek @Drizzlepelt @Ebonylight.)
    > takes place after THIS thread :)
    > MEDICINE CATS if your oc wishes to somehow act, she is littered in scratches and bite marks on her legs and some scattered across her body.
    > Anyone may post in any order, no need to wait
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
The thrumming of approaching paws brought Harbingermoon to his wide paws. Small ears pricked up, and his gaze took on a hard look as he anticipated the arrival of the patrol. The coppery scent of blood danced on his tongue, and it was clear something had gone terribly wrong. Rats.

As the patrol came limping forward, Harbingermoon's initial concern gave way to anger. The fury wasn't just a fleeting emotion; it was a seething rage that simmered in his chest. Faming orange eyes reflected the intensity of his emotions, and he had to clench his jaws tightly to keep from letting it erupt.

Her scraped and battered appearance was like a testament to WindClan's defeat or misfortune, and it only fueled Harbingermoon further. However, he knew this wasn't the time for outbursts or questions. His leader needed help. Passing over to where she was fixing her pelt the shorter tom showed little to no concern for the rest of the cats gathered.

"Sootstar, would you like me to take you somewhere to rest or fetch a medicine cat?" Harbingermoon's voice rumbled low and calm, a stark contrast to the turbulent irritation churning within him. He was ready to assist the molly in any way he could.
Drizzlepelt, at the very least, was successful enough in his hunt despite how rough it went. He might be a bit battered from having to avoid getting bit or swiped at, but otherwise he made it out alive and well. Of course, he could only say so much as he fended for himself, not diving in to save the WindClan leader as her body was ravaged.

Thinking about it during their silent walk back, why would he? He’s typically nice enough to those outside his clan, but what kindness has anyone in WindClan shown him? Least of all Sootstar. He’s aware that he harbors a lot towards a cat that he’s had barely any interactions with, but this whole mess of a patrol just reassured him he isn’t wrong in his assertion.

Drizzlepelt takes Sootstar’s hurling insult in stride and and lets it bounce off of him, setting down the large rat in his mouth so he could retort. “At least we got something. That was the goal, right? Sorry I had my own problems, and didn’t want to waste my one life.” He would usually hold back from being so bold, but he’s too tired to care. At least he didn’t have any wounds that needed tending to, he supposes.​
Frostbite is not surprised when he sees a patrol coming back from the carrionplace all scratched up. He doesn't even show any emotion when he sees Sootstar covered in wounds leaning against a clanmates side. He's curious to know what happened to her... How did she end up like THAT. He doesn't have to think for long, he knows what those fiends are capable of. His frosty gaze scans the other members of the patrol and sees that Sootstar is the one most worse off.

He feels a slight hint of satisfaction. This is the second life she's lost on Shadowclan territory, isn't it? Once when she had the nerve to invade them for Smogmaw's life, and now, to the rats. He'd be happy to let her rot, but he figures he should at least try to be a good host.

"Unfortunate..." He says. The keyword was try. "I'd suggest you find your medicine cat quickly. Those wounds look nasty." He adds, looking over Sootstar again. He won't mention that Shadowclan knows how to cure rat bites. That knowledge is theirs.

Who knew coming to check on the other clans would end up so entertaining? "I'll help you find them, if you'd like." He offers.​

XXXXXRaccoonstripe’s jaw is set in a grim line as he supports the WindClan leader limping between himself and her deputy. The tabby’s dark eyes are clouded with pain, one paw suspended as he does his best to avoid grinding dirt into the wound opened on his paw pad. It’s clear the smoke-colored she-cat knows who had run to her assistance and who had drawn back from the fight, and her green eyes are as venomous as her tongue as she speaks. A small crowd draws closer. He grits his teeth, turning his blazing dark gaze on the blue tabby who spits a retort in Sootstar’s direction. His tail lashes once out of frustration he cannot contain. Kittypets couldn't face the actual danger. He does not start the name-calling, though—it would be a fool's errand, and besides, no doubt some sharp-tongued cat would beat him to it.

XXXXXWe were on a patrol together,” he snaps. “In ThunderClan, we don’t leave cats to die pulled apart by rats, at least.” He closes his eyes, his head beginning to throb. He knows he can’t leave the paw unattended. A white-furred ShadowClan tom with barely-concealed amusement in his eyes advises Sootstar to see a medicine cat.

XXXXXI was bit,” he murmurs, looking for his brother’s dappled pelt. Hopefully nothing would come of his well-intentioned valor.

looking for @BERRYHEART
──ᨒ↟↟ᨒ↟ᨒ↟↟ᨒ── The tension could not be clearer if it ran through the marsh with a pack of dogs on its heels. His gaze lingers concernedly on his mate, but of the cats gathered, Sootstar has suffered most of all, and Raccoonstripe's pointed comment has Wolfsong's ears twisting flat against his skull. His jaw clenches and he understands the cause of Sootstar's fierce glare, and his own eye narrows with disgusted disdain for these so-called warriors. Raccoonstripe, at least, did not indulge in the cowardice of SkyClan; ThunderClan may not be friendly with WindClan, but this one feline is evidently more dependable than any number of SkyClan's warriors.

