pafp BOTTLE OF SNAKE WINE ˚⊹♡ sick


Feb 7, 2024
// tw: etemophoba

Throughout the past moon he had felt off, he felt exhaustion beginning to drag him down. Getting frustrated easily with hunting, and scents overwhelming his nose to the point he has to cover his nose with a paw. He didn't want to be rude, but it's no use. Unfortunately, it was midday when it happened. He was picking at a half-eaten mouse with an ivory claw, as he listened to the conversation between his friends Hickorythroat and Dartwing.

He hasn't gotten enough time to hang out with his two friends. Swiveling a large silver - cream ear towards the two as he chimes in with his own input. Suddenly, he halts in his speaking. Oddgleam shuts his mouth with a click, then he's onto his paws, startling the two away from the conversation. His face twists into one of discomfort, replacing the previous one. He swallows, ears already angled towards his skull as he mumbles out a soft, "Excuse me..." already staggering away from the two toms with a swish of his tail.

It crashes over him in an agonizing wave, he lurches forward with a stumble before briskly making his way to the edge of camp. Avoiding his clanmate's curious glances as he rushes past them. He really... wasn't fast enough. Vaguely, he feels bile climbing up his throat. His stomach churns and seconds later, he pukes. Spilling his once previous meal on the ground before him, he feels tears prick at the corners of his eyes. "Oh, merde." He rasps, his tongue feeling heavy as he glares at the ground like it has offended him in some way. There was no way... Hackles raised, head between his hunching shoulders as his mouth was open heaving.

His tail twitches through the grass, as he tries to catch his breath as he unceremoniously loses the contents of his stomach. There was no denying it. His heart feels like it's trying to escape him, realizing he has been putting on more weight than usual; his slender figure has become more round recently... in the stomach area no less. Shit. He hasn't been eating well, had barely any appetite– throat burning. His mouth twitches into a grimace at the sight of his meal in the dirt.

  • ooc. uh oh...
    wait until either @CROWSIGHT or @Owlheart to post!
  • temp oddgleam reference
  • ( LIKE HONEY IN WARM MILK ) ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ ODDGLEAM. ╱ skyclan warrior.
    ⸝⸝ non-binary ; HE / THEY ; 16 MOONS OLD & AGES EVERY 7TH.
    bi-pan / polyamorous / mated to crowsight & owlheart
    pretty, long-legged medium furred sliver-cream calico with copper eyes.
    battle notesthoughts ; "Speech, ac7d88" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like caramel frappe & chilled stone
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone
By all accounts he should've had an inkling as to what was happening to Oddgleam, but he didn't. Oddgleam seemed relatively normal, if anything trying to leave their shared nest became all the more challenging. Not that he wasn't used to his mates clinginess, considering Crowsight himself had days were he refused to let go of his two loves. However, Oddgleam was even more adamant. Even though his mate was not much of an early riser like he was, more often than not the calico would wake and try to coax him into laying in their nest a little longer, to neglect Lionpaw's training. Thankfully, Owlheart was able to soothe Oddgleam when he had to take care of his own duties. Of course, he would do the same when Owlheart needed time for her own duties.

Today he had trained Lionpaw, deciding not to cut training short so his brother could have fun with his friends or do whatever he wished to. He's been doing well. Sure, there's some things we have to work on, but he's really been pushing himself. Maybe I should let him rest more. Working too hard isn't a good thing. Crowsight knows. Knows how his younger brother continues to train outside of their sessions. While he can't say he is thrilled, he understands. After all, when he was apprentice he continuously pushed past his limits. He worked so hard most of time his limbs ached, yet he couldn't stop. You don't know how alike we are.

Those are thoughts for another day, all he desired was to be with his mates after a long day. The black smoke was met with the sight of one of his loves rushing towards the edge of camp. Instinct pushes him to rush to Oddgleam, everything and everyone else doesn't matter in this moment. Something is wrong. A black nose scrunches from the foul stench. A shiver runs down his spine as he nears his mate, making the mistake of looking at Oddgleam has thrown up. Bile rises from his throat and escapes into his own maw, but the smoke quickly swallows the acid back down.

Hazel eyes shifts to the calico, "What's wrong my love?" Had he been less flustered he may have aligned the pieces of what was transpiring. Owlie where are you? Our love is sick. Stars, are we going to get sick too? That would be horrible! Firefly! Yes, big brother should know what's wrong! A black paw gently strokes his mates back for comfort. "Do you want to go to the medicine cat den together? Or would you like me to bring Fireflyglow here?"

