camp BORN FOR THIS // open

Tension was higher then it ever had been in the clan before. Granitepelts bedrayal had left a deep scar in so many of them, at least that is what his father had told them. Always be cautious on who to trust even among the high ranked ones. If anything his father's word could always be trusted and relayed upon. For how long would it take for the clan to clean out all of the filth?. Lividkit wondered if him had have any par-

Lividkit's eyes widened in shook when dirt had out of nowhere came to target the right side of their face. He could feel how the dirt came sliding down his face like some disgusting snail slime. It made him want to shiver. With an bemused expression to point directly at the culprit who had dared to assault him already knowing who it was. " Haha! i got you brother right in the face!." Basilkit would grin widely with delight, feeling more than just a little bit proud over himself for having succeeded in hitting his brother out of all cats!. Lividkit shared little of this humour emotion, if none at all as he stared at his littlermate who had played this unpleasant trick on him. " Don't you think it's about time to stop playing this... games of yours. " he pointed out while trying to get rid of the dirt on his face with his front paw. He had just finished cleaning his fur too. Lividkit hated to be dirty, he cursed the filth for even daring to exist in his presence.

" Why is that?. Kits are supposed to be playing." Basilkit sounded puzzled, curious with the way his brother was thinking at times. Approaching over Basilkit took a seat beside his kin still with a mischievous smile. " You can always clean yourself later, so why won't you play with me?." His smile still presented itself just as brightly but there was something more deep going on behind his words. A longing for something - which Lividkit failed to understand the meaning of. Instead a sigh would leave the older brother and he would splatter the dirt away from his paw before setting it back down on the cold ground. " Have you forgotten we're about to become apprentices soon?. We should act our age." He would remind them flatly, stormy orbs once more facing their brother. Lividkit had always been the one who was more mature between the two, the one who never had seemed much interested to partake in kit activities. He had always been waiting patiently for the day when he finally get to leave the nursery behind. Not once had he felt like he belonged there.

" But we aren't apprentices yet we can still be kits and have fun still!." Basilkit protested with a sulky lip, not liking this whole 'growing up thing'. He felt like he hadn't even gotten a chance to be a kit yet and wished he could be one for more months to come not understanding why everyone was in a hurry to grow up for. It didn't seem special fun to be an adult...or warrior for that matter. Just work and never any fun. Still, there was no doubt about his admiration he held so highly for his brother who always walked straight ahead on his path. Basilkit smiled just thinking about it, and while he did not recieve an answer from his brother this time who had decided to give the 'silent treatment' when he no longer wished to contunied a conversation the message was clear. Basilkit knew when he had lost and so leaned in against his brother instead so they could bump their shoulders with each other. " I suppose this means you're looking forward to it then!. And i as your favorite brother am gonna be your biggest supporter in this clan!. I'm gonna shout the loudest every single time you catch something that even thunderclan can hear me!!." he grinned widely again as he proudly stated this fact..

Frowning, Lividkit's face turned pale. " Please don't do that..." Basilkit giggled. Was that flustered embarrassment he just had lurked out from his composed brother's voice?. " No promises!." he teased with his contunied giggles. He really truly felt blessed to have been gifted with the best brother in this world!. If anyone of them were going to become a great warrior one day it for certain would be his brother!. Basilkit had no doubt about that.

You've wasted your life, but thanks for applying

Snowkits yellow gaze fixated onto the two brothers while a frown faintly peered on her lips. Why was everyone so determined to be a great warrior? The only reason she had been ever so eager to leave the nursery in the first place was to escape the torturous screeches that some of the younger kits pulled and their attempts to get the orphaned kit to play with them, yet it never worked considering how Snowkit was quick to pull away and to find another place more quieter than that of the nursery. Yet, sometimes coming across the scenes like these, siblings being greatful of having each ofher or family members coming bouts to see their children...couldn't help but make her feel a sting of envy.

Shaking her head she approached the two with a cool look in her eyes "From what the apprentices told me... you should enjoy your time as a kit, because once you're a paw, there is no nap time" she expressed with a twitched of amusement in her whiskers. Though she did not care about "nap times" like some other kits do. She just wanted to give the two others a warning of such things. "Hopefully your mentor isn't too stritct on you, because you might start crying and begging to go back to the nursery" she stated boredly while waving her paw a bit.

