camp bought a spaceship .. [prompt]

. ° ✦ Wide set ears pinned closely to the sides of his skull while his nose was pointed upward. Something felt off in the air in every way that Bravekit hadn't experienced before; the scent, the way it tasted. It made his pelt prickle in an uneasy discomfort. A new experience from the wilds he was born into, feeling the weight of an oncoming storm under his skin. It made his nose tickle in a way that any new scent did, making his whiskers twitch as the scent was locked in and sought for a reason as the why it was there.

Leopardtongue was always the first cat he went to for all of his worldly questions. His mother knew everything about ThunderClan, about the suns shine and the moons hushed light, about the crunchy leaves he kept as prizes as the many many stones he brought her to see. He wondered if he should ask her about the clouds above, ask if that was why he felt the way he did. Deep blue sights stared up as normally puffy white clouds had expanded into a gloom of grey. Bubbling and rolling into one another with the wind. It was nothing like the pale milky glaze over the sunlight like when he had first seen snow, it was different. There was no sun at all today. Just shadows and a chilling feeling of something about to happen- but what?

Bravekit wondered, briefly, if the rumbling above his head was the same he felt in his chest. The unsteadiness of facing the oncoming storm, the hesitancy behind experiencing something unknown. He hadn't even thought of looking to the other warriors, Clanmates far older and seasoned than himself, to see if they felt the same. In fact his gaze was fixated like a moth to flickering light on to dark veil that shadowed his bold sun. Was it still safe to be out and play when the sky was this way? Would his mother or father come to swoop him into their jaws and tuck him into the safety of the nursery?

"Something... Something made the clouds sick." Bravekit murmured aloud, breath airy as if he hadn't even realized he spoke.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc: — [ sky before a storm ]
    bravekit sees a storms approach for the first time!
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that tangles easily. Paws that seem too big for his little body. Wide fuzzy satellite ears.
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There is much from his childhood that he does not remember, the memories are lost to time, faded. Like the time his mother had shown them the first snow, he can picture it if he really focuses but all the smaller details are blurry. He wishes he had held on to those moments tighter, that he had appreciated what he had while he had it. Bravekit makes him remember the childlike wonder he once held, and it makes him miss that part of himself but it is a piece he does not think he will ever get back. Too much separates who he was then from who he was now.

Still, he snorts in amusement at the kits questions. Kits were always saying funny things like that. Are the clouds sick? "I guess thats a good way of putting it" he says, laughter inflicting his voice with undisguised amusement. "Do you feel that? In the air?" the moisture, the electric current that makes their hair stand on end "That feeling and that smell combined with clouds that look like that" he gestures to the dark horizon "It means a storm is coming. When that happens, it rains, sometimes really hard. And sometimes a flash of light races across the sky or the sky makes a rumbling sound. The light is called lightning and the sound is what our clan is named after. Thunder. It's nothing to be afraid of, but if you see the light in the sky it is best to stay inside a den" he has never seen a cat be struck by lightning but almost it had happened and he knows it could.

The wind has picked up, her thick fur billowing in the gales that rush into their camp now. She stares off into the distance, at the clouds that roll closer to their territory. The hunting patrols better be on their way back, Howlingstar can’t help but think, worry for her clanmates out in the forest heavy on her mind.

Her train of thought is interrupted by little Bravekit’s voice, saying the clouds are sick and her grandson is quick to explain what storms are. Briefly, her eyes shut as a small huff of amusement escapes her nostrils before she gets to her paws. “I’m sure Leopardtongue will want you inside very soon. Burnstorm is right, thunderstorms aren’t something to mess around in. Even warriors must shelter from them,” She explains as she approaches, glancing towards the nursery to see if the queen is there.
. ° ✦ Burnstorm humored his observation and pointed out the exact changes he felt within him. It was uncomfortably, like a sticky leaf he couldn't shake or comb from his pelt. The Lead goes on to explain and Bravekit faced him fully to listen intently. The makings of a storm, the key ingredients to know when one was arriving.

"We're named after that?" Wide blues turn away from Burnstorm back to swirls of grey and ash with an open maw. He tried to imagine the description, a flash of light flickering like beams between the treetops. A ferocious growl erupting from the sky- he imagined it as a battle cry before a descent into battle. So lost in his visions he didn't catch the subtle nudge for him to head back into the nursery soon until Howlingstar spoke.

His focused turned to the tabby and he nodded his head politely. "I don't wanna make her upset! I'll go around and tell all the warriors to get in their dens so their mothers know they're safe too. But, do leaders get scared of storms too, Howlingstar? Aren't you stronger?"
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that tangles easily. Paws that seem too big for his little body. Wide fuzzy satellite ears.
.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
Batwing hardly remembered his mother. Well, he did, but he didn't. Recalling memories so often oft returned with the fact they became worn- like looking at the same polaroid the same way, in the sun, for thirty years. The picture fades, the paper becoming brittle. It was like that, but his heart ached remembering the she-cat that had carried him into life. Now he felt he had a similar responsibility- helping his mate along in life, keeping his kits heads high.

A tiny grin graced his face at Bravekit's natural curiosity- something he was so grateful for. Batwing dipped his head in appreciation to both Burnstorm and Howlingstorm, coming around to gently nudge his son's shoulder. "Leopardtongue will appreciate you back inside, when the storms start. Getting your fur wet during leafbare is dangerous, you know." Batwing licked his son's head, before picking his head up, amusement written deep in his features.

A hearty chuckle escapes her, gentle smile gracing her maw. "Your father is right," She comments, gaze flicking up to look at Batwing as he nudges his son's shoulder. "The warriors will be fine getting themselves into their dens, but you must listen to Batwing and go to your mother, alright?" It's amazing what a title can do. How a rank, a -star at the end of her name and extra lives can make the little kit think so highly of her strength. She isn't afraid of storms, hasn't been for a long time, but as a veteran mother she knows when it's better to lie. "Oh yes, even leaders get scared of storms. That's why I'm going into my den, too, to stay nice and dry." She points her muzzle towards the nursery, gesturing for him to get a move on, but she doesn't let that smile fall from her face.
Had Leopardtongue known how much of a pawful kits were she would have waited until later in life to have them, though despite that she wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. She'd been napping while others kept their eyes on her kits, some sleeping with her and others like Bravekit going off out of the nursery on his own to watch the sky, only to be awoken by what felt like a shift in the air. It grew heavier and it got colder for a quick moment as the storm clouds rolled in and so when she stirred she quickly checked around the nursery to see who all was in there before leaving to gather the rest of her litter. Old enough now to explore camp without the supervision of someone directly by their side, but still so young as to be curious over anything and everything, she knew they wouldn't travel too far and she was thankful for that.

Upon leaving the nursery entrance she heard her name and heard her son's voice and she found herself moving towards the group that gathered around Bravekit, brushing against Batwing's side for a moment before licking the top of her son's head just as the other had before a smile pressed on her maw. "Why don't you come watch the storm from inside the nursery? We can see the rain fall from the entrance where we can stay dry but you can still hear the thunder." It was nice sometimes, when the thunder rolled across the sky.

  • "speaking" // thinking // action
    Leopardtongue - 39 moons - she/her - Queen of ThunderClan
    heterosexual - taken by Batwing
    penned by tikki