Where Owlheart excelled in perception she lacked insight, body language and matters pertaining to motives behind actions had always escaped her. She took things at face value, so when Oddgleam was extra clingy in the mornings she didn't pay any particular concern to it. Presuming that it had something to do with the change of weather, the usual bite of heat had started to relax as Leaf-fall seemed to be steadily approaching. Owlheart had just assumed that he was seeking the comfort of body heat, plus they always had an affinity for the dramatics, it was something she adored about him.

While she noticed that his stomach looked swollen as of recently there was an assumption that it was because maybe he was eating more when she wasn't around. It wasn't feasible to share every meal together, so it could be possible that he's just not as hungry when they're eating together. Maybe she brushed things off too quickly, that was the first concern when she saw him rushing through camp. She sets the spare moss that she had gathered for the elders down by their den, profusely apologising to the elders as she made her departure.

The stench of bile was unmistakable, with a tight frown she glanced between her mates. Eyes filled with worry, her gaze lingered on Crowsight for a moment to try and figure out if he maybe knew something she didn't. That pit of worry only sunk deeper as the realisation sunk in that he also didn't know what was wrong. He had to be sick, the cause of it was the least of her concerns right now in comparison to making sure Oddgleam had support and care in this moment. "I'll go get him, Dawnglare too… Just to get a second opinion" she was confident that just one medicine cat would know how to help and yet that desire to protect manifested in the aim to use every resource they had accessible.

"Stay here love, don't push yourself" tail sways behind her as she braces herself in case he may be sick again "Crowsight… Stay with him okay?" She knows that he doesn't need to be told to stay but it felt better to make that clear. With one more lingering glance at her tortoiseshell mate she turned on paws to go seek out the medicine cats.

// fetching @Fireflyglow and @DAWNGLARE
Oddgleam is a good cat. A kind one with no shortage of smiles to share as long as you offered that same energy back. Edenberry can name most of the clan as their friends but most especially those that cluster into their age group... those they'd trained with, graduated with. They won't deny the pang of jealousy that sits with them to see the three so wrapped up in one another... it is a doting love, a physical reassurance that they feel deprived of. Now more than ever....

As the pale warrior marches past in a nauseated hurry, they grow nervous by the lack of reply to a quickly mewed, "Heya, Oddgleam!" Worry decorates their face in a frown, wondering if they've done something to offend the dappled cat but- Oh.... Their stomach twists uncomfortably, in sympathy or maybe just recognition. An upset stomach.... the way his fur whisks a bit further out at his sides than normal. For all their love, Crowsight and Owlheart are lacking in thought, brushing against their mate with coos of concern but none of their theories offering any real substance.

I have a guess, they think, chest squeezing tightly as tiny mimicries cry for their mother's in the bi-color cat's head. Even in memory they beg for Edenberry's attention.... "Hey... guys....." Their ears flick once before dropping back nervously, "You.... you haven't....? Or rather... did you intend to...? Uh..." they stutter over their observation, growing meek in their empathy, their ability to relate to Oddgleam's discomfort and shock.

Were you prepared for this? They move to fill the space Owlheart had left, leaning close to their friend if allowed, voice dropping to a hushed whisper, "Do you think it's kittens?" I'm so sorry, because for them, it felt like a sentence for torture and heartbreak and exhaustion. Because for them it had been. Even Raindrop had apologized... to even be told in the first place that they might be parents.

"It'll be okay," is all they can think to say, forgetting their audience... forgetting that this case was one surrounded by love and support and would not be left in tired isolation. Would have two loving mates to dote on them....

Green is an ugly color. Envy tastes sour.

  • -- edenberry / skyclan daylight warrior / any pronouns / 16 moons
    -- mostly white with black pinstripe and green eyes / scarred face and back
    -- color #728c69​
He is grateful for Owlheart. He didn't want to leave Oddgleam's side for even a moment, unless Owlheart stood with him. She takes action and as quickly as she arrived she leaves. He can't even give her an answer, only nodding with the mission she has given him. All he can do is whisper reassurances and run a paw down the calico's back to help him. It's moments like these he curses his limitations. Thankfully, he is unable to degrade himself when the sound of paw pads thump closer.

Edenberry's presence is not an unwelcome one. Despite his worry over his mate, he is able to give Edenberry his attention, a slight nod of his head serving as a greeting. While he wouldn't say he was extremely close to her, he held respect for her and wouldn't turn away her company. Though, he will never tell her that he had missed her presence when she left the clan. He isn't sure of the reason why and never bothered to ask, considering it wasn't any of his business. Eventually, when she did return to Skyclan he was relieved. They had grown up together. It was difficult not to worry about her.

