Nov 11, 2023

Hunting could be boring or thrilling depending on what you made of it and Rattlestrike here loved to spice things up any given chance he got!, hehe. Today had been his real lucky day because a rabbit had been foolish enough to get seperated from its lil 'herd' and got lost all the way to thunderclans territory there someone like him lived. It had been quite some time since he last time had hunted down something as big as this so oh boy was he excited!. A real treat for him for sure especially in this challenging times. So he had schemed his plan as he silently stalked himself up towards the rabbit while using the environment around him to hide in. His long tail lashed excitedly behind him as he creept closer until he found the perfect spot that he would use to start the chase.

Rattlestrike would use his tongue to draw it across his maw as a big wide grin appeared up across his naked face. Now the fun could begin!.

Without one more second to waste the tom who was built for speed sprinted out to take chase as he made his present know on purpose because he did not wish for this to end too quickly!. No, no, no he wanted to run like his life depanded on it first. To play with his prey before he went for the killing bite!. The whole time he would grin widely as he enjoyed his lil game of cat and mouse. Repeatedly he would change direction and turn to chase the poor thing around in circles to scare it, to make it tremble in fear!. He wanted the rabbit to give it all it had to get away from him! only for it all to be in waste because he had no intention to let it get away.

Only when the adrenaline was at its hightest - when he felt how his lungs were screaming out for breath the warrior decided to end it!. Rattlestrike would leap through the air as he landed on top of its back and sank his snake-like fangs into the back of its neck and broke it by twisting it. Crack it said and just like that the rabbit dropped dead, hanging lifeless between his teeth. Rattlestrike would let go of the poor thing and used his tongue to clean his maw from the blood he had spilled. " Heh, thanks for that race long-ear just what i needed today and to show my gratitude i give you a merciful death worthy of a true runner!."
he would grin down at his prey, unable to forget about how importand it was in this clan these days to show gratitude for every prey they hunt down!. " Make sure to say hello to these starry-cats up there for me, will ya?." he snickered finding it hilarious funny every single time he had to say it out aloud!. This clanners where really funny sometimes for caring what dead cats thought!, to waste their lives away obeying anything they said.
"Well, that could have been cleaner." Huffed Wildheart as he prowled from the gloom in order to confront Rattlestrike. He had seen some of the hunt unfold from where he had been stalking a robin, and unfortunately his own prey had been startled away during the commotion of the other warrior chasing a rabbit about the place. The calico was frustrated to say the very least, though he wouldn't deny that a rabbit was a rare treat during increasingly harder times. "Next time just catch the thing, otherwise you'll scare everything else in the forest away! Now come on, best get that rabbit back to camp before a fox or badger catches a whiff of it."
don't try to rush your enemies .
“Excellent catch, I must say.” He complimented, helm tilted to observe Rattlestrike’s catch with glistening orbs, not before humming in agreement. “Although messy, it certainly didn’t fail, did it?” He mused with puckered lips, waving a frosted tail. Oakfang had been nearby when he overheard the other’s words, promising an unfortunate death to their dear rabbit, soon to be in someone’s stomach. A promising catch during leafbare. Unfortunately, the smokey tom came empty-pawed, only a few twigs lodged into his pelt.

“Wildheart is correct, perhaps it’s best we head back before something more … unappetizing makes its appearance. It’d be a waste of prey then.” He further commented on, amber hues twinkling.
thought speech

Oh, look who had decided to bless them with thier presence!. The lil pipsqueak who just loved to scold and run his mouth every second he got. Rattlestrike find it amusing that not anyone was sane enough in this clan to shut this tom's mouth up for good. If Howlingstar ever needed someone to do the dirty job for her she knew where to find him. Hehe. He would even be so kind to do it for free. No demands being asked. He faced his clanmate with a wide toothy grin. " Don't go and lose your tail on me now ~" he said fully aware that Wildheart had already lost the majority of his tail!. " I was just having some fun while i did my absolute best to catch the tasty thing. Not my fault it was so fast!. I'm quite sure whatever you were chasing couldn't possible have feed as many mouths like this big boy will!." he sneered, thinking he deserved some praise and not scolding right now in these desperate times.

At least he got some sort of satisfaction from that by Oakfang, although he honestly didn't felt like he needed any praise or acknowledgement for what he did. Not really. He was already fully aware of what a skilled hunter he was, probably the best in the clan!. Still he pleased them with his toothy grin anyway. " Thanks pal!, glad that someone understand that sometimes ya gotta be messy to get the job done." and he for one was not afried to get his paws dirty that was a bloody fact.

But of course they should get a move on not wanting a different predator to steal the rabbit either. It was a shame though that he didnt get to take a piece from this juicy rabbit but instead forced to give it up on the pile of food. Tch. That was one of the rules he didn't like. Sharing is caring were not his thing!. Oh well. Not everything could be a paradise in this place. Rattlestrike moved his head down ready to pick the rabbit up. " Y'know...maybe there is more rabbits sneaking around out here...anyone up to hide this one under the snow and take a quick look around?." More food meant more mouths to feed. Maybe even pipsqueak over there would find that forgotten smile if he was able to hunt down something worthy to be proud over!.

Where Wildheart might have dropped the matter and moved on, a single remark was made that left him truly bristling. A mocking statement directed at his old injury roughed him the wrong way and all he wanted to do at that second was to lunge for the other cat. But he dug his claws into the dirt and held his position in a desperate bid to avoid a physical fight. Though taking the disrespect without a challenge was out of the question. "What was that, scab-face?" He growled with a flash of teeth. The calico had no interest in returning to the hunt until he got an apology from Rattlestrike.
don't try to rush your enemies .
He hummed, tail weaving over his shoulders to peer at the two, one expectant of an apology while the other keen on returning to the hunt. He nearly laughed at the oddity, dark lips crinkling beneath smokey brown, amber hues crinkling in down-played amusement. “One day you’ll have to have to ignore such quips.” He rumbled, glancing at Wildheart. “As infuriating as it may be.” He added.

Falling silent, Oakfang glanced toward Rattlestrike, ears angled sideways to catch the last sliver of pattering feet. “Shall we continue?” He prodded, helm tilted toward the soft sound with a raised brow. “It is leafbare, after all.” With that, Oakfang padded off, tail flicking leisurely behind him, unbothered if the two followed, or continued to argue.
thought speech