She had her reasons why she wanted to leave the nursery, and it wasn't the eagerness to become a warrior, no, it was her way of escaping from seeing families together, huddled up every night, queens praising their kits and telling them how they're going to be the greatest warrior Shadowclan has ever seen, no, the feeling she got from it made her feel disgusted. Of course there was more to it, she didn't want to be near Singekit longer than she had to be, dealing with such a brash loudmouth like him who spews his screechy torched tongue every chance he could.

Pausing she looked at the two again, "What do you guys believe your warriors name is going to be? Have you ever thought of that?" truly, that was what every kit thought of, their warrior names...right? They held such importance to everyone in the clan. "Probably get something kinda lame" she huffed with a roll of her yellow eyes before looking away a bit. Why was she even talking to these fools anyways? It matter not if she did or not, she just wanted to get some piece and quiet....

Hearing Basilkit and Lividkit's conversation and play brought a wistful pang in Lilacfurs chest- moments she had missed from her own rearing. Many of those memories had been lost to time between tragedies, her mind only saving the most horrific at times but as she looked at the pair of littermates she holds hope in their future as apprentices.

Lividkit is very no nonsense it seemed, already preparing to spend dawn till dusk working and training under a mentor. Basilkit, though, is more keen on packing as much fun as he can before that day arrives. While their hours whittle away he doesn't want to waste a single minute he has left of being a kit. She saw the sensibility in both sides of the kits, neither were wrong or right, just different tracks of mind.

"Snowkit's not too far off." The molly piped in as she joined the three of them with a smile. "Getting enough play and rest in your kit days helps you more as an apprentice. Your little bones and muscles did so much growing, so rest is very important. And play keeps your mind sharp and ready when you start your training days."

Gold sights flickered to a mossball and swiped it into her paw, holding it out before them. "Just take this for example! A game of mossball is a kits favorite game, but it's versatile for so many skills you'll be trained in and refine as an apprentice. Stalking, pouncing, using your claws, learning patience. Tell me, what's everyone's favorite part of playing mossball? I might be able to tell what you'll be really good at when you become -paws."
[ i need the clouds to cover me ]

If Snowkit's aim had been to intimate Lividkit with her warning words then she had wasted her time. Lividkit was not easily fazed and neither was he a fool. Never once had he thought becoming an apprentice would be an easy task. It was just he was more then willing to put down the hardwork most his age was not ready for. " Sounds like a fair trade to me." Because a sacrifice it was not worthy to be called. Lividkit had been having enough nap times that could last for a life time. Why would anyone want to waste their life sleeping all day to begin with?. What a poor argument of trying to win him over with. Bemused he looked away from the she-kit as she had lost his attention completely. In fact he was rather disinterested to even contunie this conversation.

That could not be said the same with Basilkit who wide-eyed stared at Snowkit now with pure horror. "W-what?! no nap time like ever?!" he felt devastated. In fact he wanted to become an apprentice even less now!!. Oh his sweet kithood gone just like that!. " D-don't say that. I don't want to get a mean mentor..." he looked concerned already knowing some of the warriors were not the most kindhearted souls. That was what he was worried over the most.

Lividkit twitched an ear, his gaze drawn over towards Lilacfur as she come over to join the conversation. While Snowkit had very little to say to interest the young tom for long it was an entier different story when it come to the warriors. From them he actually could learn something from. Their experiences, their skills. Even if their words could be unreliable at times they still had knowledge he wished to learn from them. " I've never thought about it like that before...I guess it makes sense." He was not fully convinced but Lilacfur was stating some valid points that never had crossed his mind. But if it was true why hadn't his father ever told him about this information that was importand for his growth?.

" I guess i like the chase's very nice for the teeths to bite into. " Basilkit joined the new conversation with the warrior, and he would kick some dirt with his paw still shaken up what Snowkit had previously said. "Stalking." Lividkit answerd simply with a twitch of his ear tip, more interested in this conversation then what Basilkit currently was.

The change of subject instantly turned Basilkit's mood back around and his ears would perk up, that beaming light back in his mint-green eyes. Of course he had been thinking about his future warrior name!. How could anyone not be excited about that?!. " Of course i have!!. I want my warrior name to be Basilcrawling after my father!." He stood with his head held high as he proudly revealed his dream future warrior name. Even Lividkit attention had been drawn over to this conversation but more so because of his brothers rather unfitting warrior name. Basilcrawling?. Didn't even sound good on the tongue to say. " Basilheart would be better." That was the warrior name their father had been given. Basilkit blinked thinking for over this but only for a brief moment before it made total sense to them!. " Oh you are so right!!. Basilheart sounds so much better." he would nod his head in agreement. " And brothers name should be Lividheart too!. We should share the same warrior name." That would prove proof of how close they where.