In the moment, he can't help but wonder why she speaks so hesitantly. Is she scared of me? Or does she know what's wrong with Oddgleam? Is it that bad? Edenberry's meekness serves to add onto his concern, especially as she brings up something they have done. Haven't what? Intend? Intend what? Worry is evident, and fur prickles as Edenberry draws near him.


Eyes widen in realization. Hazel eyes trail over to his mates swollen stomach, lingering for a few seconds. All three of them have talked about it a few moons ago. Before they had become mates. Oddgleam had brought up kittens to the pair separately and while he had no idea what Owlheart had said to Oddgleam, they all had said yes. Not then, but eventually when they were a little more grown. More mature, so in a way... Edenberry was not wrong. The three of them intended to be parents, a family someday. He never expected it would be now. Well... he was no expert. There was a small chance that this was due to something else, but things were starting to make sense.

"I think... It could be. We wanted kits in the future, but I..." Didn't think it would happen so soon. Perhaps it was stupid. Not to expect this to happen. However, he couldn't say he was upset about this. No, he couldn't be. He had made a promise to himself not to end up like a deadbeat like his own father. Not that it was difficult, considering he could never imagine himself not wanting to be without his mates or kits? Kits... I am going to be a father. We're going to be a family. If... Dawnglare or Firefly confirms it.

Reassures him more than she'll ever know. Even if it was meant more for Oddgleam than him. "Thank you."
The sound of gagging draws her attention instantly, thickly furred ears swivelling in the direction of the sound a moment before her head follows. Worries as old as mountain stone rise unbidden from the earth beneath her paws, but she doesn't let them shake her as she lopes easily over to the sick cat. Still, concerns cloud in a gnat - swarm—bad prey, something wrong, an illness? The fact that it's Oddgleam quickens her steps a little—one of her son's two mates, whom she views with a distant sort of affection and a gratitude for both the way they handle her son and the insights they occasionally provide into his well - being. Where one is, two soon follow, and the shapes of Crowsight and Owlheart materialize out of seemingly nowhere to comfort him. Even through the worry, Doeblaze's heart softens a little—Crowsight's a lot like her in that aspect.

" Good idea, " she concurs with Owlheart, though her voice is suddenly distant. A sharp jade eye appraises the slight swell of Oddgleam's small frame, the tiredness tugging at their shoulders—and, of course, the remnants of their meal spilled on the ground. Her brow rumples, gaze flicking to his own burnished copper . . . the symptoms are so familiar she's tempted to forewarn Owlheart, already confident in her split - second verdict. Edenberry's already on it, though, and her eyebrows twitch upwards. Maybe the pinstripe feline had been spending more time around the nursery than she'd though since their return, huh . . .

" I think Edenberry's right, " she offers hesitantly, as if afraid Crowsight might suddenly lash out at her. Swallowing the worry as she'd hidden away the others in the notches of her ribs, she takes a half - step forwards, towards where her son is soothing his mate. " I had the same problems when I was expecting you three, " she mrrows, experience freeing her from the trappings of thought as she blinks almost hopefully at the pair . . . Grandkits. One of the healers can formally confirm it, but the former queen's quite assured of her personal diagnosis . . . and as head makes way easily for heart, her eye crinkles at its corners.

" I'll be a grandmother? " she murmurs wonderingly to herself, the tired creases of her eye smoothing as it rounds in marvel and shock. She's going to be a grandmother! Despite all the stumbles on the path of raising Crowsight, the pitfalls she'd carved with her own paws . . . he's turned out alright. He's found the love he deserves, and he'll be starting a family. It's all she can do not to let the happy warmth threatening her lower lashes spill before they've had a proper confirmation.

It doesn't take long for Owlheart to make it to Fireflyglow's shared den, and not much longer after that for the bulky tom to come darting out of the hazel bush with a worried expression on his face. One of his brother's mates were sick, they had thrown up near the corner of camp. He hadn't ran like this in quite some time, the scarred tom skidding to a halt at the gathering group.