"Yes, it would be a grave waste indeed— burying such a pitiful corpse would ask much of the worms to bear. They would take a finer meal from a dog's shit-stained tongue." He smiles at the SkyClanner, all teeth, and steps toward Sootstar, leaning closer to inspect her wounds. "I would suggest Starlingheart," he proposes, partly to her, partly to Racoonstripe. "She has the greatest expertise with rat wounds, and the potential after-effects."
  • ★★★☆☆ WOUNDS: You're (mostly) in safe paws. You'll know if he's less experienced if he asks for your permission to try a treatment. No wound can scare him away from knowledge.
    ★★★☆☆ INFECTION: He can prevent most infections. If you feel feverish, let him know; he'll hum thoughtfully over herbs and sniff your wound before saying, "With your blessing..."
  • ★☆☆☆☆ ACHES & PAINS: If you complain to him of pain, he'll ask where. If it's a headache, you'll likely feel a bit better. For anything else, "Try this, if you'd like, and tell me how you feel."
    ★☆☆☆☆ BROKEN BONES: At best. he can ask you to remain lying down in the den. He may try to distract you with conversation while he considers what herb to feed you.
  • ★★★★★ TRAVELING HERBS: Going somewhere? No worries; Wolfsong knows just what you need to stay hale and healthy during your journey. The rest is up to you.
    ★★☆☆☆ KITTING: Thanks to Starlingheart, he's better prepared for the arrival of kits, but any complications will need a little faith and a lot of luck.
  • ★☆☆☆☆ POISONS: It's best if you avoid eating anything unfamiliar to you— it's probably just as unfamiliar to Wolfsong. The best he can do is offer you yarrow and sit with you.
    ★★☆☆☆ ILLNESS: If it's white or greencough, you'll likely recover. Otherwise, prepare for odd concoctions and the usual request that you consent to a little trial-and-error.
"...what happened here...?"
The hunting party that had left returns, Sootstar looks as though she had been dragged through the carrionpiles and ripped to pieces by the sharp bits and baubs within them-tattered and battered. Smokethroat finds his eyes widening as he recognizes the curve of tiny teeth marks, the deep gouges only just barely visible in ashen fur; rats. Raccoonstripe presents a more easier to see wound, paw raised and the marks un unmistakable. The Marsh Colony knew to hunt here was dangerous, how had it gone so poorly?
The WindClan leader bristles and scolds, furious - she says she was left for dead and he glances to the rest of the patrol preparing to call her a fool because what sane cat would do something like that. Obviously she was spouting more or her ridiculous lies until a voice rises up.
A SkyClanner snaps back about their single life and he feels his stomach twist into a knot, a lump in his throat rising up and threatening to spill bile and vitriol upon the earth. Is this what other cats truly thought? He has no fondness nor care for Sootstar, but to simply leave her to be torn apart by rats because she had more than one life to spare? He closes that long orange eye tight, remembers Cicadastar's bloodsoaked body, flesh torn and ice-blue gaze fogging over - he would never dream of wishing such a thing on another, no matter how much he found them foul.

"If you hate her so much then face her in battle later like proper warriors and not when our clans are depending on every paw capable to provide! Do you think she can hunt now at all like this? You've allowed our kits to lose one more skilled hunter, I don't CARE how much you may despise her but a leader's lives are not something you can just scoff at!" His mate, somewhere, laying upon the earth and dying time and time again...the final life would be a mercy but he knew how many the tom had left. Too many. Too much. It was cruel, it was horrible and it was the burden cats carried for their clans' sake. Did they think it was a privelege to be torn to pieces multiple times over and keep coming back? An honor surely, but a reward? No. It was the price paid and no more. An offering to the stars and not some benign immortality.
WindClan's medicine cat approachs and he finds his bristling fur slowly going flat, his energy burning like the wick of a candle - flaring brightly and then snuffing out. He's too tired for this. He hates her, he can't stand Sootstar and he'd love nothing more than to put her down himself.
But this was not the time. If WindClan's leader died to other clan negligence then WindClan would not fight with them against the rogues, may even join them or turn on them? No. This was hardly apt.
"If you weren't injured by rats then you're being sent back out once their swarm has calmed." They'd be in a frenzy after blood for a while, "Let's not leave anyone to die the second time."

