BOTTLE ROCKET \ sunstride

With the deputy and a medicine cat as parents, and a lead warrior as his mentor, Featherpaw's mind often dwelled on thought of expectation. Was he to have leaderly traits, a kind heart, a talent for usefulness?

Given the opportunity to spend time with Sunstride, though... he found that comfort usurped those feelings, at least temporarily. Snowy paws could step forward and his words could wade into conversation, a restless head stilled. Temporarily, building fear of being anything but perfect took a backseat. She could almost be a kitten again, except given a bigger sandbox to roam.

They stepped side by side- Featherpaw's gaze followed a plumy cloud that splayed from her nostrils, breath made visible in the frozen air. Leafbare was looming. He was attentive enough to have learned it, and observed how it made hackles raise in tension. "... What's snow like?" It was a stupid, childish question. Featherpaw felt as if she should have used her breath for loftier matters. But... "Is it d... d-dangerous...?"

✦ penned by pin