camp BORN AT NIGHT -- patrol assignments


"Hold on," Orangeblossom calls as Blazestar descends from his perch, "don't go anywhere yet. I might be leaving for a while but that doesn't mean you get out of patrol rounds for tomorrow." She's met with a few groans, and a small smile twitches at her maw. "Fantastream will be taking the dawn patrol to RiverClan with Dog and Hazelbeam. Drowsypaw will come with you. Jaggedstorm, you'll be leading the dawn patrol along the unclaimed border. Take Coyotecrest and Pearlpaw, and Drizzlepelt too.

She nods at the tricolour tom. Her attention briefly lingers on Brightpaw, before a decision is made, a conversation with Blazestar ringing in her ears. "You and Glimmerpaw will go to the ThunderClan border at dusk alongside Mallowlark and Sweetybee. Get the apprentices home before you head off for the night. Blazestar, you're off to Twolegplace at dusk. Take Tiggerbounce and Aspenpaw, and ... Sootspritespark." It had been a request, the curly-furred queen appealing successfully to the fact that Orangeblossom had hated being cooped up in the nursery with her own kits. She's not totally sure about doing this to the little ones, though, despite the assurance that Mottledove was content to watch the trio. Maybe Blazestar would be able to glean a little more insight as to why she wanted so badly to go on patrol, as its leader.

"Sparrowsong, you'll be heading out to Rockpile. I trust you'll be able to assemble a patrol on your own. Silversmoke, you're to take the other hunting patrol; you will circle past Tallpine. Dawnglare wants to check for herbs around there, so he and Fireflypaw will be coming with your group." She nods at the two patrol leaders in turn, and then her attention moves to a familiar ruddy pelt among the crowd. "Foxfire, you'll be hosting the next warrior training on a skill of your choice.

"One last thing. Blazestar said this just now, but I want to make it very clear that no SkyClanner is to breathe a word of our prisoners."
She breathes the word through gritted teeth. "Not to each other anywhere near the borders, not to any other cat outside of SkyClan. There will be severe consequences, and we do not want WindClan in our camp again with a pawful of healthy warriors unable to help defend it."

It's the closest thing to a farewell she'd be able to stomach, but she'd nod to each SkyClanner in turn if she made eye contact with them. "Take care of each other."

Takes place directly after this thread! As always, patrol leaders (listed first) are in charge of making their threads and tagging the participants :]

RiverClan, dawn: @Fantastream ! @Dog @Hazelbeam @DROWSYPAW
Loner Lands, dawn: @JAGGEDSTORM @Coyotecrest @pearlpaw @Drizzlepelt
ThunderClan, dusk: @Johnnyflame @Glimmerpaw @MALLOWLARK @Sweetybee
Twolegplace, dusk: @BLAZESTAR @TIGGERBOUNCE @Aspenkit @Sootspritespark.

Warrior training: @Foxfire to organise

Hunting, rockpile: @sparrowsong! to organise
— prompt: Wait a minute ... the patrol leader can smell a dog.
Hunting, near tallpine: @SILVERSMOKE to organise, @DAWNGLARE and @Fireflypaw to tag along
— prompt: Your patrol encounters a fox who stops in front of you, but doesn't attack.


Before the meeting could draw to a proper close, Orangeblossom stood and called their attenton to her instead. Bi-colored ears flicked toward the larger shecat with curiosity before smirking as she spoke.

He straightened a bit as he was called on, nodding as the instructions were given and not missing the distinct lack of Brightpaws name. The young shecat certainly wouldn't be allowed any privellages for some time.

"Thunderclan it is. Brightpaw, I want you to see to Mottledove and Lostmoon while we're gone. Make sure their nests are clean and comfortable, and that they've both had something to eat before they head to bed for the night." he instructed, golden eyes landing on the dark furred apprentice expectantly. "Then it's off to bed with you as well. I want you fresh for the morning."

Chances are Glimmerpaw would be wiped between a dusk patrol and the gathering tonight, so he'd be giving her to morning to sleep in. Brightpaw however, would have to be up. Johnny might end up running on close to no sleep, but he was sure he'd find time to catnap throughout the day.

Either way, Brightpaw wasn't missing their routine dawn workout, even if the tomcat had to miss out on some sleep.

OOC- with @Glimmerpaw and @BRIGHTPAW

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you're like snow , beautiful but cold .
The willowy male turned an icy gaze to the deputy, dipping his helm in acknowledgment. He pulled himself from Lostmoon’s frame, ignoring the anger that blistered just beneath his pelt at the sight of Duskpool. He did not fault him for agreeing to go, but it pained him to see his mate so distraught.

Jaggedstorm scowled, overcome with rage, but he stamped it down, smoothing his expression into stoic iciness. He sighed, willing his emotions away. He would not succumb to such vile emotions. “We leave at dawn.” He rumbled to those within his patrol, expression stiff, letting a plumed tail swish, brushing against his mate’s side in silent comfort. “Do not be late.” His gaze narrowed threateningly, before pivoting on paws, padding away from the gathering cats.

He let an icy glare settle on Duskpool’s hulking form, peeling away to usher his mate into the nursery. I cannot help but wonder if we will run into old friends.
thought speech

They were trying their best to keep it together, they really were, but there was an obvious tremor to the small tabby's body for the duration of the meeting, and Orangeblossom's call wasn't helping. Patrols must be assigned, as was the deputy's duty.

With a weak sniffle Sparrowsong crept closer, listening for if their name would be called and nodding. What they hadn't expected, however, was for them to be assigned as a patrol leader. A final act of trust. They couldn't stop the thin cry that rose in their throat then, shoulders shaking with a small sob, and before they knew it they were staggering forward a few paces to press their head into her chest. They couldn't muster any words, but it was the closest to a goodbye they could manage.


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Dog followed shortly behind Sparrowsong, settling near the smaller warrior with a subtle sniff of acknowledgment. His attention was fully captured by Orangeblossom's words, and a small smile adorned his muzzle. It was always nice seeing her as it reflected the good memories of his joining.

Seemed like only yesterday but the reality was certainly different. In his eyes, the she-cat always exuded a sense of regal grace, reminiscent of someone he once knew, although the memory remained frustratingly elusive. Despite the flurry of thoughts, he managed to maintain his focus.

When his name was called, Dog straightened up, responding with a firm "Understood." He cast a quick, appreciative glance toward the patrol leader before silently trailing after them, his agreement further emphasized by a subdued nod.

  • ooc ; /out
  • 1000007505-png.1053

    ✧ 27 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
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