"Excuse me," Fireflyglow clears his throat politely, making his way through the small crowd before his milky blues land on his brother in reassurance. "I'm here. I'll look." He promises, turning to Oddgleam with a gentle smile. His paws reach out, halting momentarily over their sides. "Is it alright to touch you? I just need to feel your belly." He asks Odd softly, already having a theory in his mind. With Oleanderkit catching yellowcough recently, the subtle worry in his mind never ebbs as he waits for permission.​
With the aftertaste of puke resting in his tongue, his muzzle wrinkles up at the smell of his leftovers... near him. An ear twitches at his mates voice, he breathes through his nostrils as he opens his maw. "I... don't know. I suddenly did– this." A shaky paw gestures at the vomit, he shudders at the thought of him and many others watching– No, witnessing him gagging like an animal. So Disgusting. Vile. Never again.

As he heard Edenberry's voice speak up, he slowly turns his head towards the pinstriped feline with a blink. Uh. Their stuttering makes his tail twitch through the grass, eventually curling near his paws. He allows the other warrior to fill the warm space, Owlheart had left an ear twitches at what his friend said next.

"Do you think it's kittens?"

He feels bile climb up to his throat again, he swallows it down. Copper eyes widen at those words. Kittens? Those little scraplets? Those noisy, babbling ones? Those...? This soon? But- There's is absolutely no way, he is having kitten's right now. Sure, all three has discussed wanting to have kits... but when they were more mature and older. He wanted to be a parent, but not now! He lets out a shaky breath escape his maw. "Yes, We have discussed wanting to have kits. But, not really... now." He agrees with Crowsights words, lifting his head up with a grimace. It was too soon, much too soon.

He lets his head bump into the black smoke's own with a small frown settling on pale lips. Starting a family... He hears pawsteps approach, ears perking when he hears Doeblaze comment on this dire predicament. She speaks on her experience of carrying Crowsight and his littermates."Y-you did?" He questions the scarred molly, with a tilt of his head. He feels a little clueless on 'expectationing children' shtick. Oddgleam feels... conflicted.

This is new territory for him, he really doesn't know what to do. He hears the voice of one of the medicine cats, he glances towards the scarred, bulky tom. He watches as Fireflyglow raise his paws towards his sides, asking for permission to touch him. "Ah... Right, of course." The calico answers the medicine cat's question.
  • temp oddgleam reference
  • ( LIKE HONEY IN WARM MILK ) ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ ODDGLEAM. ╱ skyclan warrior.
    ⸝⸝ non-binary ; HE / THEY ; 16 MOONS OLD & AGES EVERY 7TH.
    bi-pan / polyamorous / mated to crowsight & owlheart
    pretty, long-legged medium furred sliver-cream calico with copper eyes.
    battle notesthoughts ; "Speech, ac7d88" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like caramel frappe & chilled stone
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone

he learned a long time ago that life is kind of just unfair. things don't go as planned always, especially when living in a clan. but he's okay. he swears. he's not someone who takes the bad and keeps going down further into a spiral, he's always tried to be better, so that he can help his friends and family be better. yeah, right. you have always been the most pathetic of your family. ugh, not right now. his inner voice is always so negative, before he can even stop it. he hates that.

as he walks over to the group, his tail gently twitches as he dips his head in greeting to his brother and his brother's mates, deciding to stand near his mother as he looks over them. his face, for the most part, reveals nothing as he simply stares. kits. they're having kits. he's going to be an uncle but... why isn't he happy? no, that can't be right. of course he's happy. he is. he's just also... his ears pin back and he shakes his head and offers a smile.

"if it i-is kits, then big congratulations, y-yes?"

he takes a step back, tail tapping against the ground as he decides to avoid the gazes of those around him.

"i'll be the b-best uncle these kits h-have got."

drowsynose declares. he won't let his jealousy breach the surface. he can't. he's never let it before and it certainly won't happen now. he's happy for crowsight. really.
Fireflyglow listens to the chatter around him, the early congratulations making a small smile appear on his face. He'd be an uncle again, he hoped. His paws press gently to Odd's sides, moving down to his belly to press firmly into it to knead. Just as he thought, he could feel little round bumps in his clanmate's stomach, little mounds that slightly squirmed beneath his touch.

"..Yep." He confirms aloud with a smile, his voice never wavering from his own excitement. "Kits. You're pregnant, my friend." He chimes in a sing-song tone, pulling back to let his mates join his side once more. There was something inside of him that squirmed with envy, the thought of having his own kits a mere dream. His smile wavers for a second, but as he turns to touch his nose to Crow's shoulder and whisper his congratulations to his little brother, he can't help but feel a bit sad.

"You will have to join the nursery real soon. Butterflytuft and the other Queens can help with the move." He suggests softly, before he slowly begins to pad back to his den. He wouldn't stick around to ruin the joy of this moment.

// out! <3​
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