" I bet you're gonna get a very pretty name Snowkit!." Basilkit's attention was drawn back to the main guest of this conversation. Her name was gonna be anything but lame. " Like Snowfeather or Snowdance!. Or why not Snowmoon!." Oh yeah he really liked the last one!. Snowmoon was a pretty name perfectly fitted for someone as pretty as this she-kit was!. Meanwhile Lividkit didn't have anymore to say. He had in fact not thought about what his future warrior name was going to be.

*+:。.。 "Nah, her name is gonna be Snowslime for sure! Or Snowbatkiss after her long-lost mate!" Singekit would announce his presence with a scorching tongue and a fiery glare. He'd watched the entire exchange from the shadows of the nursery and, for all his complaints and fighting, eagerly jumped at the chance to pop in. He loved future name talk! Since he played Rogues v. Shadowclan with Snowkit way back he's fallen for one name and one name only - "I'm gonna be called Singefang one day! 'Cus I'm gonna be so strong and cool they'll have to name me something just as awesome!" he purrs, plopping down beside the brothers with his chin raised high as he waits for the cheers.

In the meantime, he looks over at Lilacfur and meows with a huff, "I don't like moss ball, it's boring! But I do like stealing the ball and ripping it up! It does feel awesome for the teeth!" he purrs, happy to agree with someone on something as he elbows Basilkit approvingly. The youngest of the crew would then roll his eyes as he's reminded of the mentor discussion. Without hesitation, the shortest child would leap to his paws and parade around with his tail high, announcing confidently, "I don't care who my mentor will be, they won't be able to stop me from doing anything I want! I'm going to be the best fighter in Shadowclan, I bet I already am! My mentor will take one look at me and go 'this Singepaw needs to be made into Singefnag RIGHT AWAY!' and then ill be the youngest warrior ever made!" He drops to the ground suddenly in a crouch, before springing to the air and pawing at an invisible bat, before hitting the ground and shadowboxing imaginary rogues. "Look at - these moves !" he pants as he skips around, completely oblivious to how clumsy every action he takes appears. Finally, he pivots on his paw and crouches low to the ground, eyes set on Lividkit. A wiggling rump is the only warning the other kitten will get before Singekit rushes forward and aims the bowl the other child over, determined to start a wrestling match with his den-mate!

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    1 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPCx NPC (brother to Swallowkit)
    Shadowclan — Kit

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold ruddy
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: None currently


Amusement lit of her gaze watching the pair think, tentatively giving their answers and Lilacfur felt inclined to tell them 'it's not permanent', 'it's just a close guess' but seeing their faces as they awaited her assessment she figured something that at least seemed definitive might be more helpful.

Basilkit liked the chase, the satisfaction of his teeth sinking through after completing the hard work of even reaching it. Lividkit's answer was more straightforward- stalking. Being unseen and having the element of surprise on either his prey or enemies. They would work as a good pair in a hunt, she decided, if those were their favorite roles to play.

"Alright. Then Basilkit, you could end up as an amazing tracker! Picking apart all the scents in the marshes and finding the trails for prey. Or even discovering if we've had any intruders or trespassers." Then she turned to face the other. "And Lividkit, while stalking already is a very important skill I think you'd also have a great opportunity on perfecting your pounce, too. Staying silent in the shadows is only helpful if you can actually land your attack while unseen. Given that, the pair of you would make an awesome team to hunt with!"

Singekit's arrival is made with scathing words toward Snowkit and Lilacfur's smile is pulled down. As he quickly dove in rambunctious play, announcing himself as ShadowClan's youngest warrior she kept her thoughts to herself. With their track record he'd be more likely held back than graduate on time (which really said more about their older generation of warriors, didn't it?) but she would rather not risk Eeriepaw or Sharpshadow hearing that.

"Well Singekit, I would guess you might make a decent fighter, or just really good at shredding moss." She teased as her expression curved to something more mischievous in her teasing.
[ i need the clouds to cover me ]
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