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Deputy of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.
    —⊰⋅ penned by Rai

( ) three rats dangle from their tails, clutched in the tomcat's jaw as he brings up the rear of the patrol. the bitemark on his paw has him limping slightly, and tiny scratchmarks litter his muzzle, but he feels confident with the prey he's brought home. he drops his kills at his paws, mottled ears flicking to pick up the snarls of sootstar as she is carefully set down and her wounds are tended to. the riverclanner narrows his odd hued eyes, flicking his attention between the windclan tyrant and the skyclan warrior as he hisses a retort. exhaustion permeates every one of their words, and coyotecreek feels the exact same, although his pelt itches to defend himself.

"yer a capable warrior, as are yer windclanners. many cats were comin' to yer aid," he mumbles, moving to scoop up his kill again. besides, he'd taken up the rear, snatched rat after rat off of her still form once he'd realized her weakness. he had sacrificed his morals, his hatred of the lithe she-cat, because rats were not a fate he wished on her. "yer okay now."

smokethroat bursts out in anger and the tomcat's ears flatten at the admonishment. he hardly finds the accusation of cruelty fair, but he will not argue with a superior. he simply nods. "i will get my paw seen to and then head back out."
There’s backlash immediately, and while normally Drizzlepelt would have held his head down and admitted his wrongdoings, he got even more frustrated. Was he being selfish? Of course he was. And does his life really even mean that much? No, no it doesn’t. He doubts that he will have meant much in the end, and little will mutter his name when he has passed on. He has only made so many friends since joining SkyClan, and despite his guttural fear that his life will mean nothing, he hasn’t done anything to make his life hold any worth, either.

But even so… life is precious, yes, but Sootstar had gotten those extra lives granted to her to serve her clan. Maybe it wasn’t specifically for him, but if anyone needed to die, surely it makes sense it would be her. …But they’re upset that anyone died in the first place. He didn’t think in the moment that he would be able to make it to her in time anyways, but it was an excuse. He was happy she died. He should be sickened by that fact, but he wasn’t. Maybe the evil one was him.

He looks down at the unfamiliar ground before turning his gaze upwards once more, anger turned into acceptance. “Sorry, that was uncalled for. You’re right Smokethroat, lives are not something that should be taken lightly. And I’ll gladly go back out to hunt.” Even if it was punishment for his outburst, he’d take it.​
Azaleafrost hadn't been on the patrol, but the commotion was enough to draw her from her nest to investigate. To her surprise, she sees Sootstar covered in rat bites. She looks utterly terrible. She listens to the conversation to pick up on what had happened, looking to each cat present. It comes to no surprise to her that Sootstar had been left to the rats. She knows well enough her reputation, and while she doesnt feel as strongly about it as her clanmates, it does confirm to her that these cats are more than willing to let Windclan die. Willing to let her die.
Enemies, all of them.

She narrows her eyes at those on the patrol, mostly Drizzlepelt. Of course a Skyclanner was to blame, though she must admit. She didn't expect such cruelty from them. She expected it more from her own clan. She is no stranger to how hatred can warp someone, though. It certainly changed her. She runs on hatred and spite. She doesnt know if the other cats here are the same, but she makes a note to herself to not go hunting without a Windclanner present.

But even then.... She can't really trust them either, can she?

"I will join." She says. "I'll make sure this doesn't happen again." She adds, expression as muted as ever. She'll mostly be looking out for her own clan, but she'll pull anyone from the rats if she has to.​
✦  .   ˚ .   It is...strange, how camaraderie blossoms. Sunstride has been silent in face of the patrol, his pale eyes barely containing a thunderstorm. It does not temper in the face of the arguments, or even the half-muttered apologies. Were his mate's sharpened tongue not the first to offer its lashing, Sunstride cannot begin to guess what he might have said. Instead, despite his rage, he laughs. The rat that hangs from his jaws muffles it some, and he drops it before anger and desperate amusement both force him to clamp down. "For the kits," he chuckles lowly. Bitter quiet. "Perhaps it will teach them its venom." His shoulder does not leave Sootstar's, even as he lowers his head to brush the golden tom's cheek. How long has it been since he had seen them? Were they well? It would be weakness to question that before the crowd, however desperately he wishes to know.

"You should rest, Sootstar. Allow Harbingermoon to help you, and I will take care of the rest." It is a quiet offer, not meant to force her boundaries, but her weakness and exhaustion are clear. If they are to hunt again, she should not be the one to busy herself with it. The other warriors are not worth their trust. Hollow apologies, hollow concerns. Yet Smokethroat and Raccoonstripe, Harbingermoon, Azaleafrost– he looks to them, and nods his silent appreciation.

  • OOC.
    ——  a tall auburn tabby with thick fur and bright glacial eyes. sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond it, with fur that flames red and deepens to a burnt amber with every stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of them. he radiates confidence and self-assured authority.

  • "speech"