bounceheart hub/bio


i've found catharsis in every wave
Oct 17, 2022

✧ Ash; birthname, given by mother for color of fur. Bounceheart; given for playful demeanor
✧ afab - she/they
✧ 35 moons, ages every 17th
✧ riverclan, warrior

✧ open to friendly powerplay; healing, bumps, etc
✧ available for threads, plots, backwriting, etc. pm me on discord (jules, @comfinesse) for more info
✧ i prefer to let these develop IC, however as stated before i'm willing to backwrite some things like family relations, and casual relationships (i.e. friends, former group mates)

✧ gray mackerel tabby with a snowshoe pattern and white paws. medium-length, sleek fur. sky - blue eyes.
✧ CURRENT INJURIES / ILLNESSES: n/a, exhausted from the season

( + ) adventurous, light-hearted, friendly, ambitious
( / ) jokester, energetic, competitive
( - ) sarcastic, stubborn, gullible
✧ enjoys swimming, climbing trees, races, pushing people's buttons; always looking for something small to make the day better.
✧ ENFP-A "The Campaigner"
✧ The Sun -
"The card portends good fortune, happiness, joy and harmony. It represents the universe coming together and agreeing with your path and aiding forward movement into something greater."
✧ asd - affects her communication + emotions as well as interpreting others. learned to mask after joining clan but asd doesn't disappear, thus some things can trigger what others may see as an excessive reaction (it is).

✧ engages in verbal altercation - will not begin a fight - will flee if unengaged in combat
✧ allows friendly/passive powerplay (healing, anything unaggressive)
✧ penned by @jules

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bounceheart ✧ she/her ✧ riverclan warrior (=˃ᆺ˂=)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam a blandit nisl. Nunc nec iaculis dui. Donec velit ante, elementum a sodales eu, efficitur ac urna. Curabitur non ante venenatis, mattis elit nec, vestibulum turpis. Suspendisse vitae convallis ex. Quisque non sem metus. Vestibulum aliquet mauris sit amet posuere vestibulum. Sed bibendum urna eget volutpat mollis.
heres some lazy ass facts/plots i have to develop

- learn to fish
- develop her snarkiness/quick wit more when she gets comfortable w/ clan
- get more into sparring
- personal connections?
- was a very rambunctious and energetic child, only mellowed out after adulthood
- parents part of a small rogue group, traveling unclaimed territory. she got herself lost one day and learned to care for herself. this has made her untrusting due to her lack of relationships w/ others
- was very mouthy when younger, hence her quick wit. grew to be more empathetic towards others.
- pushyyy affff. loves to push buttons & agitate people who she finds unpleasant.
- envious of kittypets for having an easy life
- afraid of snakes & death
- basically an agnostic atheist, as she did not grow up following starclan. is otherwise tolerant of it, and will entertain the idea.
- loves to be in everyones business. ya mama’s, ya doggy’s, it doesn’t matter who, she wants to know everything
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