Born of winter cold and air || Intro


Strength of the Mountain
Nov 24, 2022

Cold weather was nothing to him. Mountainheart was covered in smokey black fur that covered various scars and muscle. Big and imposing, but gentle and kindhearted inside. The former mercenary never expected to settle down anywhere, but here he was, a Skyclan warrior for at least.......Oh...How long has it been......

Three moons?


It's been a few moons.

He didn't mind this way of life. It was like a family, and he was a family man. His adopted kits had all grown up and went their own ways, two deciding to stay at the barn with his good friend. He couldn't stand to be doing nothing, so he said his goodbyes and left, knowing they were safe.

Which left him here, in the pine forest. He had just returned to camp with a squirrel, putting it in the pile and sitting a short ways away.

Prey was getting scarce and there were so many mouths to feed.....It stressed him out.
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It feels strange to be in the SkyClan camp wearing the apprentice's title. She watches Snowpaw and Figpaw and Squirrelpaw go out with their mentors, return with fresh-kill and weary paws from patrols, but she doesn't do that in this Clan. She hasn't even really started doing it in ThunderClan, though she knows it's only a matter of time before she's as bone weary as the rest of them.

But Morningpaw has no mentor here, and though she's sure there are things she could be doing, she's never been asked to do them. Is it because she's the leader's kit, and mostly a ThunderClanner? She isn't sure.

Morningpaw awkwardly watches Mountainheart, the big burly smoke, return with a squirrel for the fresh-kill pile. A piece of prey she'd feel awkward indulging in, as she has not contributed, but that looks mouthwatering all the same. The squirrels are a bit scarcer in ThunderClan...

But she does not ask to take it, nor does she sink hungry teeth into the russet-pelted piece of prey. She blinks up at Mountainheart respectfully. "That's a good catch," she says. Meek as always. "Maybe someday I'll bring home squirrels that big..." Her mother is a skilled huntress, but her father's clumsy paws and soft heart seem to be all she's inherited from either of them. Perhaps Wolfwind will inspire those latent skills.

- ,,

As the days continue to get colder the tom finds himself thinking and wondering. Theu have gained new paws but have lost an experienced one. And one that should have stayed in Skyclan. They lost an apprentice to rogues and others have been attacked. The sadness lingers on his face and he tries his best to be more positive but it keeps him thinking all the time. Windclan is a threat, Windclan needs to be met with aggression. Shaking his head and putting those thoughts away he lifts his bright blue tired looking eyes up to see Mountainheart coming in with a squirrel. He places it on the pile easily enough and then Morningpaw joins him. A soft smile pulls at the older warriors muzzle as he pushes his massive form to rise. "Perhaps you could share the squirrel? I'm sure it will be okay, petit oiseau."

His warm eyes lift up to look at Mountain then before giving a small nod. "It is a fine catch, especially with the cold starting to settle." He sits then as he lifts a paw to little brush at his chest fur, thinking that he too should go out hunting soon. He hasn't eaten anything today but he will be fine.

Mountainheart smiled softly at Morningpaw as she approached. The leader had such precious kits. How could he say no to this little face?

"You may have it if you want, lass." He said. He could tell she wanted it. And she deserved to have it. "You'll be catching squirrels like that one in no time if you keep up with your training."

So what if he was a pushover.

He nodded to Foxgecker. " They're all fattening up for leafbare, which in turn, keeps us fed. Hopefully we'll catch plenty more."

"I've never caught a squirrel before-uh-I wonder, do we have to climb the trees or are we trying to get them before they go UP the tree? OH-um-sorry! Didn't mean to interupt!" The tortiseshell stumbled forward, her paws clumsy only in that she tried to back away at the same time she stepped forward as if uncertain on whether she wanted to impose herself on the gathered cats or not and in the end her mind and body could not quite come to a compromise. Pumpkin gave a little wiggle to right herself back upright, green and blue eyes observing the pile around Mountainheart and noting with some concern of her own that it did perhaps look a little small today! She really needed to catch on to how hunting worked in the place, because so far she was mostly adapt at tracking ground prey. The birds were not very common and the squirrels were so quick she often didn't see them until she was right upon them.
She eyes Morningpaw, a cat she was told is often here and often not due to living in two clans? Which was very confusing to her as she wasn't aware you could do that! She'd only just learned there was more than one clan a little after joining and now they had dual-citizenships? How complicated, she wondered how that would work if there was conflict.
"I'd offer to share with you but I'm-uh-afraid I'm not hungry! Perhaps Foxgecker or Mountainheart might?" Thankfully, Pumpkin was alarmingly good at remembering names and faces otherwise this new environment would be a lot more overwhelming.