( 𖦹 )  " Mom, mom, come look! " calls Hiccup-paw, words muffled by the bird in his maw. He breezes past his mentor to present his catch to SkyClan's deputy, large paws thumping eagerly across SkyClan's camp.

He places his prize on the ground for a moment to speak; he'll bring it to the freshkill pile later. Showing Orangeblossom comes first. It was hard, her being gone. Her and Cherrypaw, and Hiccup-paw's heart raced with worry that they wouldn't return. He threw himself into his training, his socializing, plastering a wide and wobbly smile on his face to hide the worry.

But he doesn't have to worry anymore, because they both came back alive and mostly whole. He's been sticking closer to his family, now.

Hiccup-paw is quick to explain the source of his excitement, his excuse for seeking out his very busy mother. " I caught a - a - " Hiccup-paw squints at the bird, tongue peeking out in concentration. He cant quite remember what bird it is. The round ones, with the little antenna-feather. Names cycle by in a jumble -- not a shrike, not a pigeon... Q-something? His mind moves too fast in its excitement to grasp the name. " A big one! " He eventually declares with a bubbling, excited giggle.

Hiccup-paw bounces a bit in place. " Bet I - bet my bird - bet it - it could feed the whoooooole clan! Another giggle, as his mind catches up to the words, before he continues somewhat sheepishly. " "Or, heh, not the whole clan, maybe, but a lotta cats! Right, mom? " He beams at Orangeblossom, alight with excitement and waiting like a twoleg puppy for praise.

  • // please wait for @orangeblossom !
  • " SPEECH "


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    orangeblossom | tags
    — she/her ; deputy of skyclan, mentoring eveningpaw.
    — scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes.
    "speech" ; thoughts
    — chibi by waluigipinball
    — penned by mercibun. @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots.
Orangeblossom's torn ear twitches as a familiar meow - mom! mom, come look! - reaches her, the deputy swivelling on the spot to face her son as Hiccup-paw ambles over. Her own conversation is abruptly forgotten as her eyes alight on the red-and-white tabby (having to angle upwards, she realises with a jolt) and the great quail which dangles from his jaws. The ground-trapped birds are among their smaller prey at this time of the season-cycle, but its talons nearly brush the camp floor from Hiccup-paw's considerable height and Orangeblossom's pelt fluffs up with pride. He's right; it could feed a good chunk of the Clan.

She reaches up to tap her muzzle against the top of his head, though it's difficult to do so with the way he bounces in place with all his leftover energy. He's always been one of her more energetic kittens, and growing up somewhat hasn't changed that.

"Well done." When she leans back out of his space, she regards his bounty with a thoughtful hum. SkyClan was recovering well, the lungwort brought home by Figfeather and Slate ahead of their group more than enough to keep them healing, and those who had been injured were healing well under Fireflypaw's care. She's proud of the medicine cat apprentice, but her mind wanders to the warrior code; to the queens and their young kits in the nursery. Orangeblossom hums. "Do you want to go and ask the queens if they've eaten yet? I'm sure they'll be very proud of your catch."
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Bitter. He's bitter watching this scene unfold. When was the last time his mom showed him affection. Part of him is hunt an even bigger bird and show it off to Orangeblossom hoping she would say something positive about it, but she'd probably look at him funny and ultimately make him regret showing her. Hiccup-paw is Cherrypaw's brother. He can't say he hates the tom considering they weren't exactly close. They do know each other considering they were all apprenticed the same time and had played together when they were kits. It's not much, but his paws seem to ideas of their own as they made their way towards mother and son. Considering he's already intruded and it would be even more weird to just turn around and leave he looks at the bird and does note that it is bigger than normal. "Good catch, this is big. Where'd you catch it? I want some feathers." Of course his mind would return to feathers. His love for them can be a bit concerning.

The apprentices already know that his nest has an abundance of feathers as well as other trinkets. He may or may not have a little problem, but that's for another time. He is aware that Orangeblossom is here and turns to face her. it's been awhile since he's talked to her and he isn't sure what's her opinion of him. She was with his mother on the journey along with Cherrypaw. What do I even talk about? Think Crowpaw. "Hiccup-paw's pretty mom can I take him?" Uhm. It is safe to say that Crowpaw needs some work. He had intended to ask permission from Orangeblossom to hang out with Hiccup-paw as if she would scold him if he suddenly dragged the other apprentice to wherever this bird had been caught. Maybe she understood, given she did look after him a little bit when he was a kit. She was by no means his mother, but she watched over him while his mother took a break.

Though it wasn't him Hiccup-paw was calling for- because why would it be, ever- Twitchbolt could not help but look the young tom's way as he bounded up to his mother. Memories deep-set of a similar scenario with Tidespin played in Twitchbolt's memory, but thankfully this little exchange had now played out the same way. A shaky but approving smile made its home on his maw, quaking as he approached to utter his own congratulations.

Crowpaw, though- he seemed intent on catching his own prize, if not for the good of sustaining SkyClan but instead the feathers. Bent whiskers twitched with vague amusement at the apprentice calling SkyClan's deputy herself Hiccup-paw's pretty mom. Wide eyes creaked up to the deputy's face for a moment, before Twitchbolt uttered, "You- you might be better off calling her Orangeblossom." That at least held a certain level of respect to it. Humour twinkled within olivine eyes as he looked back up to the deputy's face. "Unless that's your preferred title." A jerk of the head in Crowpaw's direction.
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